showing 10 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdisplayplatform
Army and Strategy: The Crusades  Pied Pipers Entertainment2013 13thcentury commercial crusades earth europe grid grid-irregular license-proprietary medieval meleeweapons middleages militantprotagonist naturalistic past realworld swords templar walking wargame rasterLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Crusaders: Thy Kingdom Come Virgin Play;NeoCoreGames (NeoCoreGames)2008 adv-undefined crusades directx9 download dvd earth europe faith fame magic magicartefacts medieval middleages morale premadecharacters upkeep veterancy weathereffects winvista winxp xp-undefined textured polygonsWindowslabelimageminimize
Knights of the Temple  TDK (Starbreeze Studios)2004 crusades earth historicalfantasy kott-series textured polygonsGameCubelabelimagesubject
Stronghold Crusader II  FireFly Studios2014 12thcentury construction-instant crusades fortresssimulation havokphysics langbrazil-port medieval mode-skirmish mp-cooperative nocampaign nostory rating-pegi-12 realtimestrategy resourceharvesting steampowered stronghold-series tutorial wasteland textured polygonsWindowslabelminimizeminimize
The Cursed Crusade Atlus USA;dtp entertainment (Kylotonn Games)2011 13thcentury actionadventure companion cooperation crusades curse demons dualwielding earth europe itemdurability medieval meleeweapons middleages quicktimeevent shields splatter swords walking textured polygonsWindowslabelimagesubject
The Cursed Crusade Atlus USA;dtp entertainment (Kylotonn Games)2011 13thcentury companion cooperation crusades curse dualwielding earth europe itemdurability medieval middleages quicktimeevent shields splatter swords walking textured polygonsX360labelminimizeminimize
The Cursed Crusade Atlus USA;dtp entertainment (Kylotonn Games)2011 13thcentury companion cooperation crusades curse dualwielding earth europe itemdurability medieval middleages quicktimeevent rating-esrb-m shields splatter swords walking textured polygonsPS3labelimageminimize
The First Templar Kalypso Media Digital (Haemimont Games)2011 13thcentury actionadventure controlswitch crusades drm drm-login earth europe kalypsolauncher mp-cooperative mp-dropin past rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-16 rpgelements templar textured polygonsWindowslabelimagesubject
The First Templar Kalypso Media Digital (Haemimont Games)2011 13thcentury actionadventure controlswitch crusades earth europe mp-cooperative mp-dropin past rating-pegi-16 rpgelements templar textured polygonsX360labelimageminimize
The Kings' Crusade Paradox Interactive (NeoCoreGames)2010 crusades medieval rating-pegi-16 textured polygonsWindowslabelminimizeminimize