showing 8 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagslanguageplatform
Yatzy ?? commercial dice dicereroll license-proprietary uvl-confusable yahtzee Newtonlabelminimizeminimize
Yatzy for Newton ?? dice dicereroll langnorse uvl-confusable yahtzee en, otherNewtonlabelminimizeminimize
Blood Bowl II (Blood Bowl 2) Focus Home Interactive (Cyanide)2015 bloodbowl boardgametiein caprinoids dicemechanics dicepool dicepool-variable dicereroll dwarves elves fouling goblins grid grid-square madeupsport minionpermadeath orcs persistentminions randomchance steampowered uniqueminions whfantasy enWindowslabelminimizeminimize
Blood Bowl II (Blood Bowl 2) Focus Home Interactive (Cyanide)2015 bloodbowl boardgametiein dicemechanics dicepool dicepool-variable dicereroll dwarves fouling grid grid-square madeupsport minionpermadeath orcs persistentminions randomchance uniqueminions whfantasy enPS4labelimagesubject
Blood Bowl II (Blood Bowl 2) Focus Home Interactive (Cyanide)2015 bloodbowl boardgametiein dicemechanics dicepool dicepool-variable dicereroll dwarves fouling grid grid-square madeupsport minionpermadeath orcs persistentminions randomchance uniqueminions whfantasy enXbox Onelabelimagesubject
Tharsis Choice Provisions 2016 cannibalism dicemechanics dicephysics dicepool dicepool-variable dicereroll extraterrestrial mars multipleendings randomchance rating-pegi-12 spacecraft-location splatter steampowered titlementioned titularlocale tutorial enWindowslabelminimizeminimize
Talisman: The Horus Heresy Nomad Games2016 dice dicereroll randomchance steampowered uvl-tiein wh40k enWindowslabelminimizeminimize
Talisman: The Horus Heresy Nomad Games2016 dice dicereroll randomchance steampowered uvl-tiein wh40k enMac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize