showing 3 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeardescriptionplatform
King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown Sierra On-Line1990This remake of King's Quest uses the Sierra's Creative Interpreter (SCI) engine (the same used in King's Quest IV) instead of the Adventure Game Interpreter (AGI) engine. It also featured twice the resolutions, music card support instead of the PC speaker, the story was expanded and made more linear, and lots of other details were modified.

King's Quest Collector's Edition published 1994, UPC:0-20626-83312-7, includes this version on the 1st CD.
Leisure Suit Larry 3: Passionate Patty in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals! Sierra On-Line1989French version
[52]***Are you smooth, suave, single guy on the make or maybe you fancy yourself the sleek, sexy femme fatale? Whoever you are, get ready for a look at the other side of life. In Sierra's latest 3-D adventure, Leisure Suit Larry III: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals, you're BOTH

As Larry... you'll get dumped by your woman and lose your job at Natives, Inc. What better reason to take off into the steamy jungle ruled by Amazon cannibal woman.

As Patti... you'll follow Larry's trail deep into the overgrown jungle. Find your lover, and rescue him from a life of sex slavery at the hands of the man-eating cannibal Amazon women who have taken him prisoner.

Leisure Suit Larry III is the first Sierra game ever to allow you to switch roles and see the story from another point of view. In our first ever role-switching adventure, you'll experience a new dimension of computer adventure. Become Larry, trying to find himself in the jungles of Nontoonyt Island, and Passionate Patti, searching for the man of her dreams (who seems to have dropped off the face of the earth).
Roberta Williams' Mixed-Up Mother Goose Sierra On-Line1991A GAME YOUR CHILDREN WILL LOVE.
Bestselling authoress Roberta Williams is a master storyteller, famous for her fantasy adventure games. Now, Sierra combines her magic touch with the classic rhymes of Mother Goose to create her first adventure game for kids.
Mixed Up Mother Goose has been made so simple that even young children can play it when adults are out of the room. Once you get the program started, your child can take over because only a few keys are necessary.

Help your child pick from a variety of characters (male or female) to represent him or her in the game. Help them type their name to further personalize their character. Mother Goose can now use your child's name while talking to him or her throughout the adventure.

Roberta Williams takes your child on an adventure in dreamland where he or she will help Mother Goose by finding missing pieces to some of her most popular rhymes. Find the missing sheep and take them back to Little Bo Peep. Help Little Miss Muffet find her Tuffet. Find the pail and return it to Jack and Jill. Your child will even go on a quest at the service of Old King Cole.
Once the rhyme has been corrected, it comes to life in brilliant color and splendid animation, and the rhyme is performed for your child by the onscreen characters. Each is accompanied by a charming musical score so your child can sing along.

* Up to twelve children can save their game according to their name. Great for brothers and sisters or classroom groups.
* Easy-to-use menus make it simple to play, save the game, or select options such as joystick control.
* Includes a free color map of Mother Goose Land.
* Randomly located objects and characters allow your child to enjoy playing Mixed Up Mother Goose over and over again.