showing 14 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsplatform
Code of the Samurai  Sega;Midas Interactive Entertainment (Red Entertainment)2005 19thcentury earth edoperiod japan meleeweapons swords PS2labelminimizeminimize
Hissatsu!  Sunsoft (Bandai)1996 edoperiod japan past rating-sr-allages Saturnlabelminimizeminimize
In This Dream of Ours ouroboros2012 17thcentury 2ndmillennium asia asia-east edoperiod feudaljapan japan kineticnovel past renpy visualnovel Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Muramasa Rebirth  Vanillaware;Aksys Games (Vanillaware)2013 asia asia-east edoperiod feudaljapan japan puppetanimation rating-cero-b rating-esrb-t spritemorphing PS Vitalabelimageminimize
Muramasa: The Demon Blade  Marvelous Entertainment;Rising Star Games;Ignition Entertainment (Vanillaware)2009 asia asia-east edoperiod feudaljapan japan puppetanimation spritemorphing uvl-workingtitle Wiilabelimagesubject
Musashi no Bouken  Sigma Enterprises (Quest)1990 17thcentury 2ndmillennium bodyarmor bossbattles combatmode companion currency earth edoperiod encounters-random encounters-unseen familiars feudaljapan gamesaves healingitems inventory japan meleeweapons monsters past premadeprotagonist safezone saveram shopping swords toxins turnbasedcombat walking xp-kills NESlabelimageminimize
Ōokuki  Global A Entertainment2008 earth edoperiod femaleprotagonist japan map naturalistic revenge youngadultprotagonist PS2labelminimizeminimize
Ryū ga Gotoku Kenzan!  Sega (Amusement Vision)2008 city city-kyoto-jp edoperiod giondistrict-kyoto-jp japan kyoto prostitutes spinoff willowtrees yakuza-series PS3labelimageminimize
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun Daedalic Entertainment (Mimimi Productions)2016 1620s 17thcentury 2ndmillennium clandestine commercial demo download earth edoperiod feudaljapan gog japan license-proprietary lutris naturalistic ninja past poisoning samurai serious steampowered ubuntu unarmedfighting walking Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun Daedalic Entertainment (Mimimi Productions)2016 1620s 17thcentury 2ndmillennium backstabbing bodydragging clandestine controlswitch distracting download earth edoperiod eyetracking femaleprotagonist feudaljapan gog grapplinghook interactionhighlight japan ladders maleprotagonist minimap multiprotagonists naturalistic ninja ninjaprotagonist npcallyawareness past permanentcorpses poisoning projectilerecovery rooftops samurai secrets-tasks serious soldiers splatter stealth stealth-sight stealthgame steampowered tactical targetedjump taskqueuing tasktracker tobiieyetracker trails tutorial unarmedfighting unrestrictedviolence walking warriorprotagonist Windowslabelimageminimize
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun Daedalic Entertainment (Mimimi Productions)2016 1620s 17thcentury 2ndmillennium clandestine download earth edoperiod feudaljapan gog japan naturalistic ninja past poisoning samurai serious steampowered unarmedfighting walking Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Tales of the Orient: The Rising Sun Greensauce Games2014 commercial customengine desura download edoperiod fallingblocks grid grid-square japan license-proprietary mode-challenge obscurerelease past Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Tenka no Goikenban: Mito Koumon  Sunsoft1987 17thcentury asia-east currency edoperiod feudaljapan japan tvseries voiceovers NESlabelimageminimize
The Ninja  Sega1986 consoleclassix edoperiod feudaljapan instantdeath japan lives ninja palace runandgun thrownweapons Master Systemlabelimagesubject