showing 1 - 50 of 184 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

name arrow_upwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsplatform
Zzyzzyxx  Cinematronics1982 endless lives mame nomatrading-hw score verticalscreen Arcadelabelimageminimize
You Are The Dragon author (auhor)2015 destructibleenvironment download dragonprotagonist endless free2play license-proprietary nodrm rewardingvandalism score scoreoriented Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Yie Ar Kung-Fu Imagine1985 1on1fighting endless martialarts nunchucks score staves unarmedfighting Amstrad CPClabelimageminimize
Xevious  Namco1990 bossbattles diskwriterexclusive endless instantdeath juggernauts lives nazcalines score scrollingshooter secondaryattack xevious Famicom Disk Systemlabelimagesubject
Xevious  Namco;Bandai (Namco)1984 bossbattles consoleclassix endless instantdeath juggernauts lives nazcalines score scrollingshooter secondaryattack wiivirtualconsole xevious NESlabelimagesubject
Wrecking Crew  Nintendo1985 3dsvirtualconsole consoleclassix endless firstpartytitle instantdeath ladders launchtitle lives mario mario-universe monsters walking wiivirtualconsole NESlabelimagesubject
Widescreen Asteroids Richcraft Creations2017 aspectratio-16-9 asteroids asteroidslike darkspace display-1366x768 download endless entityventity entityvnatural fixedshooter impersonal instantdeath langinsignificant license-proprietary lives naturalistic projectilelimit qb64 score scoreoriented sourcecodeavailable space spacecraft spacecraft-small widescreen Linuxlabelimagesubject
Wheels Runner International Games1988 endless horizontalscreen mame racinggame Arcadelabelimageminimize
Warpman  Namco1985 aliens arenashooter bombs endless instantdeath lives score walking NESlabelimageminimize
Vectoroids New Breed Software? arenashooter darkspace endless entityvnatural fixedshooter langinsignificant naturalistic sdl space spacecraft-small Zauruslabelminimizeminimize
Vectoroids ?2001 asteroidslike beos darkspace endless entityvnatural fixedshooter haikuos langinsignificant license-gpl naturalistic riscos sdl space spacecraft-small x86 BeOSlabelminimizeminimize
Vectoroids New Breed Software2002 asteroidslike beos darkspace endless entityvnatural fixedshooter haikuos langinsignificant naturalistic sdl space spacecraft-small BeOSlabelminimizeminimize
Vectoroids New Breed Software2002 arenashooter asteroidslike darkspace endless entityvnatural fixedshooter langinsignificant naturalistic riscos sdl space spacecraft-small ubuntu uvl-platform-limitation Linuxlabelimagesubject
Urban Champion  Nintendo1984 3dsvirtualconsole city consoleclassix endless firstpartytitle timelimit unarmedfighting walking wiiuvirtualconsole wiivirtualconsole NESlabelimagesubject
Typing with Jester author2017 clowns commercial download ending endless femaleprotagonist genderchoice indie license-proprietary maleprotagonist premadecharacters score steampowered typing ubuntu wordinput Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Tiger-Heli  Pony Canyon;Acclaim Entertainment (Micronics)1986 aerodyne consoleclassix endless helicopter instantdeath lives powerups rotorcraft score scrollingshooter smartbomb tanks NESlabelimagesubject
Terra Cresta  Nichibutsu;Vic Tokai (Nichibutsu)1986 bossbattles consoleclassix endless lives powerups score scrollingshooter NESlabelimagesubject
SuperTotalCarnage ! Indiegala2022 arenashooter endless steampowered survival Windowslabelminimizesubject
Super Duper Mario Bro Carnegie Mellon University? crabs death endless fangame instantdeath lives nofalldamage panda3d score testudines Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Star-Wars  Sun Microsystems (StarDivision)2002 alieninvasion endless entityvsupernatural fixedshooter instantdeath langinsignificant lives Linuxlabelminimizesubject
SSI Poker SSI1990 endless mame poker Arcadelabelimageminimize
Sqoon  Irem (Home Data)1986 alieninvasion antiheroprotagonist consoleclassix crabs earth endless fish instantdeath lives merfolk notnintendocontentguid nudity ocean rescue ruins score scrollingshooter submarine underwater uvl-searchelp NESlabelimageminimize
Spy Hunter author1993 ♫petergunntheme boatcombat cemetery endless helicopters motorboat multiphased river score spyhunter tombstones traffic trucks vehicularcombat Apple IIGSlabelminimizeminimize
Spy Hunter Sunsoft1987 ♫petergunntheme boatcombat cemetery consoleclassix endless helicopters motorboat multiphased notnintendocontentguid river score scrollingshooter spyhunter tombstones traffic trucks vehicularcombat NESlabelimagesubject
Space Sweep  Commodore (Mr. Micro)1984 2370s 24thcentury 3rdmillennium alieninvasion assemblylang cassette darkspace endless fuel future instantdeath lives space C16/Plus4labelimageminimize
Sky Destroyer  Taito (Home Data)1985 20thcentury aerodyne aeroplane endless fighteraircraft instantdeath lives pacificocean propellerplane score worldwar2 NESlabelimageminimize
Shoot It  Tynesoft1984 alieninvasion endless fixedshooter lives spaceinvaderslike C16/Plus4labelimageminimize
Seicross  Nichibutsu;FCI (Nichibutsu)1986 consoleclassix endless lutris rescue score scrollingshooter wiiuvirtualconsole wiivirtualconsole NESlabelimageminimize
Sega-Galaga  Sega1983 endless fixedshooter lives score SG-1000labelimageminimize
Satellite 7  Sega1985 bossbattles endless lives score segacard Master Systemlabelimageminimize
Rogue Rocks AUX-IN Games2019 asteroids commercial darkspace download endless entityvnatural fixedshooter gamepad godotengine keyboard langinsignificant license-proprietary lives mouse naturalistic opengl opengles score scoreoriented space spacecraft spacecraft-small steampowered ubuntu Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Road Fighter  Konami;Palcom (Konami)1985 car endless fuel score NESlabelimageminimize
Road Fighter Friends Software2000 car endless fuel score MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Road Fighter author? car cassette difficulty driving earth endless fuel harmfultouch instantdeath landvehicle langinsignificant latemodernperiod motorracing motorsport naturalistic present score traffic wheeledvehicle Memotech MTXlabelminimizeminimize
Road Fighter Konami1985 car difficulty driving earth endless fuel harmfultouch instantdeath konamigamecollection landvehicle langinsignificant latemodernperiod motorracing motorsport naturalistic present score traffic wheeledvehicle MSXlabelimageminimize
River Patrol  Orca1981 crazyclimber-hw endless horizontalscreen lives mame rescue score watercraft-small Arcadelabelimageminimize
Rampage Electric Dreams;Activision1988 3disk 3ormoreplayers city demolition endless giantmonsterprotagonist giantmonsters illinois lives monsters mp-cooperative rampage rampage-series score Amstrad CPClabelimagesubject
Raid on Bungeling Bay  Brøderbund;Hudson Soft (Hudson Soft)1985 aerodyne consoleclassix endless helicopter island lives multidirshooter ocean rotorcraft uvl-sku NESlabelimagesubject
R.C. Pro-Am  Nintendo;Hyundai (Rare)1988 20thcentury 2ndmillennium combatracing consoleclassix endless firstpartytitle landvehicle latemodernperiod lives minimap motorracing motorsport racing rcproamengine score serious streetracing uvl-workingtitle vehicularcombat wheeledvehicle NESlabelimagesubject
Punchy Mr. Micro1984 assemblylang cassette endless lawenforcerprotagonist lives punchandjudy score timelimit C16/Plus4labelimageminimize
Punch Ball Mario Bros.  Hudson Soft1984 comicalaction endless instantdeath lives mario mario-universe score testudines Sharp X1labelimageminimize
Punch Ball Mario Bros.  Hudson Soft1984 comicalaction endless instantdeath lives mario mario-universe score testudines MICRO 7 - FM7labelimageminimize
Punch Ball Mario Bros.  Hudson Soft1984 comicalaction endless instantdeath lives mario mario-universe score testudines NEC PC6001labelminimizeminimize
Punch Ball Mario Bros.  Hudson Soft1984 comicalaction endless instantdeath lives mario mario-universe score testudines NEC PC8801labelimageminimize
Primal Fears DnS Development2013 3ormoreplayers achievements assaultrifles chapterreplay chapterreplay-cumulative dark-limited decoys deployables difficulty disclaunchers endless enemyhealthdisplay firearms flamethrowers grenades hammerandanvil healthdrops independentaim keys lamp levelhub levelselection limitedsupplies machineguns mines mode-horde monsters mp-cooperative mutants nailguns nocampaign paidkilling rockets scenarios score scoremultipliers scoreoriented shadermodel3 shopping shotguns sizeispower splatter splittingcreatures ssao steampowered story-intermissions swarmers upgradesystem Windowslabelimagesubject
Popeye  Nintendo1983 birds cartoon claiming comic consoleclassix endless firstpartytitle harmfultouch instantdeath ladders launchtitle lives nintendo4atarichristmas nofalldamage platformer popeye score uvl-sku walking NESlabelimagesubject
Pooyan  Hudson Soft1985 anthroprotagonist bows endless femaleprotagonist fixedshooter instantdeath lives lutris pigs score wiiuvirtualconsole wiivirtualconsole wolves NESlabelimageminimize
Planet Explorers Pathea Games2016 2280s 23rdcentury 3rdmillennium aliens alphafunding crafting crafting-weapons crowdfunded diplomacy download ending endless farming future hunger landvehicle missionbased mp-assault mp-cooperative mp-ctf mp-teams mp-versus naturalistic opencl opengl openworldsurvivalcrafting otherworld sandbox steampowered terraindeformation ubuntu unity-engine walking Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Planet Explorers Pathea Games2016 2280s 23rdcentury 3rdmillennium aliens alphafunding crafting crafting-weapons crowdfunded diplomacy download ending endless farming future hunger landvehicle missionbased mp-assault mp-cooperative mp-ctf mp-teams mp-versus naturalistic opencl opengl openworldsurvivalcrafting otherworld sandbox steampowered terraindeformation ubuntu unity-engine walking Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Planet Explorers Pathea Games2016 2280s 23rdcentury 3rdmillennium aliens alphafunding circadiancycle commercial crafting crafting-weapons crowdfunded diplomacy download ending endless farming future hunger landvehicle license-proprietary missionbased mp-assault mp-cooperative mp-ctf mp-teams mp-versus naturalistic opencl opengl openworldsurvivalcrafting otherworld sandbox steampowered terraindeformation ubuntu unity-engine walking Linuxlabelminimizesubject
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