showing 23 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescriptionplatform
Caster Elecorn2009 acid alone bossbattles canyon damageflicker demo difficulty download freeexpansions genderchoice guidedweapons insectoids irrklang jumping lava motionblur radar rookieprotagonist score solomission steampowered superjump superspeed swimming tentaclecreatures terraindeformation titularcharacter tutorial unlimitedammo upgradesystem volcanic walking wasteland waterwalk wetland winvista winxp Episode 2 — 2010-03-04 (source: [url][/url])
... 2010-03-18 - Mac version of Episode 2***Dash across Scenic Locations destroying bug like creatures called the Flanx using 6 Unique Attacks that include Massive Terrain Deformation and High Speed Barrages of Energy Blasts!

Caster is an intense 3rd person action shooter experience with pulse pounding music that will keep you wanting more!

* Massive terrain deformation!
* Use strategy to destroy hordes of bugs with a variety of unique behaviors and attacks
* Bring trees back to life and collect energy to purchase upgrades
* Upgrade your skills to run on water and jump hundreds of feet into the air
* Pulse pounding music by Trance Emerson
* 3 levels of play (Casual, Normal, and Extreme)
* 15 missions
* 6 unique attacks***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 800 MHz CPU
* 64 MB RAM
* 16 MB VRAM
* GeForce 2 GPU
* 32 MB HD space
Caster Elecorn2009 demo download freeexpansions insectoids irrklang jumping osx osx-5 osx-6 steampowered terraindeformation walking waterwalk Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
Caster My Game Company;Elecorn (Elecorn)2009 bossbattles commercial demo desura episodic fish freeexpansions jumping license-proprietary lutris monsters openal opengl otherworld sdl shopping terraindeformation walking waterwalk x86 x86-32 x86-64 [media=youtube]V0xYdkbMVxc[/media]
[url=]Skip to Caster segment[/url]
Caster Elecorn? armcpu bossbattles commercial episodic fish freeexpansions jumping license-proprietary monsters openal opengl otherworld sdl shopping terraindeformation walking waterwalk Pandoralabelminimizeminimize
Eldritch Minor Key Games2013 amoeboids blindacquisitions blocky bombs corpselooting cthulhumythos deadlydecor deathpenalty destructibleenvironment diaries doors dungeon firearms floatingeyes freeexpansions genderchoice handguns humblewidget ichthyoids juggernauts keys keys-disposable knives ladders library magic mapgenerator meleeweapons monsters noreloading presetmaps roguelite sauroids shopping sorcery soundtrack sourcecode stash steampowered tentaclecreatures twitter unarmedfighting unknownpast Eldritch is a first-person action game inspired by roguelikes, immersive sims, and H. P. Lovecraft. Unearth ancient secrets and find your way to freedom! Sneak, fight, and explore strange worlds! Invoke mystical powers to augment your play style! Randomly generated levels provide fresh challenges and opportunities! Unlock shortcuts to jump directly to deeper dungeons!***
[12]***Un juego de exploración de mazmorras sencillo y logrado, con toques de sigilo.

-Te hace sentir como un pringao al lado de la criaturas de los relatos lovecraftianos.
-La atmósfera consigue un estado de paranoia constante.
-Puede jugarse de manera sigilosa o como un juego de acción sin complejos.
-Aparte de la campaña (3 capítulos) tiene 2 misiones extra y un modo desafío.

-Sólo se puede guardar dinero, lo demás lo pierdes todo a la muerte, haciendo el juego bastante repetitivo al principio.
-No es muy rejugable, a pesar de la generación aleatoria de escenarios.

6 de 10***[media=youtube]cLEur4Gpl4A[/media]
Eldritch Minor Key Games2013 amoeboids blindacquisitions blocky bombs commercial corpselooting cthulhumythos deadlydecor deathpenalty destructibleenvironment diaries doors download dungeon femaleprotagonist firearms floatingeyes freeexpansions genderchoice handguns humblewidget ichthyoids juggernauts keys keys-disposable knives ladders library license-proprietary license-zlib magic mapgenerator meleeweapons monsters nodrm noreloading presetmaps roguelite sauroids shopping sorcery soundtrack sourcecode stash steampowered tentaclecreatures twitter ubuntu unarmedfighting unknownpast Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Eldritch Minor Key Games2013 amoeboids blindacquisitions blocky bombs corpselooting cthulhumythos deadlydecor deathpenalty destructibleenvironment diaries doors dungeon firearms floatingeyes freeexpansions genderchoice handguns humblewidget ichthyoids juggernauts keys keys-disposable knives ladders library magic mapgenerator meleeweapons monsters noreloading presetmaps roguelite sauroids shopping sorcery soundtrack sourcecode stash steampowered tentaclecreatures twitter unarmedfighting unknownpast Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Eschalon: Book II Basilisk Games2010 adv-ptdistr adv-static amnesia amoeboids animals aspectratio-4-3 automap axes blitzmax bludgeons bodyarmor bows capacity-weight cave characterbackground charactercreation chemistry circadiancycle civilianprotagonist color-16bit color-32bit combatstyles containers criminalactivity damagetypes dark-limited demo dialog-sentences directx7 directx9 discriminatingcustomers disease display-1024x768 dodgechance doors doors-breakable download dvd dwarves dynamicweather energyitems energyregen energyregen-slow episodic eschalonseries explosiveobjects fofindicator forest freeexpansions genderchoice genderdifference ghosts giantanimals giantinsects giantrats giantrodents giantspiders gog graverobbing grid grid-square healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow hitchance hunger ineptveteran insectoids interactivetriggers interrupting inventory itemdurability itemidentification jewelry keys knives lamp leveluprestoration limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magicrings meleeweapons mine minimap minotaurs monsters music-ambient music-orchestral neutralmonsters npcgenerators obscuredtime openal opengl optionaltasks outlaws overburdening passive polearms potions pressureplates protagonistnaming pyrokinesis randomchance randomdamage randomizedattributes repairing resting ruins saveanywhere scrolls secrets secretsociety shallowwater shopping skeletons sorcery staticresolution stealing stealth stealth-sound subterranean swords taskfailure tasktracker teleporters thirst thoroughfares thrownweapons titlementioned town toxins trapdisarming traps trespassing unarmedfighting undead vandalism variableabilitypower variableactionpower waiting walking weathereffects weefolk wolves xaudio xp-deeds xp-kills zombies The early story suggests you play as the same character you played in Book 1, the lost skills is explained, though if you play as female the gender swap was not covered (though may be later on).***Latest version: 1.05 (as of 2010-10-29)

Version history:
* 1.02 (2010-05-17)***2008-06-10 Announced
2009-01-?? Beta (postponed)
Eschalon: Book II Basilisk Games2010 adv-ptdistr adv-static amnesia amoeboids animals aspectratio-4-3 automap axes blitzmax bludgeons bodyarmor bows capacity-weight cave characterbackground charactercreation chemistry circadiancycle civilianprotagonist color-16bit color-32bit combatstyles containers criminalactivity damagetypes dark-limited demo dialog-sentences discriminatingcustomers disease display-1024x768 doors doors-breakable download dwarves dynamicweather energyitems energyregen energyregen-slow episodic eschalonseries explosiveobjects fofindicator forest freeexpansions genderchoice genderdifference ghosts giantanimals giantinsects giantrats giantrodents giantspiders gog graverobbing grid grid-square healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow hunger ineptveteran insectoids interactivetriggers interrupting inventory itemdurability itemidentification jewelry keys knives lamp leveluprestoration limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magicrings meleeweapons mine minimap minotaurs monsters music-ambient music-orchestral neutralmonsters npcgenerators obscuredtime openal opengl optionaltasks outlaws overburdening passive polearms potions ppc pressureplates protagonistnaming pyrokinesis randomdamage randomizedattributes repairing resting ruins saveanywhere scrolls secrets secretsociety shallowwater shopping skeletons sorcery staticresolution stealing stealth stealth-sound subterranean swords taskfailure tasktracker teleporters thirst thoroughfares thrownweapons titlementioned town toxins trapdisarming traps trespassing unarmedfighting undead vandalism variableabilitypower variableactionpower waiting walking weathereffects weefolk wolves x86 xaudio xp-deeds xp-kills zombies Latest version: 1.06 (as of 2010-09-02)

Note that PPC support was dropped with version 1.06.
Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
Eschalon: Book II  My Game Company;Basilisk Games (Basilisk Games)2010 adv-ptdistr adv-static amnesia amoeboids animals aspectratio-4-3 automap axes blitzmax bludgeons bodyarmor bows capacity-weight cave characterbackground charactercreation chemistry circadiancycle civilianprotagonist color-16bit color-32bit combatstyles commercial containers criminalactivity customengine damagetypes dark-limited demo desura dialog-sentences discriminatingcustomers disease display-1024x768 doors doors-breakable download dwarves dynamicweather energyitems energyregen energyregen-slow episodic eschalonseries explosiveobjects femaleprotagonist fofindicator forest freeexpansions genderchoice genderdifference ghosts giantanimals giantinsects giantrats giantrodents giantspiders gog graverobbing grid grid-square healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow hunger indie ineptveteran insectoids interactivetriggers interrupting inventory itemdurability itemidentification jewelry keys knives lamp leveluprestoration license-proprietary limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magicrings maleprotagonist meleeweapons mine minimap minotaurs mintlinux monsters music-ambient music-orchestral neutralmonsters nodrm npcgenerators obscuredtime openal opengl optionaltasks outlaws overburdening passive polearms potions pressureplates protagonistnaming pyrokinesis randomdamage randomizedattributes repairing resting ruins saveanywhere scrolls secrets secretsociety shallowwater shopping skeletons sorcery staticresolution stealing stealth stealth-sound steampowered subterranean swords taskfailure tasktracker teleporters thirst thoroughfares thrownweapons titlementioned town toxins trapdisarming traps trespassing ubuntu unarmedfighting undead vandalism variableabilitypower variableactionpower waiting walking weathereffects weefolk wolves x86 xaudio xp-deeds xp-kills zombies Secret of Fathamurk is a free content expansion that was added with patch version 1.05.***Latest version: 1.06 (as of 2010-09-02)
[quote=Basilisk Games]1.06 is compiled with the latest libraries on Ubuntu 10.04. This might make the game incompatible with your system.[/quote]
FTL: Faster Than Light Subset Games2012 adaptivemusic airflows aliens asphyxiation beamweapons boarding colorblind commercial crewtargeting crowdfunded desura display-720p doors doors-breakable download dronebays energyshields energyweapons fanfunding firefighting freeexpansions gog humblebundle indie latestart license-crossplatform license-proprietary lutris mapgenerator minionpermadeath modsupport nodrm npcasphyxiation repairing resourceallocation robots score space spacecraft spacecraft-large spacefaringage steampowered teleport ubuntu ugc unlimitedammo upgradesystem vehiclecrew ventilation warptravel wildfire Superficially similar to the old [game=#38989]Sundog[/game], but developers themselves credit [game=Weird Worlds%25Space]Weird Worlds[/game] and Red November. Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
FTL: Faster Than Light Subset Games2012 achievements activepause adaptivemusic airflows aliens asphyxiation asteroids beamweapons blackmarket boarding cloaking collective colorblind commercial crewtargeting crowdfunded damageinfo desura difficulty display-720p dodgechance doors doors-breakable dronebays enemyparity energyshields energyweapons fanfunding firefighting freeexpansions fuel gambling group hitchance humanoids indie insectoids internaldamage latestart license-proprietary mapgenerator minionpermadeath modsupport namegenerator npcasphyxiation opengl parttargeting permadeath psychics randomchance randomevents repairing resourceallocation robots rockets score shieldregen shopping slavery space spacecraft spacecraft-large spacefaringage staticresolution steampowered stunning teleport titlementioned tutorial ugc unlimitedammo unlockable-vehicles unlockablecontent upgradesystem vehiclecrew ventilation veterancy warptravel wildfire xp-literal Un gran juego de exploración y combate especial, donde la elección de mejoras y decisiones (dónde viajar, ciertas opciones en dentro de los sistemas) es clave y brutalmente inclemente a los errores, por muy inesperados que sean.
Aunque brilla en su apartado de lucha, hubiese estado bien algunas opciones más pacíficas (rescates de naves, aterrizaje en planetas, diplomacia), ya que casi todas tus acciones están enfocadas o en luchar o en mejorar tu nave para el combate (una nave huidiza o sigilosa no es tan buena opción como un arsenal con reactores), que posiblemente le hubiesen dado algo más de variedad y encanto al juego (que si presenta situaciones como lluvias de asteroides o rescates, pero casi siempre con un enfoque como variación del campo de batalla)

7 de 10***[media=vimeo]47066972[/media]
FTL: Faster Than Light Subset Games2012 achievements activepause adaptivemusic airflows aliens asphyxiation asteroids beamweapons blackmarket boarding cloaking colorblind commercial crewtargeting crowdfunded damageinfo difficulty display-720p doors doors-breakable dronebays enemyparity energyshields energyweapons fanfunding firefighting freeexpansions fuel gambling gog hitchance humanoids indie insectoids internaldamage latestart mapgenerator minionpermadeath modsupport namegenerator npcasphyxiation opengl parttargeting permadeath psychics randomchance repairing resourceallocation robots rockets score shieldregen shopping slavery space spacecraft spacecraft-large spacefaringage staticresolution steampowered teleport tutorial ugc unlimitedammo unlockable-vehicles unlockablecontent upgradesystem vehiclecrew ventilation veterancy warptravel wildfire xp-literal Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Sanctum Coffee Stain Studios;Lace Mamba (Coffee Stain Studios)2011 3ormoreplayers achillesheelfoes actionstrategy addons alienmenace aliens alone assaultrifles autosavepoints bink bright crepuscularrays cryogenicweapons damageinfo deathless dedicatedclient depthoffield difficulty directconnect elevators eliteprotagonist encyclopedia erraticfoes femaleprotagonist firstpersonshooter flyingsporepods freeexpansions gibs indie jumping knockback leveleditor lightbloom locationaldamage militantprotagonist minionstats mp-cooperative multiphased nocampaign noports openfield opponentpreview physx precisionrifles ramparts rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 rockets sanctum-series scaleform screenshake serverbrowser shadermodel3 shotguns singlesave sizeispower solomission speechsynthesis ssao steampowered story-none structureupgrades teleporters teleporting towerdefense turrets tutorial tutorial-interactive unrealdevkit unrealengine3 upgradesystem vibrant voicechat walking waves weaponupgrades winvista winxp Especialmente interesante por su mezcla entre acción y tower defense, donde tu personaje es fundamental para evitar que se cuelen de vez en cuando enemigos de cada oleada. Además la variedad de armas y torres es grande sin ser inmanejable, y las posibilidades de crear rutas muy amplias (con el condicionante añadido de que deben ser útiles para tu personaje y no sólo para las torres). Junto a unos enemigos con ciertos puntos débiles que harías bien en explotar, dan un juego terriblemente recomendable.

7 de 10***Sanctum is a first person shooter tower defense where you take the role as Skye, an elite soldier sent out to protect her home town, Elysion One, from hordes of mysterious alien creatures.

To succeed you have to construct and upgrade defensive structures. What makes Sanctum unique from other tower defenses is that when the havoc starts, you jump right into the action with your own weapons and play a key role in the defense. Sanctum has taken the best features from first person shooters and tower defense games to create something totally unique.

Key Features:
* Experience a brand new mix of genres!
* Play through beautiful environments with unique strategic possibilities
* Develop your own strategy and build your custom mazes
* Team up with a friend in co-op mode!
* Powered by Unreal Technology, Sanctum is one of the world's best looking independent developed games!
Super Distro Horizons  Kitatus StudiosTBA claiming commercial crowdfunded desura download freeexpansions indie langbrazil-port langbulgarian langgreek langhungarian langnorse langportuguese langromanian langturkish license-proprietary mp-crossplatform mummies timelimit ubuntu undead unity-engine uvl-workingtitle Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Terraria Re-Logic;Headup Games (Re-Logic)2011 abominations aircontrol ammotypes amoeboids animals animateweapons asphyxiation automap axes blankprotagonist blockbased bloodmoon bludgeons bodyarmor bombs bossbattles bows buildingdesigning burrowers capacity-slots circadiancycle clienthost clothdyeing clothing collapsibleenvironment compositefoes containers crafting crafting-ammo crafting-sites criticalchance crossbows crossworldcharacters customtriggers damageinfo dark-limited deathpenalty deathpenalty-recovery demons destructibleenvironment destructibleworld digging directconnect directionalforce directionalforce-current directx9 dissolvingcorpses dissolvingitems doors draganddrop dragons-eastern drills dropplatforms ecosystems enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen energyweapons equipmentbased falldamage featherfall firearms firearms-early fishing flamethrowers flyingislands freeexpansions fungiculture furnishing genderchoice giantinsects giantmonsters giants giantworms gibs goblins grapplinghook handguns harmfultouch harpies healingitems healthregen hitmoderation host-dedicated indie instantmotion interactivetriggers invasivespecies inventory inventory-supplies itemgenerator itempickup-attract itempickup-auto itempickup-ignore itemsets jokeitems json juggernauts jumping keys knockback lamp lava lightsabers limitedcapacity liquidphysics loadless logging logicgates lootemup lutris machineguns magic magic-instant magicartefacts maintainedjump mapgenerator meleeweapons meteoroids midairjumping minibosses minimap mode-hardcore monsters moonphases mp-cooperative mp-customport mp-dropin mummies netframework noagenda nobossarenas nocampaign nofailstate noinvpause nonscalinggraphics nopointercapture nostory obsoletedassets openworld openworldsurvivalcrafting overpenetration parallaxscrolling periodicdangers persistentworld pickaxe polearms potions pressureplates projectilerecovery quickkeys randomdamage randomevents rating-pegi-12 recallportal resourceharvesting retrypoints rewardingvandalism roughterrain sandbox seamlessworld sellundo shadermodel1 shopping silviculture skeletons sorcery spectres splatter splittingcreatures spreadingvegetation stash staticpixelscale steampowered steamworks subterranean subterraneanforest superalloy swords tangibleabstracts targetident terraria thrownweapons tilebased timepiece titlementioned trash undead undefinedelements underwaterdiving underwaterwalking undirected unhinderedfoes unicorns vanityitems variablegravity walking waterwalk werewolves winvista winxp worldborder xnaframework zombies An open sandbox metroidvania with some crafting and base building, calling it "a 2D Minecraft" is an oversimplification of its formula, way more focused in rapid action and platforming.

-Great atmosphere and music.
-Amazing sense of wonder.
-Challenging events and biomes.
-Variety of NPCs and enemies.
-Subtle cross-referenced easter eggs that actually improve the game and don't seem forced.
-Big depths with many cave systems.
-2D side scroll eases exploration, making it less confusing.
-Incredibly well done crafting tree and progress system.
-Player and map are interdependent (you can play as much worlds as you wish with the same character)

-Addictive as hello without o.

10 of 10, would kill again a fusion of Bowser's lieutenant and someone who can summon fire without flint or tinder to earn a hat.***1.3.0 (2015-06-30)

1.2.0 (2013-10-01) – announced again as last patch
... numerous changes, mainly massive content expansion

1.1.2 (2012-01-17) - announced as last update/patch for the game

1.1 tag changes:
+eyeglow +dragons-eastern +drills +interactivetriggers +unicorns +flamethrowers +customtriggers +genderchoice +pressureplates +variablegravity
+animateweapons : hammers
+itemgenerator : not as random as in other games, but still there

1.0.6 tag changes:
+exceptionalsuccess +sellundo +statuseffects +healthregen +keys +juggernauts
-constantdamage +randomdamage
+undefinedelements : potion sickness

1.0.5 tag changes:

1.0.4 tag changes:
~animals (+lagomorphs +piranhas +chiroptera)
+undefinedelements : temporary respawn invulnerability

1.0.3 tag changes:

1.0.2 tag changes:
+stickyexplosives***Described as a 2D [game=#180176]Minecraft[/game] by some.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP, Vista, or 7
* 1.6 GHz CPU
* 512 MB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
* 200 MB HD space***[media=youtube]UGo7iMUcxLc[/media]***Dig, fight, explore, build! Nothing is impossible in this action-packed adventure game. The world is your canvas and the ground itself is your paint.

Grab your tools and go! Make weapons to fight off a variety of enemies in numerous biomes. Dig deep underground to find accessories, money, and other useful things. Gather resources to create everything you need to make the world your own. Build a house, a fort, or even a castle. People will move in to live there and perhaps even sell you different wares to assist you on your journey.

But beware, there are even more challenges awaiting you... Are you up to the task?

Key features:
* Sandbox Play
* Randomly generated worlds
* Free Content Updates
Terraria author (Re-Logic)2015 abominations aircontrol ammotypes amoeboids animals animateweapons asphyxiation axes blankprotagonist blockbased bloodmoon bludgeons bodyarmor bombs bossbattles bows buildingdesigning burrowers capacity-slots circadiancycle clothdyeing clothing collapsibleenvironment commercial compositefoes containers crafting crafting-ammo crafting-sites criticalchance crossbows crossworldcharacters customtriggers damageinfo dark-limited deathpenalty deathpenalty-recovery demons destructibleenvironment destructibleworld digging directionalforce directionalforce-current dissolvingcorpses dissolvingitems doors download draganddrop dragons-eastern drills drm dropplatforms ecosystems enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen energyweapons equipmentbased falldamage featherfall femaleprotagonist firearms firearms-early flamethrowers flatterrain flyingislands freeexpansions fungiculture furnishing genderchoice giantinsects giantmonsters giants giantworms gibs goblins gog grapplinghook handguns harmfultouch harpies healingitems healthregen hitmoderation homebrew host-dedicated instantmotion interactivetriggers invasivespecies inventory inventory-supplies itemgenerator itempickup-attract itempickup-auto itempickup-ignore itemsets juggernauts jumping keys knockback lamp lava license-proprietary lightsabers limitedcapacity liquidphysics loadless logging logicgates lootemup machineguns magic magic-instant magicartefacts maintainedjump maleprotagonist mapgenerator meleeweapons meteoroids midairjumping minibosses mode-hardcore moonphases mp-cooperative mp-customport mp-dropin mummies netframework noagenda nobossarenas nocampaign nodrm nofailstate noinvpause nonscalinggraphics nopointercapture nostory obsoletedassets openworld overpenetration parallaxscrolling periodicdangers persistentworld pickaxe polearms potions pressureplates projectilerecovery quickkeys randomdamage randomevents resourceharvesting retrypoints rewardingvandalism roughterrain sandbox seamlessworld sellundo shadermodel1 shopping silviculture skeletons sorcery spectres splatter splittingcreatures spreadingvegetation stash staticpixelscale steampowered subterranean subterraneanforest superalloy swords tangibleabstracts targetident terraria thrownweapons tilebased timepiece titlementioned trash ubuntu undead undefinedelements underwaterdiving underwaterwalking undirected unhinderedfoes unicorns vanityitems variablegravity walking waterwalk werewolves worldborder xnaframework zombies Several fans have unofficially ported the game to Linux. All of these ports are quite playable.

Re-Logic is developing an official port.
The Witcher  Atari;CD Projekt (CD Projekt RED)2007 1life abilitydependencies activepause adv-intermediary adv-ptdistr alcohol amnesia anglosaxonmythology animals antivillain auroraengine automap autosavepoints barghests book books burrowers butterflies cannibalism capacity-slots castle cattle cemetery censored centipedes chapters chargedattack chemistry children circadiancycle city clergy cockatrices combatstyles consequences cpplanguage cultists dark-limited depthoffield dialog-sentences dicephysics directx9 discrimination doomsayers download drm drm-activation drm-removed drunkenness dryads dualism duplicateweapons dwarves dynamicweather elves endlessopposition erraticlanguage evilgenius fantasyworld fictionaluniverse forest freeexpansions freelancing geese ghosts ghouls giantmyriapods golems hospital humanexperiments ichthyoids ineptveteran insectoids interactivedialogs interrupting inventory invisiblewalls itemglow jigglephysics lamp langchinesetrad langhungarian leveleditor license-crossplatform lightbloom limitedcapacity logitech-g19 lua magic magic-delayed magic-innate magic-instant maleprotagonist map mediaindrive meleeweapons mercenaryprotagonist middleagedprotagonist milessound minigames monsterhunters monsters mutantprotagonist mysticprotagonist mystics neutralmonsters nodrm nojumping nonhumanrights npcspawning nudity nxbitconflict nymphs objectiveindicator obligation optionaltasks organizedcrime outbreak pain plantcreatures plethoraofreferences potions prejudice premadeprotagonist publictransit racism-speciesism rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 renderwareengine resourceregeneration ruins rural saveanywhere search sequelhook serialkey serious sewers sex shadermodel2 shallowwater shopping slavicmythology sluts spectres splatter subterranean superalloy swordandsorcery swords tages tasktracker taxonomy teleport temporarycompanions tentaclecreatures thewitcher titlementioned titularcharacter toolbuffs town toxins transhumanism ugc unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist vampires variableending visionenhancer walking warriorprotagonist weefolk werewolves wetland widescreen wildlife winvista winxp wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills Andrzej Sapkowski, the creator of the Witcher universe, stated that he would not play the game since he has no interest in video games in general. However, he praised the game's opening cinematic, which (partially) tells the story of Sapkowski's very first short story, called simply Witcher (Wiedźmin). The Polish version of the game also comes with this short story.***The original (Polish) version of the game features some allusions to the Polish national-conservative party Law and Justice (Polish: Prawo i Sprawiedliwość). The party's name is mentioned by NPCs in the game in connection with corruption and discrimination against non-humans. Also at some point Geralt may dismiss an NPC saying "Spieprzaj, dziadu!" (approximately "Piss off, old man!"). The cofounder of Law and Justice and president (at the time the game was released) of Poland Lech Kaczyński once famously said those words to a heckler.***Un juego curioso, ya que su manejo e historía son de corte clásico (control en combate "por turnos", inventario complejo e historia de decisiones vinculantes)
Algo complejo de manejar de primeras, pero de todas formas una gran adaptación de las novelas del Tolkien del este.
8 de 10***Latest version: (as of 2009-07-31)

There's also a separate patch ("[url=]Director's Cut[/url]") that restores the North American version to the same uncensored level that the original European release is. Works on any version from Enhanced Edition onwards.***Although the game has endurance meter, this is only used for casting the magic signs and therefore not eligible for [url=/groups/info/stamina]stamina/endurance[/url] tagging.***Chinese is the only one without voice-overs in that language, all the others have both voice-overs and subtitles.***[b]Enhanced Edition comes with:[/b]
* Game disc
* Game guide
* Manual
* Soundtrack CD
* CD with music inspired by The Witcher
* Bonus game content disc (adventure editor and two new adventures)
* Behind the scenes DVD
* Hard copy of "The Witcher" story by Andrzej Sapkowski
* World map***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP SP2 or Vista
* Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or Athlon 64 +2800
* 1 GB RAM (1.5 GB for Vista)
* 128 MB VRAM
* 8.5 GB free HD space

* Core 2 Duo 2.13 GHz or Athlon X2 5600+
* 2 GB RAM
* GeForce 7900 GTX or Radeon X1950 PRO

Those with less than the min specs need to run the game with [code]-dontForceMinReqs[/code] command-line option passed to the game or it'll refuse to run (though I'd imagine it's quite unplayable for them at some points). This also needs at least v1.2 patch to have been applied (preferably newer, but 1.2 introduced the option).***[code]EU[/code] 2007-10-26
[code]PL[/code] 2007-10-26 by CD Projekt
[code]NA[/code] 2007-10-30 (censored)
[code]NA[/code] 2008-09-19 [i]The Witcher: Enhanced Edition[/i] - a partial remake and re-release, available as massive patch for the owners of the original.
[code]EU[/code]? 2009-10-28 on Steam, by Atari (lang: eng, fre, ger, spa, ita, cze, rus, hun, pol, *trad. chi)
* text-only language(s)

Atari handled worldwide publishing, CD Projekt only the Polish.

The censoring (in NA release) is associated with all the instances where you have sex with the gals. This shows only a very scantily clad art piece of the person and nothing else, so it isn't really that explicit even. More like extremely suggestive. The art pieces were re-touched to make them more modest (such as bare breasts being covered). The dryad NPC was made to have more cover as well in-game (the dryad is fully nude in European releases, though the textures are blurry and don't show any great detail).

The Enhanced Edition is available for free as downloadable update for the owners of the original, although it is worth 909 MB of data so expect it to take a while.***The Witcher represents the pinnacle of storytelling in role-playing games, shattering the line between good and evil with a world where moral ambiguity reigns. In a beautiful, rich game universe created by artists first, technology second, the player becomes his own hero in an epic, action-packed narrative uniquely defined by his actions. Returning to the roots of the role-playing genre with a fresh and modern approach, The Witcher emphasizes story and character development in a vibrant world, while incorporating tactically-deep real-time combat like no game before it.

Immersed in a vivid but harsh fantasy world, the player assumes the role of a white-haired witcher named Geralt, a renowned monster-slayer-for-hire and master swordsman with superhuman strength and reflexes. While trying to regain his lost memory, Geralt unwillingly becomes involved in a world-shaking power struggle. Created to provide entertainment for both fans of role-playing games and those seeking fast-paced action, The Witcher brings together epic storytelling and dynamic, visually stunning, and tactically deep action.


* Geralt of Rivia: a one-of-a-kind protagonist
* A charismatic and unique character, Geralt is a mutant swordmaster and professional monster slayer.
* Choose from over 250 special abilities correlated to attributes, combat skills and magical powers to build the character in a way best suited to tactical needs and style of play.
* Original fantasy world drawn from literature
* Inspired by the writings of renowned Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski.
* Featuring adult themes, less fairy-tale than typical fantasy, with mature social issues like racism, political intrigue and genocide.
* It is a harsh world where nothing is black or white, right or wrong, often forcing players to choose between the lesser of two evils to advance.
* Non-linear and captivating storyline
* Full of turns, twists and ambiguous moral decisions which have real impact on the storyline.
* All quests can be accomplished in several ways and the game has three different endings depending on the player's actions and choices throughout the adventure.
* Visually stunning tactical action
* Engage in complex yet intuitive real-time combat based on real medieval sword-fighting techniques.
* Motion capture performed by medieval fighting experts at Frankfurt's renowned Metric Minds studio, resulting in 600 spectacular and authentic in-game combat animations.
* Six combat styles, dozens of potions, complex alchemy system, modifiable weapons and powerful magic add tactical depth to the fluid real-time experience.
[Atari]***The Game

„The Witcher" returns to the tradition of the role-playing genre with a fresh and modern approach, emphasizing story and character development in a vibrant world, while incorporating spectacular and well developed combat system like no game before it. The story is set in the world described in five books - giving additional credibility and depth of the background of the story.

The game features the player as a „Witcher", a warrior who has been trained to fight since childhood, subjected to mutations and trials that transformed him. He earns his living killing monsters and is a member of a brotherhood founded long ago to protect people from werewolves, the undead, and a host of other beasts.

The Vision

Our vision of the game can be described as: A modern story-driven RPG with unique hero, stunning visuals and easy-to-use, yet complex combat system. Perfect both for fans of storytelling and admirers of vigorous action.

Main Features

Deep and intriguing storyline
* Interesting story full of twists and turns in a complex and coherent setting.
* Most quests can be accomplished in several ways.
* Three different endings that depend on player's actions and choices throughout the whole adventure.

Dynamic and visually spectacular action
* Real time combat with motion captured animations performed by a master of medieval sword combat.
* Ragdoll and rigid body physics, powered by Criterion's Karma Engine to simulate interaction with opponents as well as elements of surrounding.

Original character concept and fantasy world
* The main character is a professional swordmaster and monster slayer.
* Game world which is more „adult" and less „fairy-tale" than typical fantasy.
* The world which is not black and white and is inhabited by believable characters.

Easy to use
* Thanks to transparent and intuitive controls, players are able to enjoy the game right after beginning without a long learning curve. During the game the complexity of the system will be gradually uncovered.
* All actions can be done using the mouse only, however shortcuts for all of them are fully configurable.
[CD Projekt]
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