showing 6 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescriptionplatform
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs  Frictional Games (thechineseroom)2013 1890s 19thcentury 2ndmillennium amnesia amnesia-series angelscript aristocratprotagonist boxed commercial desura download drm earth engineerprotagonist giantmachine gog hpl2engine hplengine license-proprietary newtongamedynamics nodrm openal opengl pacifisthorror past steampowered survivalhorror uvl-realtitle victorian walking This game shares no characters nor story links too Amnesia: The Dark Descent. It is set about a half-century later. It's not a direct sequel.***Set in 1899, Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs follows the "wealthy industrialist" Oswald Mandus, who has returned home from "a disastrous expedition to Mexico, which has ended in tragedy." Struck by a destructive fever, Mandus is haunted by dreams of a dark machine until he mysteriously regains consciousness. Months have passed, unbeknownst to the industry tycoon, and as he emerges from his slumber the roaring engine of a mysterious machine sputters to life. Linuxlabelimagesubject
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs  Frictional Games (thechineseroom)2013 1890s 19thcentury amnesia-series angelscript aristocratprotagonist dark defenseless diaries distortedvision earlymodern-theme engineerprotagonist factory flawedprotagonist giantmachine gog hpl2engine hplengine lamp lamp-faulty langhungarian mansion pacifisthorror parentprotagonist playerprofiles screenshake secrets secrets-mandatory ssao steampowered survivalhorror temple victorian [i]This world is a Machine. A Machine for Pigs. Fit only for the slaughtering of Pigs. [/i]

From the creators of Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Dear Esther comes a new first-person horrorgame that will drag you to the depths of greed, power and madness. It will bury its snout into your ribs and it will eat your heart.

[i]The year is 1899 [/i]

Wealthy industrialist Oswald Mandus awakes in his bed, wracked with fever and haunted by dreams of a dark and hellish engine. Tortured by visions of a disastrous expedition to Mexico, broken on the failing dreams of an industrial utopia, wracked with guilt and tropical disease, he wakes into a nightmare. The house is silent, the ground beneath him shaking at the will of some infernal machine: all he knows is that his children are in grave peril, and it is up to him to save them.

[b]Unique Selling Points[/b]
* Fresh and new approach to the Amnesia world while staying true to its origins.
* The darkest, most horrific tale ever told in a videogame.
* Stunning soundtrack by award-winning composer Jessica Curry.
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs  Frictional Games (thechineseroom)2013 19thcentury amnesia-series angelscript aristocratprotagonist engineerprotagonist giantmachine gog hpl2engine hplengine langhungarian osx osx-6 pacifisthorror steampowered survivalhorror victorian x86 Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
Dead Space 3 Electronic Arts (Visceral Games)2013 24thcentury 26thcentury aaa airlocks alternateattack augmentedreality carnographic clingers cooperation crafting crafting-weapons cutsceneinvulnerability dark day1dlc deadspace diegeticui difficulty dismemberment dodging doors eldritchabominations electricweapons elevators energyweapons erraticfoes extraterrestrial falseprotagonist fanservice-tech firearms future giantmachine gore grotesque hallucinations healingitems hud-explained insaneprotagonist inventory itemglow keys knockback lamp lasthope mines monsters mp-cooperative newgameplus nofriendlyfire openended optionaltasks perplayerloot postcreditsscene puzzles ragers recap reload-lossy reload-manual rewardingvandalism screenshake selfsacrifice shotguns silentvoid space spacecraft-location spacefaringage spacesuit spacewalking spearguns splatter stomping suicideattackers teamawareness telekinesis tumbling undefinedelements universalammo upgradesystem walking weaponcombining weapondesigning zero-g PS3labelimageminimize
Dead Space 3 Electronic Arts (Visceral Games)2013 24thcentury 26thcentury aaa airlocks alternateattack ancientmachines arcwords assaultrifles augmentedreality bellyofawhale biogrowth bossbattles carnographic cave chapters clingers colorcodednpcs colossi cooperation crafting crafting-ammo crafting-restoratives crafting-sites crafting-weapons cryogenicweapons cultists cutsceneinvulnerability dark day1dlc deadspace diaries diegeticui difficulty directx9 disclaunchers dismemberment distortedvision dodging doors drm drm-online ea-origin eldritchabominations electricweapons elevators elevators-multifloor energyweapons engineerprotagonist erraticfoes excavation extraterrestrial falseprotagonist fanservice-tech firearms flamethrowers future giantmachine giantmonsters glowingeyes glowsuits gore graphicdeaths grapplers grenadelaunchers grotesque hallucinations handguns healingitems hud-explained humblebundle insaneprotagonist inventory itemglow keys killconfirm knockback ladders lamp lasthope loot-random loot-unexpected machineguns mine mines mode-hardcore monsters mountain mp-campaign mp-cooperative murder nailguns newgameplus nofriendlyfire npcstrife nplayers officebuilding openended optionaltasks perplayerloot postcreditsscene powerthrow powertools prologue puzzles quicktimeevent ragers recap recurringopponent reload-lossy reload-manual researchfacility rewardingvandalism ruins screenshake selfsacrifice shadermodel3 shotguns silentvoid smaa space spacecraft-location spacefaringage spacesuit spacewalking spearguns splatter stomping submachineguns suicide suicideattackers tasktracker teamawareness technomagic telekinesis timeskip titlementioned tumbling tutorial undefinedelements universalammo unlockable-costumes unlockable-modes upgradesystem visions walking weaponcombining weapondesigning wintery winvista winxp zero-g Windowslabelimageminimize
Dead Space 3  Electronic Arts (Visceral Games)2013 24thcentury 26thcentury aaa airlocks alternateattack augmentedreality clingers cooperation crafting crafting-weapons cutsceneinvulnerability dark day1dlc deadspace diegeticui difficulty dismemberment dodging doors eldritchabominations electricweapons elevators energyweapons erraticfoes extraterrestrial falseprotagonist fanservice-tech firearms future giantmachine gore grotesque hallucinations healingitems hud-explained insaneprotagonist inventory itemglow keys knockback lamp lasthope mines monsters mp-cooperative newgameplus nofriendlyfire openended optionaltasks perplayerloot postcreditsscene puzzles ragers recap reload-lossy reload-manual rewardingvandalism screenshake selfsacrifice shotguns silentvoid space spacecraft-location spacefaringage spacesuit spacewalking spearguns splatter stomping suicideattackers teamawareness telekinesis tumbling undefinedelements universalammo upgradesystem walking weaponcombining weapondesigning zero-g X360labelimageminimize