showing 11 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescriptionplatform
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2013 aaa actioncamera ageofsail ambientocclusion anvilnext-engine assassinscreed autoaim axes backstabbing boarding caribbean charging city collectibles compass corpselooting crepuscularrays csaa difficulty-single dynamicprompts earlymodernperiod earth enemyhealthdisplay falldamage fasttravel firearms firearms-early firingarcs forcedmouseaccel fxaa glitchvisuals hbao healthregen hiding indicator-poi island jumping ladders map meatshield meleeweapons motionblur msaa openworld outlawprotagonist parkour pirateprotagonist pirates playableloads radar sailing screenspacereflections secrets slowmotion smaa smokegrenades splatter stealth swimming swords throwingknives town tropic txaa unrestrictedviolence upgradesystem uplay visualizedtrajectory walking wallclimbing watercraft watercraft-large x360pad The year is 1715. Pirates rule the Caribbean and have established their own lawless Republic where corruption, greediness and cruelty are commonplace.

Among these outlaws is a brash young captain named Edward Kenway. His fight for glory has earned him the respect of legends like Blackbeard, but also drawn him into the ancient war between Assassins and Templars, a war that may destroy everything the pirates have built.

Welcome to the Golden Age of Piracy.***Probablemente el mejor juego de la saga, retomando elementos de todos los juegos y puliendo o eliminando los que no acababan de encajar, con un personaje genial, un argumento doble (fuero y dentro del Animus) impecables, y aportando muchísimos elementos de exploración y crafteo.

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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare  Activision (Sledgehammer Games;Raven Software)2014 2050s 21stcentury aircontrol airdash assaultrifles beamweapons callofduty city colorblind crossbows customengine dashing depthoffield dynamicaccuracy empgrenades energyweapons exoskeleton firearms firstpersonshooter fovoption future fxaa grenadelaunchers grenades handguns hbao jumping jumppack machineguns midairjumping minimap modularequipment mp-dm mp-gungame mp-teams nofalldamage powerarmor precisionrifles privatemilitarycompanies reload-manual robots rockets ruins sequence-turret shields shotguns smaa spiderbots ssao steampowered streakbonuses streakbonuses-preselect submachineguns supersampling unlockable-items walking In short: great graphics in a bland FPS format.

Vanilla modern CoD (perks + red screen) with nothing new to offer, except for dashing/double jumping and some techie weapons and abilities (that drain a power bar from their use), and a "grenade launcher" that is only a visual quirk to the average classic grenade. Anyways, if you go for jumps and platforming try Titanfall (you can try it for free on Origin with Game Time, and its better in level design and vertical combat), and if you like futuristic gadgets and customization try Ghost Recon Phantoms (F2P crafted for real multiclass playing and more interesting and versatile special skills)
At least displays many different multiplayer modes.

Also includes two co-op modes:
*[b]Exo Defense:[/b] a co-op PvE mode, where the players fight waves of soldiers.
*[b]Exo Zombies:[/b] a "zombie mode", featuring a mixture between survival and area defense in the way that started Call of Duty: World at War.

4 of 10***Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare, developed by Sledgehammer Games (co-developers of Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3), harnesses the first three-year, all next-gen development cycle in franchise history. Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare envisions a powerful future, where both technology and tactics have evolved to usher in a new era of combat for the franchise. Delivering a stunning performance, Academy Award® winning actor Kevin Spacey stars as Jonathan Irons - one of the most powerful men in the world - shaping this chilling vision of the future of war.***Tagline/Slogan: Power Changes Everything.***Raven Software handled development of the multiplayer component.
Call of Duty: Ghosts Activision (Infinity Ward)2013 aaa aimmode ambientocclusion assaultrifles callofduty damageindicator depthoffield explosiveobjects firearms firstpersonshooter fxaa grenades handguns hbao ironsights itemglow iwengine militantprotagonist motionblur mp-bots mp-cooperative mp-dm mp-gungame mp-horde mp-teams orbitalweapons playerprogression prologue rebellion silentprotagonist ssao steampowered streakbonuses txaa umbra3 Outnumbered and outgunned, but not outmatched.

Call of Duty®: Ghosts is an extraordinary step forward for one of the largest entertainment franchises of all-time. This new chapter in the Call of Duty® franchise features a new dynamic where players are on the side of a crippled nation fighting not for freedom, or liberty, but simply to survive.

Fueling this all new Call of Duty experience, the franchise's new next-gen engine delivers stunning levels of immersion and performance, all while maintaining the speed and fluidity of 60 frames-per-second across all platforms.
Dragon Age: Inquisition  Electronic Arts (BioWare)2014 ambientocclusion animals autoaim automap bodyarmor columnarjointing compass damageinfo demons denuvo depthoffield dragonage-series drm frostbiteengine genderchoice graychoices group hbao inventory magic magicartefacts magicjewellery magicstaves mantleapi monsters motionblur msaa mystics objectiveindicator protagonistdesigning quickkeys riding sorcery ssao statuseffects supernaturaldisaster titlementioned titulargroup walking wintery Windowslabelimageminimize
Fallout 4 Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios)2015 ♫faustoverture 21stcentury 2280s 23rdcentury achievements addiction adv-perks adv-static assaultrifles atomicage-theme autopause-inventory autopause-menu beamweapons bludgeons bodyarmor city-boston-ma companionapp compass corpselooting crafting creation-engine crepuscularrays crustacoids damageovertime damagetypes decomposing depthoffield devconsole dialogwheel diaries displacementfiction doppelgangers earth emweapons energyweapons falldamage fallout firearms flamethrowers flash framesynced future fxaa genderchoice giantinsects grenades handguns hbao home ichthyoids incendiarygrenades industrial-setting interactivedialogs inventory langbrazil-port langchinesetrad laserweapons launcher leveluprestoration lockpicking machineguns meleeweapons mercenaries militarybase minefield mines minigames modsupport monsters motionblur mutants nailguns northamerica nuclearsolution nuclearweapons objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator optionaltasks outlaws paidmods parentprotagonist plasmaweapons plotimmortality postapocalypse powerarmor precisionrifles prologue protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face quake radiation rating-pegi-18 reload-manual retrofuture robots rotaryguns ruins scavenging screenshake settlementminigame shopping shotguns slowmotion splatter spouseprotagonist ssao stealth stealthmode steampowered submachineguns suicideattackers town trapdisarming trash tutorial txaa undefinedelements Windowslabelimageminimize
Far Cry 4 Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal;Ubisoft Shanghai;Ubisoft Toronto)2014 ambientocclusion animals assaultrifles backstabbing bodydragging cave chapters corpselooting crepuscularrays desiprotagonist distracting driving drm drm-gamealtering earth eviloverlord fallimpact farcry fictionallocation firearms firstpersonshooter grapplinghook grenades hbao incendiarygrenades indicator-route interactionhighlight itemglow jumping ledges mansion mines minimap msaa nepal objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator present quadbike radar rebellion reload-manual rockets ropeswinging screenstaining shopping shotguns smaa snowmobile spearguns ssao ssbc stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound swimming tagging telescope throwingknives txaa tyrant underwaterdiving uplay uvl-techlimitation valley walking ziplines Windowslabelimageminimize
Mass Effect: Andromeda Electronic Arts (BioWare)2017 29thcentury actionrpg adv-ptdistr airdash aliens alternatetimeline ambientocclusion ancientmachines assaultrifles bossbattles chasms chromaticaberration cleargame color-16f color-32bit columnarjointing coversystem coversystem-auto crafting customclass dashing day1dlc decoupledresolution depthoffield distantfuture driving epilogue extraterrestrial filmgrain fovoption fromanothertime frostbiteengine future fxaa genderchoice handguns hbao hdrdisplay humanoids inconclusiveending interactivedialogs interplanetarytravel interstellartravel inventory masseffect-series minigames motionblur multipleworlds newgameplus npcstrife openended openworld optionaltasks postcreditsscene precisionrifles protagonistdesigning quantumphysics resourceharvesting respec robots romance ruins sentientmachines shopping shotguns singledout ssao tasktracker technomagic timespan-vague transhumanism txaa undefinedelements usagereporting walking xp-deeds xp-kills Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Rise of the Tomb Raider Square Enix;Feral Interactive (Crystal Dynamics;Feral Interactive)2018 aircontrol animals archeologistprotagonist assaultrifles balancebeams bossbattles bows britain cave clothingchanges contemporaryfantasy crafting dark-limited deathpits denuvo england femaleprotagonist filmgrain fxaa glowsticks grapplinghook handguns hbao hunting iceaxe immortals inbuilttraps infiniteresources ladders lamp ledges lostequipment mercenaries militarybase mine motionblur mountain optionaltasks physics postcreditsscene precisionrifles present resourceharvesting resourcerespawning revolvers rewardingvandalism ruins russia screenshake secretsociety sequelhook shotguns siberia slowmotion smaa ssaa ssao stealth steampowered submachineguns syria tombraider tombraider-2013 upgradesystem wilderness wildlife wintery wolves ziplines Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Rise of the Tomb Raider  Square Enix (Crystal Dynamics)2016 aircontrol animals archeologistprotagonist assaultrifles balancebeams bossbattles bows britain cave clothingchanges contemporaryfantasy crafting dark-limited deathpits denuvo drm england femaleprotagonist filmgrain fxaa glowsticks grapplinghook handguns hbao hunting iceaxe immortals inbuilttraps infiniteresources ladders lamp ledges lostequipment mercenaries militarybase mine motionblur mountain optionaltasks physics postcreditsscene precisionrifles present resourceharvesting resourcerespawning revolvers rewardingvandalism ruins russia screenshake secretsociety sequelhook shotguns siberia slowmotion smaa ssaa ssao stadia stealth steampowered submachineguns syria tombraider tombraider-2013 upgradesystem wilderness wildlife wintery wolves ziplines Windowslabelimageminimize
WATCH_DOGS  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal;Ubisoft Reflections)2014 aaa alarmers ambientocclusion assaultrifles autoshotguns city compass coversystem crimefiction depthoffield disrupt-engine driving engineshutdown envcombat firearms fxaa glitchvisuals hacking handguns hbao hijacking indicator-route legacydesign-controls map mhbao minimap motionblur mp-dropinpvp msaa neutralnpcs nvgameworks objectiveindicator optionaltasks postcyberpunk precisionrifles radialmenu rating-pegi-18 shotguns smaa stealth steampowered technofantasy technology-theme txaa ubisoft-osp undefinedelements uplay vehicle-pontiacgrandam vigilanteprotagonist walking watercraft Windowslabelimageminimize
World of Warcraft  Blizzard2004 4thwallbroken abilitycriticals arcanepunk bittorrent brachiosaurus centauroids circlingbirdies clansystem classbased cmaa colorblind controlmalfunction criticalchance dimetrodon direanimals directx11 directx9 displaychoice druids elevatedglitch elves emotes enchanting fxaa giantshoulderpads golddust group-super groupbuffs hbao headbob highfantasy homingboulders hudcustomization ingamebrowser intelextrememasters interrupting ipv4 ipv6 jigglephysics jumpingpuzzles killaward-firsthit klaatubaradanikto languagefilter logitech-g19 lua magic maingauche majorleaguegaming manaburn mmog moderationbenefit mpinstances msaa multilevelsecurity mystics orcs owlbears paladins parentalcontrols piecemealcreatures powernegation ragers sciencefantasy screenshake shapeshifters socketables sorcery ssaa ssao stylized subscription threatsystem tutorial unconvincingarmor updateretcon uvl-tiein warcraft wow x86 x86-32 x86-64 xml xp-exploration Set in the Warcraft fantasy universe, World of Warcraft takes place within the world of Azeroth, approximately four years after the events of the previous game in the series, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.***