showing 4 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeardescriptionplatform
Conway's Game of Life The Computerist1979The Game of Life was originally described in Scientific American,
October 1970, in an article by Martin Gardner. The game itself
was originated by John Conway of Gonvi11e and Caius College,
University of Cambridge, England.
Hi-Lo Author1977Hi-Lo is a guessing game. There's a amount of money in the jackpot, which is somewhere between 1 and 100. The player gets 6 guesses in which the number must be guessed or the game ends. After each guess the player learns if his guess was high or low. KIM-1labelminimizesubject
Not One SJW (author)1979 KIM-1labelminimizeminimize
SYM Super Hi-Lo The Computerist1979 KIM-1labelminimizeminimize