showing 5 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsplatform
Pepsi: All Over the World Pepsi (Egosoft)1991 advergame alaska australia camels crocodiles egypt fish fishing hippo ireland japan lagomorphs marsupialprotagonist marsupials score sheep timelimit ursines wasteland Amigalabelimageminimize
Safari Search  Sunburst1985 birds blackbox domesticcats donkeys grid grid-square llamas marsupials mollusk pinnipeds seals snails Apple II Elabelminimizeminimize
SimAnimals Electronic Arts2009 acorns aging aloeplants americanrobins animals apples appletrees arid autumnal badgers beavers birds blackberries blackberrybushes bloodless bluejays brewersblackbird buttercups cardinals carrots cervids cherries cherrytrees chestnuts chickadees cliff clovers coots crows cuckoos daisy dogs domesticcats doves ducks earth farm fictionallocation flood flowers forest foxes fungus-agaric fungus-chanterelle fungus-mushrooms fungus-panthercap fungus-pholiota fungus-pineconeamanita fungus-porcini fungus-purplefairyclub fungus-stinkhorn fungus-velvetfoot geese group hands hedgehogs herons humid inventory juniperberries lagomorphs lettuce lilypads magical mapletrees marshmallowplant marsupials mice mii mint mp-cooperative mp-dropin nature-theme nightingales northamerica nuts oaktrees opossums orchard outdoors owls pandas plains porcupines pumpkin raccoons radishes railway rapid rats redpanda river rodents rosebushes roses ruins rural saguaro scrapyard seeds shallowwater shore skunks summery swans temperate thickvegetation trees tutorial undefinedsetting ursines valley vernal walnuts walnuttrees wasteland weasels weepingwillows wetland widgeons wiinunchuk wildboars wilderness willowtrees wolves Wiilabelimageminimize
SimAnimals Electronic Arts2009 acorns aging aloeplants americanrobins apples appletrees arid autumnal badgers beavers birds blackberries blackberrybushes bloodless bluejays brewersblackbird buttercups cardinals carrots cervids cherries cherrytrees chestnuts chickadees cliff clovers coots crows cuckoos daisy dogs domesticcats doves ducks earth farm fictionallocation flood flowers forest foxes fungus-agaric fungus-chanterelle fungus-mushrooms fungus-panthercap fungus-pholiota fungus-pineconeamanita fungus-porcini fungus-purplefairyclub fungus-stinkhorn fungus-velvetfoot geese group hands hedgehogs herons humid inventory juniperberries lagomorphs lettuce lilypads magical mapletrees marshmallowplant marsupials mice mii mint mp-cooperative mp-dropin nature-theme nightingales northamerica nuts oaktrees opossums orchard outdoors owls pandas plains porcupines pumpkin raccoons radishes railway rapid rats redpanda river rodents rosebushes roses ruins rural saguaro scrapyard seeds shallowwater shore skunks snakes summery swans temperate thickvegetation trees tutorial undefinedsetting ursines valley vernal walnuts walnuttrees wasteland weasels weepingwillows wetland widgeons wiinunchuk wildboars wilderness willowtrees wolves Nintendo DSlabelimagesubject
The Secret Codes of C.Y.P.H.E.R.: Operation Wildlife  Tanager Software Productions1991 3.5disk 5.25disk aardvarks animals animals-aquatic badgers beavers bigcats binarycolor bison camels canines cervids cetaceans chiroptera cipherlang city color-2bit color-4bit color-8bit commercial cpu-8086 cpu-8088 difficulty display-ega display-hgc display-mcga display-tga display-vga dos3 earth felines giraffes hedgehogs hippo horses indoors keyboard lagomorphs langamericansign langbraille langgreek langmorsecode license-proprietary lions llamas marsupials moles mouse pinnipeds porcupines primates rhinoceroses rodents saveanywhere seals semaphore sheep skunks snakes specialagentprotagonist spu-adlib spu-mt32 spu-sb ursines walruses wildboars wolves MS-DOSlabelminimizesubject