showing 9 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeardescriptionpop.platform
High Impact Football Williams1990
Mortal Kombat Bally Midway;Williams1992

Slashers! Gangsters! Pimps! The punks are everywhere! The scum of the earth! And only the player can restore law and order! Trigger finger spraying hot metal before him... ROCKET BOMB at the ready... The player is a macho urban guerilla, defending our city from the ultimate urban scourge! This is his neighborhood too. He's committed. He says NO to inner city decadence. He carries a badge and a moral code. And he backs them both with screaming lead.

He blazes away with his machine pistol. Then he launches a devastating ROCKET BOMB to trap several baddies in simultaneous ambush! With JUMP and SQUAT buttons, he dodges bullets, dynamite and other missiles. But the lurking Loaf, death-dealing Dumpster Man, patronizing Pimp and horrible Hypoman are everywhere. And these mangy marauders stop at nothing. This is their turf. So they'll hurl more bombs and deal more corruption. Because they're forever preparing another rendezvous with death.
Here's a list of the nefarious gang members...
• Loaf
• Gangster
• Pimp
• Hypoman
• Psychotic
• Slasher
• Dumpster Man
• Mr. Big (Public Enemy Number 1)

The city is a jungle. Pushers may lurk in manholes... They may dart by in a heavily armed, pink Cadillac... Or they might even buzz the player with their preemptive pushercopter! But the player laughs at danger. He scores bonus points by seizing contraband (evidence!) hidden in the Cadillac. And by busting these parasites on society. Then he blows that manhole. And he downs that pushercopter. Because no pimp is too high... And no gangster's too low to eat hot justice!

The player must seek out and investigate gang strongholds. When enemies dart out of a tenement, the player must enter. If psycho fiends slither in the subway, the player relentlessly pursues them.
Not bullets, not bombs, not even mad dogs can deter him. For our hero's sworn duty is to case the hideouts and seize the evidence. Then he can bust another offender!

Busts and evidence win points. For every 100,000 points earned, the player receives another life.
(The number of lives per game and points per extra life are operator adjustable.) The game displays a green bar to represent a player's current lifetime. When enemies wound the player, the lifetime and the bar shorten.
THE BIG TARGET. Ultimately the player pursues Public Enemy Number One, Mr. Big. Mr. Big is the shimmering, super slug king of the sleazy, slimy underworld empire. His glitzy, cosmopolitan crib is brimming with evidence.
And he's the inevitable prospect for a megabust. But he's wily. He's quick.
And he's amply equipped with the latest Hyper-Crimewave Technology.
Nevertheless, the player must not permit him to escape! The dragnet must not fail!***
Smash T.V.  Williams1990The year is 1999.
The setting is a futuristic game show that is dominating the ratings where contestants compete not just for cash and prizes--but also for their Survival-before a live studio audience! Each contestant is armed with an arsenal of high-tech weapons and power-up devices ranging from grenades and lasers to smart bombs and force fields.
Their challenge is to enter enclosed arenas to do battle with legions of drones, mutants and, ultimately, the most powerful boss monsters known to man.***
[62]***Robotron type game, uses two joysticks
Strikeforce  Bally Midway;Williams1991Midway's dazzling "Defender for the 90s" took the side-scrolling shooter to new heights. More than a simple rescue-the-colonists affair, it's a tactical and strategic feast -- what "Starcraft" would have been if it were a horizontal game. An alien dinosaur race (with tons of grouchy personality) must be scoured from over a dozen planets. When not piloting starcraft or operating factories, the dinosaurs chase after you hurling anti-aircraft fire and lobbing bolders. Complimenting the wide range of weapons and upgrades is a neat feature: tiny spacemen who dangle from your ship, providing cover for you. You don't just blast away, but set mines, release homing missiles, and lay down rivers of burning napalm, taking out aerial as well as ground targets. If the colonists aren't rescued, the dinosaurs grab, shake and mutate them into more dinos... All this against parallax backgrounds ranging from volcanic and frozen to lush jungle planets in a style reminiscent of Bakshi and Mobius. A major achievement; written in 1991, it easily holds up to 1999 standards.
Super High Impact Football Williams1991
Terminator 2: Judgment Day  Bally Midway;Williams1991
Total Carnage  Bally Midway1992After the war in the year 1999, reporters and other civilians are missing in the war zone.
The United States Government sends in the doomsday squad to rescue the hostages and to capture the evil dictator who is holding them.
In addition, the evil dictator, General Akhboob, is creating mutant life forms at his bio-nuclear research facility.
It must be destroged!
Trog Bally Midway;Williams (Bally Midway)1990