showing 23 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsplatform
ACM Air Combat Simulation 4  Web Simulations1997 68k aircraft-f16-falcon aircraft-mig29-fulcrum alpha arm64 armel armhf atmosphericflight clanguage cpu-386 hppa hurd license-gpl mips mips64el mipsel ppc ppc-64 ppc64el ppcspe s390x sh4 sparc-64 ubuntu uvl-searchelp x86 x86-64 Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Antigravitaattori author2006 68k alpha armcpu armel cpplanguage hppa license-gpl mips mipsel openal opengl physics ppc s390 sdl sparc ubuntu x86 x86-64 xml Linuxlabelimageminimize
Atomic Tanks  author2003 68k allegro alpha armcpu armel armhf artillery artillerygame avr32 cpplanguage deb debian gentoo hppa hurd klik license-gpl mips mipsel ppc ppcspe rpm s390 scrollingshooter sh4 slackware sparc sparc-64 ubuntu x86 x86-64 Linuxlabelimageminimize
BlinKen - Memory Enhancement Game author2005 1life 68k alpha archlinux armcpu armel armhf centos cpplanguage debian difficulty earth fedora gentoo hppa hurd kde kdeedu langinsignificant license-gpl mandriva memory mips mipsel naturalistic nosaves pclinuxos pldlinux ppc ppcspe redhat s390 sh4 simongame sparc suse ubuntu x86 x86-64 Linuxlabelimagesubject
BlinKen - Memory Enhancement Game author2011 1life 68k alpha armcpu armel armhf cpplanguage difficulty earth freebsd hppa kde kdeedu kfreebsd langinsignificant license-gpl memory mips mipsel naturalistic nosaves ppc ppcspe s390 sh4 simongame sparc x86 x86-64 BSDlabelminimizeminimize
Craft - The vicious Vikings author1997 68k alpha armcpu deb debian fedora hppa mips mipsel ppc rpm s390 sparc suse uvl-descriptionincomplete vikings x11 x86 x86-64 Linuxlabelminimizesubject
Craft - The vicious Vikings author1997 68k alpha armcpu hppa mips mipsel ppc s390 sparc uvl-descriptionincomplete vikings x11 x86 x86-64 Solarislabelminimizeminimize
Craft - The vicious Vikings author1997 68k alpha armcpu hppa mips mipsel netbsd ppc s390 sparc uvl-descriptionincomplete vikings x11 x86 x86-64 BSDlabelminimizeminimize
KGoldrunner KGoldrunner Team2003 68k alpha armel attractmode claiming digging harmfultouch hppa instantdeath ladders leveleditor license-gpl lives mandriva mips mipsel monkeybars nofalldamage paniclike ppc ppcspe s390 saveanywhere sh4 sparc sparc-64 subterranean trapping ubuntu walking x86 x86-64 Linuxlabelimagesubject
Moria  author? 1life 2hmeleeweapons 68k adv-static alarmers alcohol alpha amoeboids amphibians ants armel armhf automap axes beetles beggars bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows capacity-slots capacity-stacks capacity-toolslots capacity-weight centipedes charactercreation chiroptera circadiancycle clanguage classbased containers creatureidentification crossbows currency curseditems dark debian digging doors doors-breakable download dragonflies elementals elves encounters-literal encounters-random encounters-seen encounters-unseen eviloverlord explosives femaleprotagonist floatingeyes fogofwar frog fuel fungi gems genderchoice ghosts giantbeetles giantinsects giants giantscorpions gnomes golems haggling halflings harpies healingitems healthregen hppa humans hunger indoors inventory invisiblefoes itemidentification itempickup-auto itempickup-ignore itempickup-instant javelins jewelry knives lamp license-gpl liches limitedcapacity lineofsight lockpicking magic magicrings magicweapons maingauche maleprotagonist mapgenerator meleeweapons mips mipsel monsters mummies mycoids mystics naga ncurses ninja npcteleporting orcs outdoors outlaws perchararelations permadeath pickaxe platformreference polearms ppc ppcspe prospecting protagonistnaming quitsave racechoice randomdamage randomizedattributes resting roguelike s390 s390x sasquatch saveanywhere scorpions secrets secrets-invisible sh4 shields shopping skeletons slings snakes sorcery sparc sparc-64 spears specieschoice stealingnpcs stealth subterranean summoning swords taxonomy teleport teleporting tilebased town traps trolls unarmedfighting undead uvl-confusable vagrants vampires walking weefolk whips worms x86 x86-64 xp-kills zombies Linuxlabelimagesubject
Orbit  author1999 68k alpha armcpu armel avr32 deb debian hppa klik mips mipsel opengl physics ppc rpm s390 sparc ubuntu uvl-confusable x86 x86-64 Linuxlabelimagesubject
Orbit  author1999 68k alpha armcpu armel avr32 hppa kfreebsd mips mipsel opengl physics ppc s390 sparc uvl-confusable x86 x86-64 BSDlabelminimizeminimize
SuperTux: Revenge in Redmond  New Breed Software;SuperTux Dev Team (SuperTux Dev Team)2003 68k alpha archlinux armcpu armel armhf avr32 debian fedora hppa hurd klik linux-mascots mandriva mips mipsel oss penguin ppc ppcspe redhat s390 sdl sh4 slackware sparc sparc-64 suse ubuntu uvl-descriptionincomplete uvl-searchelp x11 x86 x86-64 Linuxlabelimagesubject
SuperTux: Revenge in Redmond  New Breed Software;SuperTux Dev Team (SuperTux Dev Team)2003 68k alpha armcpu armel armhf avr32 hppa kfreebsd linux-mascots mips mipsel penguin ppc ppcspe s390 sdl sh4 sparc sparc-64 uvl-descriptionincomplete uvl-searchelp x11 x86 x86-64 BSDlabelminimizeminimize
Trackballs author2003 68k alpha altlinux armcpu armel armhf avr32 deb debian fedora gentoo hppa hurd klik leveleditor license-gpl mandriva mips mipsel opengl ppc ppcspe redhat rpm s390 sdl sh4 slackware sparc sparc-64 suse ubuntu x86 x86-64 Linuxlabelimagesubject
Trackballs author2003 68k alpha armcpu armel armhf avr32 hppa kfreebsd leveleditor license-gpl mips mipsel opengl ppc ppcspe s390 sdl sh4 sparc sparc-64 x86 x86-64 BSDlabelminimizeminimize
tuxfootball  Tux Football Marketing Team (Tux Football Development team)2006 alpha armel armhf debian hppa hurd mips mipsel pclinuxos ppc ppcspe rpm s390 sh4 soccer sparc sparc-64 suse ubuntu x86 x86-64 Linuxlabelimagesubject
tuxfootball  Tux Football Marketing Team (Tux Football Development team)2006 alpha armel armhf hppa hurd kfreebsd mips mipsel ppc ppcspe s390 sh4 soccer sparc sparc-64 x86 x86-64 BSDlabelminimizeminimize
Xbattle author? 3ormoreplayers 68k alpha armcpu debian gentoo grid grid-hex grid-square grid-triangle hppa mips mipsel mklinux multidisplay multihead ppc redhat s390 sabayon sparc ubuntu x11 x86 x86-64 Linuxlabelimagesubject
Xbattle author1991 3ormoreplayers 68k alpha armcpu freebsd grid grid-hex grid-square grid-triangle hppa mips mipsel multidisplay multihead openbsd ppc s390 sparc x11 x86 x86-64 BSDlabelminimizeminimize
Xbreaky author2000 68k alpha armcpu breakoutlike clanguage cpplanguage deb debian hppa langinsignificant lives mips mipsel powerups ppc rpm s390 sparc ubuntu upgrades-transient x86 x86-64 Linuxlabelimagesubject
Xbreaky author2000 68k alpha armcpu breakoutlike clanguage cpplanguage hp-ux hppa langinsignificant lives mips mipsel powerups ppc s390 sparc upgrades-transient x86 x86-64 Unixlabelminimizeminimize
Xbreaky author2000 68k alpha armcpu breakoutlike clanguage cpplanguage hppa langinsignificant lives mips mipsel openbsd powerups ppc s390 sparc upgrades-transient x86 x86-64 BSDlabelminimizeminimize