showing 4 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeardescriptionplatform
Homeworld 2 Sierra;Vivendi (Relic Entertainment)2003Years after the Higarans reclaimed their Homeworld, there is still no peace. Now a new war, a prophecy, and a deadly new enemy threaten to make the recent journey home all for nothing. Once you reclaimed your home. Now reclaim your destiny.***Single player campaign and online multiplayer for 2-6 people.***EAN-13: [code]3348542222434[/code]
... includes 1.1 patch but requires manual application.***Latest version: 1.1 (as of 2003-12-23, non-English versions as of 2004-01-28)***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* 833 MHz Pentium III or Athlon CPU
* 256 MB RAM
* 32 MB VRAM
* T&L capable GPU (GeForce/Radeon 7500)
* 1.2 GB HD space
* Internet connection for multiplayer

* 1.4 GHz Pentium IV CPU
* 512 MB RAM
* 64 MB VRAM
* GeForce 3 or Radeon 8500 GPU***Combining elements of real-time strategy and space combat, Homeworld 2 delivers an evolutionary step in gameplay and technology. Cinematic-quality graphics, stunning special effects, brilliantly rendered ships and an innovative interface combine to create an immersive 3-D experience.
Homeworld 2 Aspyr Media (Relic Entertainment)2003 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Homeworld 2 Remastered Gearbox Software (Relic Entertainment;Gearbox Software)2015 Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Natural Selection 2  Unknown Worlds Entertainment2012Initial impressions, and what I've been hearing from other players and actually long term beta testers, is that the game itself is extremely stacked for marine side winning. The original NS was fairly balanced, but this new one just isn't even close. Currently I can't recommend this for anyone due to this massive imbalance (it really requires that the marine commander is Really Bad, anything else doesn't really matter that much), but unless they fix the balance issues, people who are interested in this or were fans of the original, are better off with the original. Outside of the balance issues this Could become a good successor for the original.***Originally NS2 was supposed to use Source engine but this was scratched due to technical problems with it and licensing costs, instead UW went and created their own game engine. Windowslabelimageminimize