showing 26 - 75 of 949 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsplatform
A Little Lily Princess Hanabira (Hanako Games)2016 commercial datingsim download femaleprotagonist indie license-proprietary osx osx-4 steampowered x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
A Long Way Home author2016 commercial download indie license-proprietary osx osx-7 steampowered x86-64 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
A Tale in the Desert  eGenesis;Pluribus Games2003 egypt egyptian-theme mmog naturalistic nonviolent osx subscription wasteland Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
A Valley Without Wind  Arcen Games2012 acid aircontrol amoeboids animals avww-series bossbattles crystalentities damagetypes demo difficulty difficulty-players dinosaurs dropplatforms endless eviloverlord giants improvisedweapons independentaim inventory license-crossplatform magic magicaltechnology mapgenerator mixedtheme monsters mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform mp-dropin nonlinear openworld osx osx-5 overworld passingthetorch postapocalypse robots sciencefantasy secrets serialkey smartprojectiles sorcery steampowered teleport undead unity-engine uvl-workingtitle weathereffects x86 Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
A Valley Without Wind 2  Arcen Games2013 adv-undefined antiepilepsy avww-series classbased deathpenalty display-1024x768 display-800x600 doomclock eviloverlord fogofwar hybridgame monsters mysticprotagonist osx osx-5 parallaxscrolling realtimecombat steampowered unlimitedlives x86 xp-none Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
A.R.C.S. Retromite2012 desura osx osx-6 retro Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Aaru's Awakening Lumenox2015 airdash bossbattles deadlydecor deathtraps deities disappearingplatforms download handdrawn instantkillers jumping metagaming midairjumping monsters nohumans nonhumanprotagonist oculusrift osx osx-6 ricocheting steampowered telefrag teleporting titlementioned titularcharacter unity-engine Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Abu Simbel Profanation Deluxe  M.A Software2006 allegro download egyptian-theme osx uvl-osversion Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Achron Hazardous Software2011 extraterrestrial leveleditor mp-crossplatform osx osx-8 steampowered time-theme timetravel x11 x86-64 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Acropolis GameHouse2006 osx osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 ppc x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Adanaxis Mushware2005 beamweapons cpplanguage demo opengl osx plasmaweapons rubylanguage sdl space vorbis xml Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Advanced Strategic Command  ?2008 cpplanguage grid grid-hex leveleditor osx sdl vorbis Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
Adventures in Odyssey and the Great Escape Digital Praise2005 christian osx Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Adventures in Odyssey and the Sword of the Spirit Digital Praise2004 christian osx Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Adventures in Odyssey and the Treasure of the Incas Digital Praise2004 christian osx Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Aeon Command Bat Country Games2012 3plusfactions baseincome cyborgs desura display-1024x768 download enemyhealthdisplay energyweapons harvesters humans militantprotagonist osx osx-5 resourceharvesting space spacecraft spacecraftcombat steampowered tugowarstrategy tutorial unity-engine upgrades-permanent upgradesystem war Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Aeon of Sands: The Trail Two Bits Kid2018 dungeoncrawler gridmove osx steampowered Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings  MacSoft (Westlake Interactive)2001 ageofempires earth genieengine osx osx-1 osx-2 osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 osx0 ppc Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Age of Empires III  MacSoft (Ensemble Studios)2006 ageofempires bangengine earth matchmakingrating osx osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 physx ppc x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties  MacSoft (Ensemble Studios;Destineer)2008 ageofempires aspectratio-auto bangengine cdrom commercial directconnect dvd earth esonline fatbinary formations keyboard license-proprietary matchmakingrating mouse mp-ffa mp-lms oriental osx osx-3 ppc ppcg4 proprietarynetwork rating-esrb-t widescreen x86 Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs  MacSoft (Ensemble Studios)2007 ageofempires americanindians bangengine earth matchmakingrating osx physx Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
Age of Fear: The Undead King  Leslaw Sliwko2011 demo difficulty fictionaluniverse indie java license-crossplatform osx osx-7 serialkey x86 x86-64 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Age of Mythology  MacSoft2003 3plusfactions 4ormoreresources antiquity asymmetricfactions atlantis avianoids aybabtu bangengine basebuilding birds cavalry centaurs cervids crocodiles crocodilians cyclopes damagetypes deities divinemenace drm egyptian-theme egyptianmythology elephants fantasticearth fatbinary giantbeetles giants giantsnakes giantwolves giraffes grecoroman grecoromanmythology hippo hydrae infantry kraken leveleditor lutris manticores matchmakingrating minotaurs monsters mummies naga norsemythology osx osx-2 osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 pegasus phoenixes ppc realtimestrategy resourceharvesting rhinoceroses safedisc siegetowers siegeweapons swordandsandal trolls warfare-land warfare-sea wildlife wolves workers worldcybergames x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Age of Wonders III  Triumph Studios2015 3plusfactions 4xstrategy ageofwonders asymmetricfactions clienthost columnarjointing combatmode commercial crafting damageinfo display-1024x768 display-1920x1080 dragons enemyhealthdisplay flanking grid grid-hex inventory license-proprietary lightbloom magic mapgenerator mp-private osx osx-9 randomdamage savedrngseed scenarios simultaneousturns-realtime softparticles sorcery steampowered summoning tanks thoroughfares tooltips veterancy x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Agent GDO - Invasion Flissoft2014 osx osx-6 panglike retro specialagentprotagonist x86 Mac OS Xlabelimagesubject
Air Forte Blendo Games2010 ♫silentnight 3ormoreplayers aerodyne aeroplane aircraft-a10-thunderboltii anthroprotagonist aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-4-3 christmas demo earth edu-geography edu-math edu-vocabulary fatbinary holiday license-proprietary lighthearted math nodrm opengl osx osx-4 osx-5 ppc widescreen x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Air Pressure ?2010 osx osx-8 renpy visualnovel x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
AirBuccaneers LudoCraft2013 airship boarding cannons chargedattack cooperation dirigibles fatbinary flamethrowers osx osx-2 pirates ppc rockets swords tactical thermalweapons undefinedelements unity-engine windindicator wintery x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Airburst Extreme Freeverse (Strange Flavour)2004 osx osx-1 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Airline Tycoon Deluxe Runesoft2006 aerodyne aeroplane commercial desura download fatbinary gog license-proprietary osx osx-2 osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 passengeraircraft ppc steampowered ubuntu usc-paid x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
AirMech Carbon Games2015 actionstrategy aerodyne alphafunding bulletengine cancelled clanguage flying freemium healingstations mecha meleeweapons npchealing objectiveindicator osx recastnavigation recruiting rockets supportnpcs swords tanks transformation undefinedelements walkers walking Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Airscape: Fall of Gravity Cross-Product2015 alieninvasion animalprotagonist demo download gravitycontrol osx osx-7 osx-9 steampowered x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Akaneiro: Demon Hunters Spicy Horse2014 actionrpg japanesemythology openbeta osx osx-6 steampowered x86 Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
Alien Blitz author2016 commercial download license-proprietary opengl opengl-3-0 osx osx-10 steampowered ubuntu Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Alien Spidy Kalypso Media Digital (Enigma SP)2013 arachnidprotagonist chapterreplay chapterreplay-superseding chapterskip deadlywater disappearingplatforms grapplinghook instantdeath jumppads osx osx-5 powerups precisionplatformer retrypoints ropeswinging score scoreloss scoreoriented steampowered unlimitedlives x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Alien Swarm Black Cat Games2004 aliens alienswarm-series fatbinary firearms group levelselection megacorps militantprotagonist mines mod mp-campaign mp-cooperative nplayers opengl osx osx-2 ppc tactical thermalweapons totalconversion unrealengine2 upgrades-health viralcreatures x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Aliens versus Predator  MacPlay2001 alienfranchise alienprotagonist aliens aliensvspredator ammomagazines androids burning cdrom ceilingclinging ceilingtraversal claws cloakednpcs cloaking commercial energyrecharger energyweapons extraterrestrial fatbinary fearofnothing firearms firstpersonshooter flamethrowers future grenadelaunchers grenades-bouncy grenades-impact healingdevice healingfinishers healthdrops healthpickups humanprotagonist hypermobilefoes interspecificconflict jumping keyboard license-proprietary megacorps meleeweapons militantprotagonist militaryfiction monsters mouse movie mp-3way mp-cooperative mp-ffa mp-teams mp-versus multiplecampaigns multipleperspectives opengl osx osx-1 osx-2 osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 otherworld perspectiveflip ppc ppcg3 predator sequence-escape serious spacefaringage thermalweapons tunnelvision turrets visionenhancer wallclimbing wallclinging wallcrawlers walltraversal weirdvision x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Aliens versus Predator 2  MacPlay2003 23rdcentury alienfranchise alienprotagonist aliens aliensvspredator ammomagazines androids bombs burning cdrom ceilingclinging ceilingtraversal claws cloakednpcs cloaking commercial dark detector dialup energyrecharger energyweapons extraterrestrial falldamage fearofnothing firearms firstpersonshooter flamethrowers future grotesque healingdevice healingfinishers healthdrops humanprotagonist hypermobilefoes interspecificconflict jumping keyboard knives license-proprietary lithtech-talon lithtechengine macos4 megacorps meleeweapons militantprotagonist militaryfiction monsters motiondetector mouse movie mp-3way mp-dm mp-escape mp-ffa mp-lms mp-teams mp-undefined multiplecampaigns multipleperspectives osx osx-2 osx-3 otherworld perspectiveflip polearms ppc ppcg4 predator privatemilitarycompanies rockets rotaryguns saveanywhere savepoints sequence-escape serious spacefaringage spearguns spears stunning thermalweapons visionenhancer wallclinging wallcrawlers walltraversal weirdvision Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Alpacapaca Dash Synnergy Circle Games2017 commercial directx directx9 download indie license-proprietary osx osx-6 steampowered Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Altitude Nimbly Games2010 achievements achievements-public aerodyne aeroplane demo fighteraircraft intangiblefoes license-crossplatform mp-crossplatform osx osx-5 osx-6 ppc pvp rockets steampowered steamworks upnp x86 Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
Alwa's Awakening Elden Pixels2017 commercial download exploration gamepad license-proprietary magic metroidvania osx osx-8 steamcontroller steampowered unity-engine x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Amazing Adventures: Riddle of the Two Knights PopCap Games2012 osx osx-5 x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Amazing Adventures: The Forgotten Dynasty PopCap Games2011 osx osx-5 x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
aMazing Bible  Thomas Nelson (Digital Praise)2009 christian osx osx-3 ppc Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
American History Lux Sillysoft Games2006 1750s 1760s 1770s 1780s 1840s 1860s 18thcentury 1910s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1990s 19thcentury 20thcentury 2ndmillennium africa africa-north alabama alaska algeria americancivilwar americanrevolutionarywar australia austria belarus belgium bosnia bulgaria california cambodia canada china civilwar coldwar commercial connecticut croatia czechoslovakia demo denmark difficulty earth england estonia europe fatbinary finland florida france frenchandindianwar georgia-usa germany greece greenland grid grid-irregular gulfwar hawaii herzegovina hungary illinois independencewar indiana iraq ireland italy japan java kentucky korea koreanwar kuwait langbrazil-port laos latvia license-proprietary lithuania louisiana maine massachusetts mexican-americanwar mexico militantprotagonist mississippi morocco netherlands newengland newhampshire newmexico northamerica northcarolina norway oregon osx osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 pacificwar past ppc quintanaroo quitsave rhodeisland risk romania russia scotland serbia slovakia slovenia southcarolina spain stalematewar sweden switzerland tennessee texas tunisia turkey ukraine usa vermont vietnam vietnamwar war warfare-air warfare-land warfare-sea washington worldwar worldwar1 worldwar2 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs  Frictional Games (thechineseroom)2013 19thcentury amnesia-series angelscript aristocratprotagonist engineerprotagonist giantmachine gog hpl2engine hplengine langhungarian osx osx-6 pacifisthorror steampowered survivalhorror victorian x86 Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
Amnesia: The Dark Descent Frictional Games2010 1830s 18thcentury actionadventure adaptation-sight amnesia amnesia-series angelscript anxiety argevent autosavepoints biogrowth castle cloakednpcs constrainedlocale containers controlconfig controlloss cpplanguage crepuscularrays dark defenseless demo diaries distortedvision dollyzoom earth europe fearofnothing firelighter flashbacks grantfunded hallucinations healingitems health-multi hiding hpl2engine hplengine immobilewater indoors insects interlinkedlevels inventory inventory-indisposable involuntaryactions jumping keys kingdomofprussia laboratory lamp lamp-powered leaning leveleditor library limitedsupplies manualinteraction mapdeficient midastouch newtongamedynamics nordicgameprogram openal opengl osx osx-5 pacifisthorror paranormal past playerprofiles ppc psychologicalhorror quake quitsave rating-esrb-m retrypoints ruins runningcommentary screenshake sdl secrets secrets-mandatory sequence-escape serious shallowwater sightavoidance siminsanity singularlocale stealth stealth-light stealth-sight steampowered survivalhorror tasktracker theora tutorial-integrated universalbinary vorbis walking windy x86 Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
Among the Sleep Krillbite Studio2014 babyprotagonist crowdfunded download facelessprotagonist genderneutral indie langnorse namelessprotagonist osx osx-6 pacifisthorror silentprotagonist worldscale-smaller x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Ancient Domains Of Mystery  author2006 1life abominations adv-static agriculture attackdefenseadjust cannibalism classbased curseditems desecration destructibleitems dragons dungeon encounters-random energyregen fatbinary floatingeyes genderchoice gremlins heroprotagonist hiddenattributes hunger hyperalimentation inventory inventory-unprotected itemidentification jokeitems karma karmiccreatures magic mapgenerator metamorphosis mitoticcreatures monsters mutation naming naming-companions naming-npcs nonlinear nonstandardcolors optionaltasks ordervschaos osx osx-4 osx-6 outlaws overworld owlbears permadeath placeswap potions ppc presetmaps psychicpowers psychics quitsave randomdamage randomizedeffects roguelike rotting sacrificing safeguards save-suspend shiftinglocale singlesave sorcery spawners specieschoice subterraneanforest tangibleabstracts teleport teleporters teleporting timeslicing transformativecorruption trolls undead unicorns worms x86 xp-kills xp-literal Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
And Yet It Moves Broken Rules2009 animateobjectprotagonist anthropomorphicobjectprotagonist clanguage demo download ginkgoengine handdrawn humblebundle instantdeath mouse netranking opengl osx osx-4 papery physics ppc puzzleplatformer savepoints skeletalanimation spinninglevels spokenonomatopoeia surreal torque2d trampolines widescreen worldrotation Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
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