showing 1 - 50 of 94 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagslanguageplatform
50 Cent: Bulletproof Vivendi (Genuine Games)2005 censored criware havokphysics musicband rating-esrb-m realprotagonist Xboxlabelimageminimize
50 Cent: Bulletproof  Vivendi (Genuine Games)2005 censored criware dvd9 greatesthits havokphysics musicband platinum rating-acb-ma15 rating-bbfc-18 rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 realprotagonist PS2labelimageminimize
Alexander the Great Krell1983 ancientgreece basic edu-math edu-vocabulary mp-versus nplayers realprotagonist zedekengine enC64labelimageminimize
Alexander the Great Krell1982 ancientgreece basic edu-math edu-vocabulary mp-versus nplayers realprotagonist zedekengine enCommodore PETlabelminimizeminimize
Alexander the Great Krell1982 ancientgreece basic edu-math edu-vocabulary mp-versus nplayers realprotagonist zedekengine enTRS-80labelminimizeminimize
Alexander the Great Krell? 5.25disk ancientgreece basic edu-math edu-vocabulary mp-versus nplayers realprotagonist zedekengine enAtari 400/800labelminimizeminimize
Axis of Evil Invaders author? alieninvasion aliens cover cover-destructible fixedshooter realprotagonist space enLinuxlabelminimizesubject
Blues and Bullets A Crowd of Monsters2015 boxed commercial download license-proprietary past realprotagonist steampowered ubuntu Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Blues and Bullets Episode 2 A Crowd of MonstersTBA boxed commercial download license-proprietary past realprotagonist steampowered ubuntu Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Blues and Bullets Episode 3 A Crowd of MonstersTBA boxed commercial download license-proprietary past realprotagonist steampowered ubuntu Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Blues and Bullets Episode 4 A Crowd of MonstersTBA boxed commercial download license-proprietary past realprotagonist steampowered ubuntu Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Blues and Bullets Episode 5 A Crowd of MonstersTBA boxed commercial download license-proprietary past realprotagonist steampowered ubuntu Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Bolt Riley Adventure Mob2014 1970s 20thcentury 2ndmillennium celebritytiein clickadventure commercial desura download gangs indie jamaica license-proprietary music-reggae musicband past realprotagonist steampowered ubuntu unity-engine enLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Bruce Lee II Bruneras2013 fangame indoors outdoors realprotagonist swimming unarmedfighting walking enLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Bureaucracy Infocom1987 69105 interactivefiction realprotagonist wordinput enAmigalabelimagesubject
Bureaucracy Infocom1987 69105 interactivefiction realprotagonist wordinput enApple II Elabelimagesubject
Bureaucracy Infocom1987 69105 interactivefiction printer realprotagonist wordinput enAtari STlabelimagesubject
Bureaucracy Infocom1987 69105 interactivefiction realprotagonist wordinput enC128labelimagesubject
Bureaucracy Infocom1987 69105 interactivefiction printer realprotagonist wordinput enMS-DOSlabelimagesubject
Bureaucracy Infocom1987 69105 interactivefiction realprotagonist todo-verifyexistence wordinput enAmstrad CPClabelminimizeminimize
Bureaucracy  Infocom;Activision (Infocom)1987 68k 69105 cdrom color-8bit cpu-68000 interactivefiction macos6 macos7 osclassic realprotagonist wordinput enMac OS Classiclabelimageminimize
Cacman author2017 claiming currency humor-toilet langromanian lives mouse pacmanlike realprotagonist score seriousgame otherLinuxlabelminimizesubject
Cardiff_Insane Letters Endless Seasons2014 alcohol homosexuals kineticnovel license-proprietary murder realprotagonist renpy smokes enLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Carlos Microïds1994 feelies harmfultouch ladders lives musicband realprotagonist score en, fr, deAmigalabelimageminimize
Commander Stalin  The Commander Stalin Team? 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 20thcentury aerodyne aeroplane coldwar earth europe fighteraircraft firearms infantry latemodernperiod license-gpl militantprotagonist mod naturalistic nazis past propellerplane realprotagonist realtimecombat realtimestrategy rockets sdl siberia socialistprotagonist sovietunion stratagusengine tanks totalconversion ubuntu uvl-missingimages war warfare-air warfare-information warfare-land wargame worldwar2 en, ru, spLinuxlabelimageminimize
Cross of the Dutchman Triangle Studios2015 16thcentury 2ndmillennium commercial download humblestore license-proprietary realprotagonist steampowered ubuntu enLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Dă o palmă corupției  author2017 langromanian mouse realprotagonist score seriousgame otherLinuxlabelminimizesubject
Def Jam Vendetta  Electronic Arts (EA Sports BIG)2003 blackprotagonist defjam realprotagonist GameCubelabelimagesubject
Def Jam: Fight For NY Electronic Arts (EA Canada;Aki Corporation)2004 blackprotagonist defjam rating-cero-c rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 realprotagonist PS2labelimagesubject
Def Jam: Fight For NY Electronic Arts;EA Games (EA Canada)2004 blackprotagonist defjam realprotagonist GameCubelabelimagesubject
Eat Create Sleep Adventures  Eat Create Sleep2014 2010s 21stcentury 3rdmillennium download earth free latemodernperiod naturalistic realprotagonist realworld enLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Escape from Homebrew Computer Club author2007 1970s 20thcentury 2ndmillennium devsysapple2 devsysself display-40x40 hunger joystick keyboard leveleditor past realprotagonist enApple II Elabelminimizeminimize
Expedition: The New World Slashware Interactive2011 15thcentury 16thcentury 17thcentury 18thcentury 19thcentury ageofdiscovery ageofsail alphafunding atlantic bludgeons bodyarmor bows cannons commercial currency download earlymodernperiod earth england fish fishing fogofwar gold group horses hunger inventory java license-proprietary lineofsight meleeweapons naturalistic northamerica ocean past pirates precisionrifles realprotagonist realworld resourceharvesting riding roguelike sandbox shopping spears swords uvl-platform-limitation warship watercraft-large enLinuxlabelminimizesubject
Flappy Dragnea author2017 currency langromanian mouse realprotagonist score seriousgame otherLinuxlabelminimizesubject
Hen-party KEXBOY2015 download free2play indie license-proprietary parody pythonlanguage realprotagonist renpy ubuntu visualnovel enLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
How visual novels changed my life author2014 2010s 21stcentury 3rdmillennium download earth latemodernperiod license-proprietary miscommunication naturalistic parody past realistic realprotagonist realworld renpy visualnovel enLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
InterrOUGation Critique Gaming2017 keyboard langromanian realprotagonist score seriousgame timelimit otherLinuxlabelminimizesubject
Jackie Chan: Stuntmaster  Midway (Radical Entertainment)2000 rating-esrb-t realprotagonist PSlabelimagesubject
Last Chance to See The Voyager Company1992 68k color-8bit earth naturalistic osclassic present realantagonist realcrisis realistic realprotagonist seriousgame enMac OS Classiclabelminimizesubject
Limbo of the Lost G2 Games;Tri Synergy (Majestic Studios)2007 19thcentury cartoonbones chapters clickadventure compass destiny detectivemystery directx9 hoarding inventory maleprotagonist middleagedprotagonist pixelprecision plagiarism prerenderedbackgrounds realprotagonist sequelhook souls titularlocale town walking wetland wintermute withdrawn enWindowslabelimageminimize
Mata Hari Loriciels1988 explosives femaleprotagonist firearms ladders realprotagonist robots spyprotagonist en, frAtari STlabelimageminimize
Mata Hari Loriciels1988 explosives femaleprotagonist firearms ladders realprotagonist robots spyprotagonist en, frAmstrad CPClabelimageminimize
Mata Hari  Viva-Media;dtp entertainment (4Head Studios)2008 1900s 20thcentury cdrom directx9 download earth espionage femaleprotagonist france latemodernperiod minigames nonlinear past realprotagonist secretmission shadermodel2 spyprotagonist steampowered vorbis winvista winxp enWindowslabelimageminimize
Memoir En Code  Kalopsia Games2015 commercial download indie license-proprietary realprotagonist steampowered ubuntu enLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Meriwether: An American Epic sortasoft2013 1800s 19thcentury 1life 2ndcentury alcohol americanindians basebuilding commercial earth exploration firearms forest grid-none group hunger hunting inventory latemodernperiod license-proprietary meleeweapons militantprotagonist naturalistic northamerica past permadeath plains proceduralgeneration realistic realisticranges realprotagonist realworld serious slavery spears stealth ursines walking western enLinuxlabelminimizesubject
Michael Jackson: The Experience Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2011 kinect michaeljackson musicband rating-esrb-e10 realprotagonist X360labelimageminimize
Michael Jackson: The Experience HD Ubisoft2011 launchtitle michaeljackson musicband rating-acb-pg rating-cero-a rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 realprotagonist uvl-missingimages en, jpPS Vitalabelimageminimize
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker Sega1990 alone horizontalscreen magic mame michaeljackson movie mp-campaign mp-cooperative musicband realprotagonist rescue score sorcery system18-hw enArcadelabelimagesubject
Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City Electronic Arts1994 blackprotagonist consoleclassix professionalathlete realprotagonist sports-theme enSNESlabelimageminimize
Moonwalker  Sega1990 cemetery consoleclassix directionalforce-movingsurface dogs domesticcats lives marketingbuzzwords michaeljackson movie musicband primates realprotagonist rescue score spiders unarmedfighting undead zombies en, jpMega Drivelabelimagesubject
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