showing 10 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsplatform
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath  Electronic Arts (EA Los Angeles)2008 2030s 2040s 2050s 21stcentury africa aiprotagonist alienearth alternatetimeline artillery asia asymmetricfactions basebuilding beamweapons chemicalweapons china cliffhanger cnc combiningentities cyborgs deathworld earth energyweapons europe fictionalelement flamethrowers future harvesters hexapeds hovervehicles infantry laserweapons liveactors logitech-g15 mrls mutagen planetlooters rating-pegi-16 recurrence-location resourceharvesting russia sageengine sentientmachines subfactions subtitledeficient superheavyvehicles supportpowers tanks tiberium timeskip titularcharacter trampling tripeds uganda unitybyforce uvl-missingimages veterancy visionaryplan walkers warfare-air warfare-land worldcybergames Windowslabelimagesubject
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath  Electronic Arts (EA Los Angeles)2008 2030s 2040s 2050s 21stcentury africa aiprotagonist alienearth alternatetimeline chemicalweapons cliffhanger cnc combiningentities cyborgs deathworld earth energyweapons fictionalelement future harvesters hexapeds infantry laserweapons liveactors mutagen planetlooters rating-pegi-16 resourceharvesting sageengine sentientmachines superheavyvehicles supportpowers tiberium tripeds veterancy visionaryplan warfare-air warfare-land X360labelimageminimize
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars  Electronic Arts (EA Los Angeles)2007 2040s 21stcentury 3plusfactions aerodyne aiadvantage alienearth alieninvasion aliens alternatetimeline asymmetricfactions beamweapons biorobots city cnc combiningentities crystals deathworld difficultyspike digitizedvideo earth emweapons energyshields fictionalelement firstcontact framesynced future garrisons harvesters infantry landvehicle laserweapons liveactors matchmakingrating mutagen mutants npcteleporting nuclearweapons orbitalweapons osx osx-4 osx-5 phlebotinum planetlooters plasmaweapons resourceharvesting ruins sageengine sonicweapons starfishaliens supportpowers teleport teleporting tiberium tripeds upgrades-transient uvl-missingimages veterancy visionaryplan warfare-air warfare-land wasteland weaponsplatforms x86 Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars  Electronic Arts (EA Los Angeles)2007 2040s 21stcentury 3plusfactions aerodyne aiadvantage alienearth alieninvasion aliens alternatetimeline asymmetricfactions beamweapons biorobots chemicalweapons city cnc combiningentities crystals deathworld difficultyspike digitizedvideo earth emweapons energyshields fictionalelement firstcontact framesynced future garrisons harvesters infantry landvehicle laserweapons liveactors matchmakingrating mutagen mutants npcteleporting nuclearweapons orbitalweapons packin phlebotinum planetlooters plasmaweapons resourceharvesting ruins sageengine sonicweapons starfishaliens supportpowers teleport teleporting tiberium tripeds upgrades-transient veterancy visionaryplan warfare-air warfare-land wasteland weaponsplatforms X360labelimageminimize
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars  Electronic Arts (EA Los Angeles)2007 2040s 21stcentury 3plusfactions aerodyne africa aiadvantage albania alienearth alieninvasion aliens alternatetimeline artillery asia asymmetricfactions australia basebuilding beamweapons biorobots bosnia brazil britain chemicalweapons city cloakednpcs cloaking cnc combinedeffort combiningentities control-individuals croatia crystals deathworld depthfog destructibleenvironment difficultyspike digitizedvideo directx9 disproportionalworld dominion drm droppods earth egypt elitemobs elites empweapons emweapons encyclopedia energyshields europe facelessprotagonist fictionalelement firstcontact flamethrowers fogofwar framesynced friendlyfire future garrisons germany harvesters healing infantry interfacespoilers italy jumppack landvehicle laserweapons leveleditor levelselection liveactors logitech-g15 matchmakingrating militantprotagonist militaryfiction missionbased mode-skirmish modifiable mp-ffa mp-lms mp-teams mrls multiplecampaigns multipleperspectives mutagen mutants namelessprotagonist northamerica nostructurefacing npcteleporting nuclearweapons openended optionaltasks orbitalweapons overpenetration perspectiveflip phlebotinum planetlooters plasmaweapons playerprofiles playerstats portals prologue radarscramblers rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-16 realtimestrategy repairing resourceharvesting ruinedworld ruins sageengine securom7 sequelhook sequence-defend sequence-timed serious silentprotagonist simultaneoustargets slovenia sonicweapons southamerica starfishaliens stealthprojectors stockpiles structurefacing subtitledeficient suicideattackers supportpowers switzerland tanks teleport teleporting thermalweapons tiberium title-animated trampling transports tripeds tutorial unlockable-campaigns upgrades-transient upgradesystem usa veterancy visionaryplan voicechat walkers war warfare-air warfare-land wargame wasteland waypoints weaponsplatforms worldcybergames Windowslabelimagesubject
Command & Conquer: Generals Electronic Arts (EA Pacific)2003 alternatetimeline artillery aspectratio-4-3 aybabtu banned basebuilding beamweapons boosters cdrom censored chemicalweapons cnc cncgenerals communists construction-gradual control-individuals directx8 drm earth empweapons energyweapons expenses-instant hackers harvesters healing infantry laserweapons milessound militantprotagonist militaryfiction missionbased mp-lms mp-teams nostructurefacing nuclearweapons orbitalweapons radioactiveglow realtimestrategy recruiting redchina repairing resourcecontrol resourcegeneration resourceharvesting safedisc sageengine serialkey suicideattackers supportpowers tanks upgradesystem veterancy war wargame waypoints worldwar Windowslabelimagesubject
Command & Conquer: Generals: Zero Hour  EA Games (EA Los Angeles)2003 artillery aspectratio-4-3 banned basebuilding beamweapons boosters cdrom censored chemicalweapons cnc cncgenerals communists construction-gradual control-individuals directx8 drm earth energyweapons expenses-instant hackers harvesters healing infantry laserweapons milessound militantprotagonist militaryfiction missionbased mp-lms mp-teams nostructurefacing nuclearweapons orbitalweapons radioactiveglow rating-esrb-t recruiting redchina repairing resourcecontrol resourcegeneration resourceharvesting safedisc sageengine serialkey subfactions supportpowers tanks upgradesystem veterancy war wargame waypoints worldwar Windowslabelimageminimize
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth  EA Games (EA Los Angeles)2004 archaicearth arda basebuilding drm earth elites goblinoids highfantasy incarnateddivines lotr magic missionbased movie oliphaunts rating-esrb-t realtimestrategy sageengine serialkey serious supportpowers uchronia Windowslabelimagesubject
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II - The Rise of the Witch-king  EA Games (EA Los Angeles)2006 archaicearth arda basebuilding earth goblinoids highfantasy incarnateddivines lotr magic monsters movie rating-esrb-t sageengine supportpowers uchronia uvl-missingimages Windowslabelimageminimize
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II  EA Games (EA Los Angeles)2006 archaicearth arda basebuilding drm earth elites goblinoids highfantasy incarnateddivines leveleditor lotr magic missionbased movie multiphased rating-esrb-t realtimestrategy safedisc sageengine serialkey serious shadermodel1 supportpowers uchronia Windowslabelimageminimize