showing 1 - 50 of 87 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescriptionplatform
The Dallas Quest Datasoft;U.S. Gold (Datasoft)1984Based on the series of TV miniserieses collectively know under the title, [i]Dallas[/i]. You play a private investigator hired by Sue Ellen. She wants to collect some oil fields of her own to get rich and leave J.R.
The Dallas Quest Datasoft1984Based on the series of TV miniserieses collectively know under the title, [i]Dallas[/i]. You play a private investigator hired by Sue Ellen. She wants to collect some oil fields of her own to get rich and leave J.R.
Apple II Elabelimagesubject
The Dallas Quest Datasoft1984Based on the series of TV miniserieses collectively know under the title, [i]Dallas[/i]. You play a private investigator hired by Sue Ellen. She wants to collect some oil fields of her own to get rich and leave J.R.
Atari 400/800labelimagesubject
The Dallas Quest Tandy;Datasoft (Datasoft)1984[media=youtube]-Yd_Pe183lU[/media]***
[48]***Based on the series of TV miniserieses collectively know under the title, [i]Dallas[/i]. You play a private investigator hired by Sue Ellen. She wants to collect some oil fields of her own to get rich and leave J.R.
Tandy Cocolabelimagesubject
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past  Nintendo1991
[66]***Japanese version
[64]***Also reviewed in Nintendo Player #7 without score.
[37]***European version
[29]***Japanese version
[27]***A Link to the Past (LTP throughout) was a ground-breaking game for the Zelda series. Besides being the first Zelda for the SNES, it was the first to have a semi fleshed-out plot. By semi fleshed-out, I mean something more than collect crystals and kill Ganon. Instead, it had a retrieve 3 pendants, collect the 'Master Sword,' kill Agahnim, _then_ collect crystals and [spoiler]kill Ganon (revealed to be Agahnim's alter-ego).[/spoiler]
Despite my sarcasm, I actually enjoyed (and continue to enjoy) this game having beaten it at least 15 times and I still keep coming back for more. The wonderfully engaging plot (mentioned above) actually takes place *before* the first 2 Zeldas, and so is technically a prequel. The game-play departs from the Zelda 2 RPG style, and returns to it's roots as a top-view adventure game with RPG elements. Unlike the first Zelda, communication plays a fairly important role in this installment. There are friendly, non-cavedwelling NPC's that you can, indeed are required, to get information from. Some play an important role, some are there just to annoy the living shnike out of you. Fighting is still basicly the same as in the original, as is the heart and money system. However, the overworld/dungeon system has changed drastically with the addition of an in-game map that actually shows important locations. i.e. Where you are, where you need to go, and enough detail to make getting there possible.***The Zelda Link to the Past [[link: Master Quest]] hack has brand new dungeons, overworlds, music, etc.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening  Nintendo (Nintendo EAD)1993A Game Boy fantasy adventure like no other!

Nintendo's fantasy adventure hero, Link of Hyrule, returns in this new epic quest...Link's Awakening. Link's newest challenge is set on the mysterious Koholint Island, a place where dreams and reality collide. As a castaway, Link must find a way to escape from the island and return to his beloved homeland of Hyrule.

But it won't be as easy as chartering a boat. The island's inhabitants have no knowledge of the outside world. One creature, a talking Owl, may know the solution to Link's dilemma, but first Link must tackle eight dungeons full of treacherous monsters and tricky traps. His goal: find the eight Instruments of the Sirens and awaken the omnipotent Wind Fish which rules the island.

Link will battle new enemies and make new friends in one of the most in-depth fantasy adventure for Game Boy yet!

A battery-packed memory will save up to three games so you never have to start your journey empty-handed.***[b]Version variations[/b]: in the Japanese and most other versions the anthropomorphic hippo model in Animal Village appears to have breasts which she covers up with a towel. In the North American version the sprite was redrawn without breasts or towel. In the North American version the item that the mermaid has lost was also changed from bikini top to necklace.
There are other minor differences, too, see source for details.***[b]Easter eggs[/b]: when entering [i]ZELDA[/i] as the protagonist's name (ぜるだ in the Japanese Version), a version of Zelda's theme starts playing. Another tune is also available in some versions of the game. It is accessed by entering the name とたけけ in the Japanese version, [i]LOLO[/i] in the French version and [i]MOYSE[/i] (the last name of the translator) in the German version. It is not possible to hear this song in the US version.***Link's Awakening was the first game in the Legend of Zelda series that had
* a trade sequence,
* a fishing mini-game,
* individual music for each dungeon.

It was also the first game that took place outside of Hyrule.***
[27]***This is the first Zelda game to feature humans. Though their presence in the Zelda universe was implied in the Manual for Link to the Past.
[Zerothis]***"The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening" resembles the feel and control of Zelda III for the SNES. Playing as Link, you must collect all 8 instruments to wake the Wind Fish. There are a variety of items and weapons, and yes, the dungeons are still as challenging as ever!
Postal²  Whiptail Interactive;Resi Network (Running With Scissors)2003A funny thing about Steam achievements is that some of them are anachronic with the original release date of the game: for example, there is an achievement that relates to [url=]Chuck Testa Taxidermy Meme (2011)[/url]***Este juego trata de como un tipo corriente en un día normal puede armar un cristo en su pequeña ciudad residencial por cosas tan cotidianas como esperar en una cola o ir a devolver un libro.
Tiene un fuerte humor negro y muchísimo sarcasmo en cuanto a la violencia en videojuegos y las manifestaciones.
Lo mejor de todo es que en realidad puedes cumplir los objetivos sin dar ni un sólo tiro, pero la tentación es simplemente demasiado grande.

8 de 10***Live a week in the life of "The Postal Dude"; a hapless everyman just trying to check off some chores. Buying milk, returning an overdue library book, getting Gary Coleman's autograph, what could possibly go wrong?
Blast, chop and piss your way through a freakshow of American caricatures in this darkly humorous first-person adventure. Meet Krotchy: the toy mascot gone bad, visit your Uncle Dave at his besieged religious cult compound and battle sewer-dwelling Taliban when you least expect them! Endure the sphincter-clenching challenge of cannibal rednecks, corrupt cops and berserker elephants. Accompanied by Champ, the Dude's semi-loyal pitbull, battle your way through open environments populated with amazingly unpredictable AI. Utilize an arsenal of weapons ranging from a humble shovel to a uniquely hilarious rocket launcher.
Collect a pack of attack dogs! Use cats as silencers! Piss and pour gasoline on anything and everyone! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!***[b]cruelty potential[/b] - the game lives and breathes this; you don't get rewarded for it, the game doesn't encourage it, but damn if they ever meant you to do anything else.***Latest version: 1337 (as of ?)
Day of Defeat Activision (Valve)2003Uno de los principales culpables junto a Call of Duty de la moda de la ambientación en la IIª Guerra Mundial.

Especialmente recomendable para los que sentimos nostalgia por los juegos que estaban basados más en la habilidad y el conocimiento de las virtudes y defectos del rival que los actuales FPS.

Clásico de cibercafé.

6 de 10.
Day of Defeat Activision (Valve)2003 Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick THQ (Vis Entertainment)2003Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick mixes the comedy and fun of the campy horror movie series with intense combat missions and a number of puzzle-solving sequences for the most complete Evil Dead game yet! Take on the role of Ash, the chainsaw-armed hero from the Evil Dead trilogy, and fend off hordes of Zombies and Deadites with multiple weapons including the axe, rifle, shotgun and infamous chainsaw. PS2labelimagesubject
Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick THQ (Vis Entertainment)2003Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick mixes the comedy and fun of the campy horror movie series with intense combat missions and a number of puzzle-solving sequences for the most complete Evil Dead game yet! Take on the role of Ash, the chainsaw-armed hero from the Evil Dead trilogy, and fend off hordes of Zombies and Deadites with multiple weapons including the axe, rifle, shotgun and infamous chainsaw. Xboxlabelimagesubject
Silent Hill 4: The Room Konami (Konami;Team Silent)2004There are four different endings (details missing). No UFO joke ending unlike in most other SH games. Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Silent Hill 4: The Room Konami (Konami;Team Silent)2004Terror Comes to Your Room! The heart stops where the fear the entrance to The Room, the latest sequel in the most terrifying game series of all time, Silent Hill. Indescribable dread accompanies Henry Townshend, the main character who finds himself trapped in his own cursed apartment, the victim of complete mental and spiritual possession by a cast of horrendous characters. State-of-the-art technology creates bone-chilling effects that add to the game's creepy atmosphere and help to complete the psychological nightmare that is Silent Hill 4. For the first time in the Silent Hill series, the game shifts between first and third-person perspectives, adding to the already intense drama. Gamers will be challenged as they solve puzzles while exploring portals to progress through alternate worlds. They will also experience real-time environmental evolution as the alternate world seeps into reality. With a strong emphasis on action that includes real-time weapon and item selection, beautifully detailed environments, and a haunting soundtrack, Silent Hill 4 provides creates a psychological horror that will bring new meaning to the word fear!
* A cast of mysterious new characters, some of whom will try to block your way
* Stranger creatures are waiting for you, as you unravel a horrible story
* For 1 player
* Face giant mutant wasps and dogs as you navigate through horrific, alien dimensions
* Terrifying and more powerful new zombies that can walk through walls and float through the air
Silent Hill 4: The Room Konami (Konami;Team Silent)2004Terror Comes to Your Room! The heart stops where the fear the entrance to The Room, the latest sequel in the most terrifying game series of all time, Silent Hill. Indescribable dread accompanies Henry Townshend, the main character who finds himself trapped in his own cursed apartment, the victim of complete mental and spiritual possession by a cast of horrendous characters. State-of-the-art technology creates bone-chilling effects that add to the game's creepy atmosphere and help to complete the psychological nightmare that is Silent Hill 4. For the first time in the Silent Hill series, the game shifts between first and third-person perspectives, adding to the already intense drama. Gamers will be challenged as they solve puzzles while exploring portals to progress through alternate worlds. They will also experience real-time environmental evolution as the alternate world seeps into reality. With a strong emphasis on action that includes real-time weapon and item selection, beautifully detailed environments, and a haunting soundtrack, Silent Hill 4 provides creates a psychological horror that will bring new meaning to the word fear!
* A cast of mysterious new characters, some of whom will try to block your way
* Stranger creatures are waiting for you, as you unravel a horrible story
* For 1 player
* Face giant mutant wasps and dogs as you navigate through horrific, alien dimensions
* Terrifying and more powerful new zombies that can walk through walls and float through the air
Dofus Ankama Games2004[b]Classes:[/b]
* Ecaflip
* Sadida
* Eniripsa
* Osamodas
* Iop
* Enutrof
* Cra
* Sram
* Feca
* Xélor
* Sacrier
* Pandawa***For some odd reason most (all?) of the class names are actual words or brand names spelled backwards.***DOFUS is a 2D Tactical MMORPG with turn-based fights. Players evolve in a Heroic Fantasy universe, cartoon like design and full of humour. They are looking to find out the 6 DOFUS - Magic dragons eggs - which deliver an absolute power to their owner. DOFUS also has hundred of features and a large variety of quests, items and original spells.
Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the Sacred Tome  Nippon Ichi Software;Koei;NIS America (Nippon Ichi Software)2005An attempt to rewrite history gone terribly wrong, Lord Zetta -- ruler of the netherworld -- has brought destruction upon himself. Players take on the role of Lord Zetta to command an army of determined fighters to reclaim what has righteously been his, the netherworld. Battle enemies raging from vicious demons to noble soldiers in both modern and ancient warfare in this tactical RPG. Battle maps in the game are randomly generated, offering a new play experience every time you play.
Postal²: Apocalypse Weekend  Running With Scissors;Resi Network (Running With Scissors)2005Latest version: 1411 (as of ?) Windowslabelimageminimize
Dofus Ankama Games2005This is a proprietary game.
This is the Linux specific downloadable client for Dofus.
Dofus Ankama Games2005 Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Day of Defeat: Source Valve2005Pues viene a ser la versión remodelada de uno de los mejores multijugadores basados en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Podríamos decir que junto a los primeros Call of Duty representa la versión más arcade y simple de esta ambientación, teniendo en el extremo opuesto juegos como el Red Orchestra.

Es un gran juego, aunque se ve opacado por su primo Counter Strike.

Como apunte, cuidado con los hombres-hongo.

6 de 10
Day of Defeat: Source Valve2005 Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Postal²: Apocalypse Weekend  Running With Scissors (House of Moves;Running With Scissors)2005 Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Postal²: Apocalypse Weekend  Running With Scissors2005 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green Groove Games (Brainbox Games)2005 Xboxlabelminimizeminimize
Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green  Groove Games (Brainbox Games)2005[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP
* 1 GHz Pentium III CPU
* 256 MB RAM
* 64 MB VRAM
* 2 GB HD space

* 1.2 GHz Pentium III CPU
* 512 MB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
* Radeon 9000 or GeForce FX GPU
The Godfather: The Game  Electronic Arts (EA Redwood Shores)2006 Xboxlabelimageminimize
The Godfather: The Game  Electronic Arts (EA Redwood Shores)2006 Windowslabelimageminimize
The Godfather: The Game  Electronic Arts (EA Redwood Shores)2006 X360labelimageminimize
The Godfather: The Game Electronic Arts (Page 44 Studios)2006 PSPlabelimageminimize
Alliance of Valiant Arms  NHN USA;Neowiz;Tencent (Redduck)2007Básicamente un FPS con un complejo existencial entre un estilo Battlefield y un Counter-Strike, y que no logra hacer ninguno de los 2 bien. Si además le sumas que a base de dinero algunos jugadores aguantan todo lo que les venga, y un sistema de comprar por días todos los objetos, te queda un Pay To Win abominable.

Su única virtud es que al jugarlo ganas un cuchillo para el Spy del TF2.
Bueno, y el patocuchillo.

3 de 10.***AVA is a free-to-play MMOFPS that plunges you into the middle of a world at war. Side with the European Union (E.U) or the Neo-Russian Federation (NRF) and take up arms across vicious urban battlegrounds. Test your skills against your friends and see if you have what it takes to come out on top!
[Steam Store]***The premise is the new rise of Russia to power as the Neo Russian Federation (NRF) that has conquered much of Europe and the remaining "free" European countries fighting back with US help.***Only available to people living in USA? Has region lock in at least Steam.
Dungeon Maker  Rising Star;Atlus (Global A Entertainment)2007 Nintendo DSlabelimageminimize
Team Fortress 2  Valve2007MAGGOTS!

En serio, es el mejor F2P actual.
Y a los que piensen lo contrario, me LOL en su cara

De hecho, ¿tener Steam sin haber probado el TF2? ¿Eso es posible?

9 de 10***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 2000, XP or Vista
* 1.7 GHz CPU
* 512 MB RAM
* Internet connection

* 3 GHz Pentium IV CPU
* 1 GB RAM***Team Fortress 2 (TF2) is the sequel to the game that put class-based, multiplayer team warfare on the map. This year's most anticipated online action game, TF2 delivers new gametypes, a signature art style powered by Valve's next generation animation technology, persistent player statistics, and more.

Unlike other "class-based" games that offer a variety of combat classes only, Team Fortress 2 packs a wild variety of classes which provide a broad range of tactical abilities and personalities, and lend themselves to a variety of player skills.

Play as the flame-throwing Pyro, the room clearing Heavy, or the Spy, a master of disguises. Other classes include: Scout, Sniper, Medic, Engineer, Demoman, or Soldier.

TF2 features the most advanced graphics of any Source-based game released to date – and the most exciting class-based action ever created.
Team Fortress 2  Valve2007 PS3labelminimizeminimize
Team Fortress 2  Valve2007German release was censored. X360labelminimizeminimize
Fallout 3 Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios)2008 X360labelimageminimize
Fallout 3 Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios)2008 PS3labelimageminimize
Venetica dtp entertainment (Deck13 Interactive)2009 Windowslabelimageminimize
Venetica dtp entertainment (Deck13 Interactive)2009 X360labelimageminimize
Venetica dtp entertainment (Deck13 Interactive)2009 PS3labelminimizeminimize
Team Fortress 2  Valve2010 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Day of Defeat: Source Valve2010 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Fallout: New Vegas  Bethesda Softworks (Obsidian Entertainment)2010Has 2 minor content DLC:
-Courier's Pack: Includes all the items from the differente store preorders of FNV.
-Gun Runners Arsenal: Introduces challenges and achievements related to them, and a store with some new weapons and mods.***Nyaeh there's the high roller.

El mejor RPG de exploración de la generación actual, con personajes humanos creíbles (nadie es inmortal) y hasta cierto realismo económico (granjas, lucha por el agua...)

El argumento del Skyrim en comparativa es de segunda.

10 de 10***Welcome to Vegas. New Vegas.

It’s the kind of town where you dig your own grave prior to being shot in the head and left for dead...and that’s before things really get ugly. It’s a town of dreamers and desperados being torn apart by warring factions vying for complete control of this desert oasis. It’s a place where the right kind of person with the right kind of weaponry can really make a name for themselves, and make more than an enemy or two along the way.

As you battle your way across the heat-blasted Mojave Wasteland, the colossal Hoover Dam, and the neon drenched Vegas Strip, you’ll be introduced to a colorful cast of characters, power-hungry factions, special weapons, mutated creatures and much more. Choose sides in the upcoming war or declare "winner takes all" and crown yourself the King of New Vegas in this follow-up to the 2008 videogame of the year, Fallout 3.

Enjoy your stay.

Key Features
* Feel the Heat in New Vegas! Not even nuclear fallout could slow the hustle of Sin City. Explore the vast expanses of the desert wastelands – from the small towns dotting the Mojave Wasteland to the bright lights of the New Vegas strip. See the Great Southwest as could only be imagined in Fallout.
* Feuding Factions, Colorful Characters and a Host of Hostiles! A war is brewing between rival factions with consequences that will change the lives of all the inhabitants of New Vegas. The choices you make will bring you into contact with countless characters, creatures, allies, and foes, and determine the final explosive outcome of this epic power struggle.
* New Systems! Enjoy new additions to Fallout: New Vegas such as a Companion Wheel that streamlines directing your companions, a Reputation System that tracks the consequences of your actions, and the aptly titled Hardcore Mode to separate the meek from the mighty. Special melee combat moves have been added to bring new meaning to the phrase "up close and personal". Use V.A.T.S. to pause time in combat, target specific enemy body parts and queue up attacks, or get right to the action using the finely-tuned real-time combat mechanics.
* An Arsenal of Shiny New Guns! With double the amount of weapons found in Fallout 3, you’ll have more than enough new and exciting ways to deal with the threats of the wasteland and the locals. In addition, Vault-Tec engineers have devised a new weapons configuration system that lets you tinker with your toys and see the modifications you make in real time.
* Let it Ride! In a huge, open world with unlimited options you can see the sights, choose sides, or go it alone. Peacemaker or Hard Case, House Rules, or the Wild Card - it’s all in how you play the game.***EAN-13: [code]0093155125049[/code]***[b]Welcome to Vegas. New Vegas.[/b]

As you battle your way across the heat-blasted Mojave Wastelands to the neon drenched Vegas Strip, you'll be introduced to a colourful cast of characters, factions, special weapons, mutated creatures and much more. Choose sides in the upcoming war or declare "winner takes all" in this follow-up to the 2008 videogame of the year, Fallout® 3.

[b]Enjoy Your Stay.[/b]

* Feel the Heat in New Vegas! Experience the Great Southwest as could only be imagined in Fallout.
* Up the Ante! New features, weapons, factions and foes await you in Sin City.
* Let it Ride! In a huge, open world you can explore, choose sides, or go it alone. Peacemaker or Hard Case, House Rules, or the Wild Card - it's all how you play the game.
[Box blurb [sic]]
Fallout: New Vegas  Bethesda Softworks (Obsidian Entertainment)2010 X360labelimageminimize
Fallout: New Vegas  Bethesda Softworks (Obsidian Entertainment)2010 PS3labelimageminimize
Dead Island Techland;Deep Silver (Techland)2011 X360labelminimizeminimize
Dead Island Techland;Deep Silver (Techland)2011 PS3labelminimizeminimize
Minecraft - Pocket Edition Mojang2011This is separately developed version of Minecraft with notable differences from the PC (Win/Mac/Linux) version. Androidlabelimageminimize
Dead Island Techland;Deep Silver (Techland)2011An open sandbox zombie survival game with crafting (talking about fresh ideas) that brings both brute gory fun and great atmosphere.

-Simple crafting-upgrade system.
-Stamina-reliant combat and movement.
-IA (specially for beings that hunt down brains)
-Drowning zombies.
-Leveling up with RPG-like characters and trees (Borderlands anyone?)

-No animals.
-No use of extra weapons for repairing or carftfing.
-No swimming.
-Right seat wheel car.

6 of 10***Note that Dead Island does not strictly match Zombie Apocalypse genre as the zombie outbreak is limited to the island of Banoi with an excessive military quarantine making sure nothing goes in or out of there, thus the outbreak is sufficiently contained. However, none of the events in the game take place outside the containment area, giving it the overall appearance of zombie apocalypse without actually being it.***Terror. Violence. Madness. Bedlam. A holiday paradise gone mad. A tropical island turns into total chaos after a mysterious zombie outbreak. Cut off from the rest of the world, the player’s only chance to survive is to fight to the death and find a way to escape from the island.

Dead Island combines first-person action with a heavy focus on melee combat, character development and customization of a vast array of weapons. All of these gameplay features are presented in a dark story inspired by classic zombie movies with a gritty and engrossing campaign that can be played with up to four players in co-op mode.

Set in an open world tropical island, hordes of different festering zombies await players around every corner while they embark on a variety of thrilling missions through the holiday resort. With firearms and ammunition being scarce the player must rely on utilizing found items as weapons for self-defense and fight off zombie hordes in intense melee combat. A diverse range of items can be collected and will later serve to transform the player’s ordinary makeshift weapons into serious instruments of destruction.

In addition to satisfying even the most bloodthirsty action fan’s fantasy, Dead Island also features role-playing elements which allow the player to develop one of the game’s unique character classes according to their preferences, all the while learning new skills and fresh tactics during their journey through the perilous environments of the island. What’s more, anytime during a game up to four players can seamlessly join together and experience the intense combat and immersive story with cooperative gameplay.

With the all-new Chrome Engine 5 powering Dead Island, the game will use the latest installment of Techland’s acclaimed proprietary game engine, allowing the player to experience the tropical island paradise in graphical splendor with diverse environments like lush forests and detailed city environments.

Key Features
* First-person melee combat
* 4-player coop
* Weapon customization
* Set on an gorgeous open world tropical island
* RPG elements for character development
* Hordes of gruesome zombies
Minecraft - Pocket Edition Mojang2011 iOSlabelimageminimize
Minecraft Mojang2011Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks. At first, people built structures to protect against nocturnal monsters, but as the game grew players worked together to create wonderful, imaginative things.

It can also be about adventuring with friends or watching the sun rise over a blocky ocean. It’s pretty. Brave players battle terrible things in The Nether, which is more scary than pretty. You can also visit a land of mushrooms if it sounds more like your cup of tea.***[media=youtube]MmB9b5njVbA[/media]***Following concepts were removed with some versions:
* healing items (1.8 - re-added with 1.9)
* uncolored lighting (1.8)
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