showing 3 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescriptionplatform
Pokémon Gold Version  Nintendo (Game Freak)2000 bicycle childprotagonist circadiancycle cleargame consoleclassix damagetypes gameboycompatible initiative lighthouse maleprotagonist naming-companions naming-npcs pokemon pokemon-universe protagonistnaming ruins selectivebreeding shopping stash statuseffects supergameboy supergameboy2 teleporting tower town uvl-tiein walking xp-kills GBClabelimageminimize
Pokémon Silver Version  Nintendo (Game Freak)2000 bicycle childprotagonist circadiancycle cleargame consoleclassix damagetypes gameboycompatible initiative lighthouse maleprotagonist naming-companions naming-npcs pokemon pokemon-universe protagonistnaming ruins selectivebreeding shopping stash statuseffects supergameboy supergameboy2 teleporting tower town uvl-tiein walking xp-kills It's been three years since you first set out from Pallet Town on your quest to become the greatest Pokemon Master of all time. Now that you've accomplished your goals in Red, Blue and Yellow, it's now time to move on to another.***
Tetris Deluxe  Nintendo (ELORG)1998 consoleclassix fallingblocks gameboycompatible spatiallogic supergameboy supergameboy2 Tetris and Game Boy go together better than peanut butter and jelly. With the bright colors available in Tetris DX for Game Boy Color it's become a match made in heaven. Opting not to tamper with perfection, the developers have delivered a classic Tetris game. The main difference between this game and its portable predecessors is the presence of colorful graphics. The backgrounds change color as you build lines and the brightly colored pieces are easy to see.***