showing 7 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsplatform
Fantasy Zone II: The Tears of Opa-Opa Sega1988 bossbattles fantasyzone lives mame powerups score shopping systeme-hw Arcadelabelimageminimize
Fantasy Zone: The Maze  Sega1987 claiming fantasyzone lives pacmanlike score systeme-hw verticalscreen Arcadelabelimageminimize
Hang On Jr.  Sega1985 mame segahangon systeme-hw Arcadelabelimageminimize
Megumi Rescue Sega (Exa Planning)? prototype systeme-hw Arcadelabelminimizeminimize
Riddle of Pythagoras Sega;Nasco1986 mame systeme-hw verticalscreen Arcadelabelimageminimize
Slap Shooter Sega1986 hockey horizontalscreen mame systeme-hw Arcadelabelimageminimize
Transformer  Sega1986 horizontalscreen score scrollingshooter systeme-hw Arcadelabelimageminimize