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namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsplatform
The Axys Adventures: Truth Seeker Rebel Planet Creations2006 christian demo directx9 rating-esrb-e10 win2k win8 win98 winvista winxp Windowslabelminimizeminimize
1953 - KGB Unleashed  CP Digital;Phantomery Interactive;UIG Entertainment (Phantomery Interactive)2010 1950s desura earth gamersgate kgb liveactors panopticum-engine panoramic sovietunion steampowered win8 winvista winxp Windowslabelimagesubject
Civilization V  2K Games (Firaxis Games)2010 4xstrategy acrossages autoexplore builders civilization-series cleargame construction-gradual construction-instant construction-partial counselor demo diplomacy dominion encyclopedia fogofwar gamespy grandscale grid grid-hex hunger mapgenerator modifiable modsupport msaa naturalistic nocampaign nostory opponentpowerdisplay predefinedcontrols steampowered steamworks steamworkshop story-none taskdelegation techtree thoroughfareconstruction tileblending touchscreen tutorial ugc unexplainedelements upkeep win8 workers Windowslabelimagesubject
Age of Barbarian Crian Soft2012 desura directx9 drm drm-activation fanservice serialkey win8 winvista winxp Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Civilization V - Gods and Kings  2K Games (Firaxis Games)2012 4xstrategy builders civilization-series diplomacy espionage grandscale mapgenerator rating-pegi-12 religion steampowered steamworks taskdelegation techtree tileblending touchscreen win8 workers Windowslabelimagesubject
Skulls of the Shogun Microsoft (17-BIT)2013 japanese-theme knockback leaderparticipation resourcecontrol turnbasedcombat tutorial undead undeadprotagonist win8 winxp Windowslabelminimizeminimize
99 Levels To Hell Zaxis Games (B-evil)2013 bombs bossbattles destructibleenvironment desura directx9 gog mapgenerator rewardingvandalism splatter steampowered timelimit timelimit-soft timeouthunter tutorial unity-engine unlimitedammo unlockable-characters win8 winvista winxp Windowslabelimagesubject
Age of Empires II HD  Microsoft (Ensemble Studios;Hidden Path Entertainment)2013 ageofempires directx9 earth genieengine medieval steampowered steamworks ugc win8 winvista winxp Windowslabelimagesubject
Halo: Spartan Assault Microsoft (Vanguard Entertainment;343 Industries)2013 2550s 26thcentury assaultrifles beamweapons capacity-toolslots capturedresources directx10 eliteprotagonist energyshields extraterrestrial firearms firstpartytitle future grenades halo-series independentaim instantkillers interquel keyboard limitedcapacity mouse noreloading radar rating-pegi-12 score shieldregen solomission steampowered touchscreen twinstickshooter upgradesystem win8 winvista x360pad Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Prehistorik Gravity Europe (Microids;Interplay)2013 bludgeons cavemen claiming dinosaurs directx9 giantbirds giantspiders langbrazil-port langchinesetrad meleeweapons prehistoric-theme steampowered win8 winvista winxp Windowslabelimageminimize
Civilization V: Brave New World  2K Games (Firaxis Games)2013 4xstrategy civilization-series license-crossplatform rating-pegi-12 steampowered steamworks touchscreen win8 Windowslabelimagesubject
Skullgirls Lab Zero Games (Reverge Labs)2013 1on1fighting artdeco combobreak combomoves directx9 femaleantagonist femaledominant femaleprotagonist ggpo indie moaifigures mode-practice prehensilehair rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-16 singlegender steampowered tutorial tutorial-interactive win8 winvista winxp Windowslabelimageminimize
Guardians of Middle-earth Warner Bros. Interactive (Monolith Productions;Zombie Studios)2013 arda directx10 directx11 moba rating-pegi-12 steampowered uvl-tiein win8 winvista Windowslabelimageminimize
Batman: Arkham Origins Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (WB Games Montréal;Splash Damage)2013 ambientocclusion arkhamcombat batman batman-arkham cover dccomics depthoffield directx10 directx11 firearms host-migrating motionblur mp-3way mp-asymmetric mp-matchmaking originstory physx steampowered tumbling unarmedfighting uvl-tiein weirdvision win8 winvista Windowslabelimagesubject
Lumen Thousand Cranes Studio2013 cpplanguage customengine directx9 download dreamworld monsters origlang-spanish photographing undefinedelements win8 winvista Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Might & Magic X - Legacy Ubisoft (Limbic Entertainment)2014 abilitycriticals adv-ptdistr alphafunding ashan automap axes bink bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows cave charactercreation circadiancycle city classbased criticalchance crossbows csv damageinfo directx9 dissolvingcorpses dlaa drm-activation dualwielding dungeoncrawler dwarves elves encounters-popup enemyhealthdisplay eventlog fatigue fxaa genderchoice giantspiders gridmove group groupcreation healingitems hideout hitchance indicator-threat inventory-shared itemcomparison knives langhungarian langromanian leveluprestoration loot-random loot-unexpected magic mapannotation meleeweapons mightandmagic naga narrator netframework nfaa noenergyregen nohealthregen orcs potions randomdamage rating-pegi-16 resting ruins secrets shadermodel4 shadermodel5 shopping sorcery spears specieschoice spectres ssaa statuseffects steampowered swords tasktracker temporarycompanions throwback tooltips tower town undead unity-engine unlimitedammo uplay wellcave wilderness win8 winvista xml xp-deeds xp-kills Windowslabelimageminimize
McDROID Elefantopia2014 desura directx9 download humblewidget mp-cooperative rating-pegi-3 unity-engine win8 winvista winxp x86 x86-32 x86-64 Windowslabelimageminimize
Age of Wonders III  Triumph Studios;Buka Entertainment;Bandai Namco (Triumph Studios)2014 3plusfactions 4xstrategy ageofwonders asymmetricfactions clienthost columnarjointing combatmode crafting customengine damageinfo diplomacy dragons drm drm-login enemyhealthdisplay evilbydefault flanking fmod grid grid-hex inventory lightbloom magic mapgenerator modsupport mp-private randomdamage rating-esrb-t savedrngseed scenarios simultaneousturns-realtime softparticles sorcery ssao steampowered steamworkshop summoning tanks thoroughfares tooltips ugc upnp veterancy win8 winvista winxp Windowslabelimageminimize
Scourge: Outbreak Bitbox (Tragnarion Studios)2014 2020s 3ormoreplayers blindfiring directx9 earth future megacorps mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform mp-ctf mp-dm mp-teams rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-16 scourge-series unrealengine3 win8 winvista winxp Windowslabelimageminimize
Daylight Zombie Studios2014 autosavepoints dark diaries directx11 doors glowsticks lamp minimap nvgameworks rating-pegi-16 steampowered survivalhorror unrealengine4 win8 winvista Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Blade Symphony Puny Human2014 alphafunding directx9 humblestore humblewidget meleeweapons steampowered steamworks win8 winvista Windowslabelimagesubject
Legends of Persia Plug in Digital (Sourena Game Studio )2014 actionadventure actionrpg directx9 steampowered win8 winvista winxp Windowslabelimageminimize
Xenonauts Goldhawk Interactive2014 1970s 1980s 20thcentury alienblood alieninvasion aliens alphafunding alternatetimeline armoredcar assaultrifles bleeding bodyarmor circadiancycle coldwar combatmode coversystem crowdfunded damageinfo desura directx9 earth energyweapons facing fanfunding fieldofvision firearms firstaid gog grenades grid grid-square group handguns healing hitchance indie infantry inventory itemdurability jargon launcher lineofsight locationaldamage machineguns minionpermadeath multiphased neutralnpcs noreinforcements npcsuppressivefire outofturnactions overkill overworld past persistentminions plasmaweapons playgroundsdk postures precisionrifles randomevents reload-lossy reload-manual selectivefire sharedvision shields shotguns smokegrenades statuseffects steampowered stungrenades stunprods suppressivefire taskgenerator timecompression timereserve timeunits titlementioned titulargroup uniqueminions usagereporting war wargame weaponsplatforms win8 winvista Windowslabelimageminimize
Unrest KISS Ltd (Pyrodactyl)2014 ancientindia crowdfunded directx9 download earth india multiprotagonists namelessprotagonist naturalistic opengl steampowered win8 winvista winxp Windowslabelminimizeminimize
StarForge CodeHatch (CodeHatch)2014 alphafunding directx11 directx9 indie mapgenerator physics proceduraltexturing steampowered substanceair unity-engine win8 winvista Windowslabelimageminimize
Starpoint Gemini 2  Iceberg Interactive (Little Green Man Games)2014 alphafunding directx10 directx11 gog physx rating-pegi-12 starpointgemini-series steampowered warptravel win8 winvista Windowslabelimageminimize
Styx: Master of Shadows Focus Home Interactive (Cyanide)2014 directx9 goblinoidprotagonist goblins shadermodel4 stealth steampowered unrealengine3 win8 winvista Windowslabelimageminimize
Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms bitComposer Entertainment;Kalypso Media Digital (Games Farm)2014 actionadventure actionrpg bossarenas bossbattles controlswitch crafting demonicprotagonist diablolike difficulty directx11 directx9 femaleprotagonist heretickingdoms-series humanprotagonist loot-random magic maleprotagonist monsters multiprotagonists objectiveclairvoyance ogre-engine optionaltasks parallelreality premadeprotagonist rating-pegi-16 shopping sorcery steampowered tasktracker transdimensional win8 winvista winxp Windowslabelimageminimize
Death Skid Marks Whisky Tango2014 bossbattles charging directx9 download optionaltasks roguelite russianroulette steampowered win8 winvista winxp Windowslabelminimizesubject
WARMACHINE: Tactics Privateer Press Interactive (WhiteMoon Dreams)2014 directx10 directx11 grid grid-square miniaturegame robots steampowered win7 win8 winvista x86-64 Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Nekro darkForge2015 alphafunding antiheroprotagonist bossbattles cancelled caricature chargers commercial corpseactions crowdfunded dashing demons directx11 directx9 dodging download elimination enemyhealthdisplay evilisgood fatties gibs goodvsevil gore healing humblestore indie license-proprietary magic malevolentprotagonist minibosses missionbased monsters mp-cooperative neutralnpcs overkill permanentcorpses pumpkin rage sorcery splatter steampowered summoning undeadprotagonist unlimitedammo win8 winvista winxp withdrawn Windowslabelimagesubject
Supernova  Bandai Namco Games (Primal Game Studio)2015 cancelled directx9 mecha moba openbeta shadermodel3 win8 winvista Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Deathtrap NeocoreGames2015 actionrpg alone classbased classbasedeq classlinkedgender coretech-engine crafting damageovertime damagetypes directx9 enemyrouteindicator fauns flyingislands fromanotherworld gibs goblinoids harpies hybridgame langhungarian leveleditor magic minimap missionbased mode-endless monsters mp-cooperative mp-versus nopointercapture optionaltasks paidkilling physx polyplopicenemies portals robots shopping slavicmythology solomission sorcery spectres splatter steampowered stranded teleport tentaclecreatures titlementioned titularlocale towerdefense unconvincingarmor waves webm win8 winvista winxp wolves x86 x86-32 x86-64 Windowslabelimageminimize
Aaru's Awakening Lumenox2015 airdash bossbattles deadlydecor deathtraps deities directx9 disappearingplatforms download handdrawn instantkillers jumping magic metagaming midairjumping monsters nohumans nonhumanprotagonist oculusrift ricocheting steampowered telefrag teleporting titlementioned titularcharacter unity-engine win8 winvista winxp Windowslabelimageminimize
Survarium Vostok Games2015 free2play future langhungarian mmog openbeta postapocalypse pve pvp rating-pegi-16 steampowered win8 winvista Windowslabelminimizeminimize
In Verbis Virtus Indomitus Games2015 alphafunding directx9 magic microphone monsters steampowered voicecontrol win8 winvista winxp Windowslabelimageminimize
Distant Star: Revenant Fleet Blazing Griffin2015 abilitycooldown activepause beamweapons directx9 display-1024x768 empweapons energyshields minimap optionaltasks postcombatrestoration realtimecombat rockets shopping space steampowered unlimitedammo veterancy win8 winvista winxp Windowslabelimageminimize
Titan Souls Devolver Digital (Acid Nerve)2015 achillesheelfoes actionadventure bossbattles directx10 download humblestore instantdeath optionaltasks projectilerecovery puzzlebosses screenshake steampowered win8 winvista Windowslabelminimizesubject
Dex  Dreadlocks2015 2040s adv-ptdistr alphafunding augmentedreality backstabbing city clones crawltunnels crowdfunded cybernetics cyberpunk cyborgprotagonist cyborgs damageinfo download drugs earth energyweapons fallimpact fasttravel femaleprotagonist fictionalcity firearms future gambling hacking ladders laserweapons ledges license-crossplatform lockpicking megacorps multipleendings naturalistic nudity openworld optionaltasks osx osx-7 rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-16 reload-lossy reload-manual robotmenace rogueai ruins secretfacility sentientmachines serious sewers shopping shotguns slums spacestation stealth steampowered suddensentience titlementioned titularcharacter unarmedfighting underwaterfacility uniqueprotagonist unity-engine vaguelocation virtualreality walking win8 winvista winxp xp-kills xp-objects Windowslabelimageminimize
Lethis - Path of Progress Triskell Interactive2015 citybuilding giantgastropods hotairballoons logistics mode-sandbox needs steampowered steampunk taxes thoroughfareconstruction thoroughfares timecompression tutorial victorian win8 winvista Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Sorcerer King Stardock Entertainment2015 4xstrategy combatmode directx9 elemental-series steampowered win10 win8 winvista Windowslabelimageminimize
Legend of Kay  Nordic Games (Neon Studios;Kaiko)2015 anthroprotagonist directx11 felidprotagonist felinoids steampowered win8 winvista Windowslabelimageminimize
Secret Ponchos Switchblade Monkeys Entertainment2015 americanindians bayonets caricature directx10 explosives firearms friendlyfire mode-practice mp-matchmaking mp-teams mp-versus outlawprotagonist outlaws playerprogression steampowered swords tutorial western win8 winvista Windowslabelimageminimize
Planetbase Madruga Works2015 citybuilding colonysim directx11 directx9 gog naturaldisasters shadermodel3 steampowered survivalsimulation win10 win8 winvista Windowslabelimageminimize
Factorio Wube Software2016 absoluterulership aliens alphafunding autosaves-periodic brownout capacity-stacks circadiancycle clienthost colonization containers cpplanguage crafting crowdfunded customengine demo directconnect displaychoice dnslookup download energydistribution extraterrestrial firearms future gog humans indevelopment invasion ipv4 ipv6 json leveleditor logistics lua mapgenerator mapgenerator-live minimap modsupport naturalistic otherworld pollution resourceharvesting resourceprocessing saveanywhere selfupdate serious standbypower steampowered templates terrain textsearch trafficsignalsystem walking win7 win8 winvista winxp x86 x86-32 x86-64 zoom Windowslabelimageminimize
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII  Koei Tecmo Games2016 4xstrategy china commercial directx9 display-1024x768 display-1280x720 download langchinesetrad license-proprietary past shadermodel3 steampowered war warfare-land win10 win7 win8 winvista Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Bombshell 3D Realms (Interceptor Entertainment)2016 adv-ptdistr autozoom bombs columnarjointing cyborgprotagonist directx11 directx9 energyweapons femaleprotagonist gog healingitems machineguns minimap objectiveindicator optionaltasks peeking rating-pegi-12 runandgun screenshake shotguns splatter steampowered tasktracker titlementioned titularcharacter tutorial upgradesystem weaponupgrades win10 win7 win8 x86 x86-64 xp-objects xp-progress Windowslabelimageminimize
The Sentient Uncaged Studios 2016 aiprotagonist aliens alphafunding directx10 indevelopment minionpermadeath opengl persistentminions spacecraft spacecraft-location spacefaringage steampowered uvl-confusable vehicledesigning win10 win7 win8 winvista winxp Windowslabelminimizesubject
Battlezone 98 Redux Rebellion (Big Boat Interactive)2016 1life basebuilding battlezone blankprotagonist control-individuals directcontrol directx10 directx11 driving europa extraterrestrial facelessprotagonist fpsrts future grouping harvesters hillland hovertank hovervehicle infantry io landvehicle leaderparticipation mecha militantprotagonist militaryfiction missionbased moon mp-lms multiplecampaigns otherworld outdoors proportionalworld redscare resourcegeneration resourceharvesting serious spacefaringage steampowered supervisorprotagonist tank tanks tutorial walkers walking weaponsplatforms win10 win7 win8 winvista winxp x86-sse3 Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Megamagic: Wizards of the Neon Age BeautiFun Games2016 directx11 directx9 drm hazardouspowers humblewidget magic monsters neon nodrm prologue sorcery steampowered summoning technomagic timeskip tutorial urbanfantasy win10 win7 win8 winvista winxp Windowslabelminimizeminimize
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