showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardplayer optsdescription
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Ubi Soft (Ubi Soft Montreal)2003single playerAmidst the scorched sands of ancient Persia, there is a legend spun in an ancient tongue. It speaks of a time borne by blood and ruled by deceit. It is within this war torn land that a young Prince discovers a magic dagger. Drawn to its dark powers, he is led to unleash a deadly evil upon the reaches of his father's vast kingdom. Aided by the wiles of a seductive princess and the absolute powers of the Sands of Time, the Prince stages a harrowing quest to reclaim the Palace's cursed chambers, and restore peace to the very fabric of Time itself. He must tread these dangers carefully, however. Because in this world, there is only one rule: master the Sands, or be buried. Embody a legendary hero with gravity-defying acrobatics, ferocious fighting combos, and the ability to bend time to fulfill his bidding. Wield the power of the Sands of Time - a force allowing the Prince to erase the past, behold the future, and freeze the present. Uncover the mysteries of a world never before explored in action-adventure gaming. Ancient Persia, mythical and deadly, holds a staggering array of landscapes and kingdoms to explore and conquer.
* Rich Non-player characters
* Use the magic dagger to manipulate time
* For 1 player
* Action Adventure game with lifelike animation
* Perform acrobatic combos to outwit the enemy***Directly from the box (european version) :

"Drawn to the powers of a magic dagger, the Prince is lead to unleash a deadly evil upon the Sultan's kingdom.
Master the Prince's agility and ferocious fighting skills. Control time. It's the ultimate power... but is wisely!

[[spoiler:The disc contains the original version of Prince of Persia: you have to find it while playing Sands of Time...]]
Beyond Good & Evil Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montpellier)2003single playerThe vast, peaceful planet of Hyllis has fallen under siege by a relentless alien race. After a devastating battle, a Hyllian named Jade is relieved to find that the planet?s defense forces, the Alpha Sections, have saved the populace from certain destruction, as they have always done in this ages-long conflict. But when Jade takes a mysterious reconnaissance assignment for IRIS, a rebel organization that challenges the official version of events, she must question her own perception of truth. Angered and shaken by what she discovers, Jade begins a harrowing journey to get to the core of the conspiracy. Armed with her camera, aikido staff, and resolute investigative skills, Jade sets out to expose the dark secrets behind these alien invasions and to liberate the minds of her deceived people. Pushed to the very edge of her physical and spiritual will, she soon discovers that even these limits are not what they seem ? Her quest for the truth knows no bounds.**** Stop at nothing until the perpetrators are exposed
* A journey through the reaches of a strange and ever-changing universe
* For 1 player
* You are an action reporter uncovering truth in a world full of deception
* Fight a sinister conspiracy using stealth, force, and wits