showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Resident Evil  Capcom2002 1990s actionadventure city earth everyonesdead fictionalcity fictionallocation northamerica playerschoice rating-bbfc-15 rating-esrb-m residentevil residentevil-main serious stationaryattack survivalhorror undeadanimals unnecessarykilling usa uvl-imagequality Turn out the lights. Lock the doors...Live the nightmare. Racoon City. A secluded mountain community, plagued by a storm of vicious attacks, is completely overrun. Mutant beasts, blood-thirsty zombies infest the landscape. You are S.T.A.R.S - Special Tactics and Rescue Squad. Your mission: investigate the ominous mansion at the core of the horrific disaster. Uncover secrets behind a radical, genetic research facility. With unspeakable horrors lurking around every corner, the ultimate test may be just to make it out alive!***European version
[32]***Japanese version
[32]***Raccoon City. A secluded mountain community, plagued by a storm of vicious attacks, is completely overrun. Mutant beasts, blood-thirsty zombies infest the landscape. You are S.T.A.R.S - Special Tactics and Rescue Squad. Your mission: investigate the ominous mansion at the core of the horrific disaster. Uncover secrets behind a radical, genetic research facility. With unspeakable horrors lurking around every corner, the ultimate test may be just to make it out alive!
Resident Evil 2  Capcom (Capcom Entertainment)2003 1990s actionadventure city earth elevatorbattle everyonesdead fictionalcity fictionallocation firearms latemodernperiod machinepistols northamerica policestation prerenderedbackgrounds present residentevil residentevil-main serious stash stationaryattack survivalhorror undeadanimals unnecessarykilling usa zombieapocalypse zombies Can You Survive the Horror?
One of the most terrifying survival horror games of all time...Resident Evil 2...comes to the GameCube. In chapter one, the case of the disastrous T-virus outbreak?a muta-genic toxin for use in biological weapons?was eventually closed but the experiments were far from over. Now a new virus runs rampant! Control the destiny of Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield as their nightmare begins when a biotech terror unleashes itself in Raccoon City. If the suspense doesn't kill you ? something else will.
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis  Capcom (Capcom Entertainment)2003 1990s actionadventure ammomagazines capacity-slots city earth everyonesdead fictionalcity fictionallocation firearms grotesque hunted immortals injuries inventory latemodernperiod limitedcapacity meleeweapons monsters northamerica prerenderedbackgrounds present rating-esrb-m residentevil residentevil-main savepoints serious stationaryattack survivalhorror unnecessarykilling usa zombieapocalypse zombies The next terrifying chapter in the Resident Evil series. A month and a half have passed since the mansion lab incident. The secrets come back to haunt you in Resident Evil 3 Nemesis for the Nintendo GameCube system. Join Jill Valentine in her attempt to escape a nightmarish city in ruins. Trapped. Help her flee from hordes of flesh eating zombies, hideous mutants and a relentless new nemesis. You'll soon discover that you must rely on cunning and brute force to stay alive. It's even more horrifying than you ever imagined...beat it to stay alive!***