showing 5 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Hulk  Vivendi Universal Games (Radical Entertainment)2003 antiheroprotagonist bossbattles chargedattack destructibleenvironment difficulty dissolvingcorpses hulk hypermuscles marvel movie mutantprotagonist mutants npcspawning rage rooftops savepoints sequence-stealth sewers superhero-theme superpower-theme superpowers tanks titularcharacter tutorial unarmedfighting Caught in the heart of a nuclear explosion, victim of gamma radiation gone wild, Dr. Robert Bruce Banner now finds himself transformed during times of stress into the dark personification of his repressed rage and fury - the most powerful man ever to walk the face of the Earth! Now you can control The Hulk and smash all the enemies that stand in your way.***
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Konami2003 earth latemodernperiod meleeweapons mutants ninja ninjaprotagonist nunchucks rating-esrb-e sai staves swords teenprotagonist teens tmnt walking The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are once again taking the country by storm with a hit TV show, trading cards, toys and all-new games for next generation platforms. Become your favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and kick butt in an action packed world. Roam New York City streets, scour underground sewers and fight your way across rooftops on a collision course with Shredder and his vile pack of Foot Ninjas.***
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus  Konami2004 bossbattles meleeweapons mutants ninja ninjaprotagonist nunchucks sai staves swords teens tmnt walking labelimageminimize
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Mutant Nightmare Konami2005 bossbattles meleeweapons mutants ninja ninjaprotagonist nunchucks sai staves swords teens tmnt walking labelminimizeminimize
X-Men: Next Dimension Activision (Exakt)2002 marvel mutantprotagonist mutants superhero-theme uvl-tiein xmen X-Men: Next Dimension plunges players into a powerful enemy's plot to rid the world of mutants. Leaving traditional section-based fighting games in its wake, X-Men: Next Dimension is the only console fighter game that carries epic superhero showdowns across expansive 3-D levels. Players fight as 20 different X-Men characters (plus four secret characters to be unlocked) through interactive environments, replete with combat-induced damage.***Fight like there's no tomorrow, or there won't be. X-Men: Next Dimension plunges players into a powerful enemy's plot to rid the world of mutants. Leaving the traditional arena-based fighting games in its wake, Next Dimension is the only console fighter game that carries epic superhero showdowns across expansive 3-D levels. Players fight as 24 different X-Men characters through interactive environments replete with combat-induced damage. labelimagesubject