showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Largo Winch - Empire Under Threat Ubi Soft (Rebellion Developments)2002 labelimageminimize
Outlaw Golf Simon & Schuster;TDK (Hypnotix)2002Golf isn't exactly one of those sports in which you'd expect to find rebels, but that's why there's OUTLAW GOLF. Populated by some of the strangest personalities you could imagine, the game features three oddball modes of play: Exhibition, Tour mode, and Outlaw Range. Exhibition allows you to compete in Match, Stroke, Skins, Best Ball, Scramble, My One and Only, Casino, and Time Attack. Tour features 30 events and three courses, and Outlaw Range helps you improve your characters skills by offering up a dozen different challenges.***