showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Animal Crossing  Nintendo (Nintendo EAD)2002 animalcrossing animalpeople coelacanths cryptids firstpartytitle gcgbacable moaifigures playerschoice rating-pegi-3 roses-other rural sliceoflife labelimagesubject
The Sims Electronic Arts (Maxis)2003 furnishing homosexuals lesbians lifesimulation playerschoice sims sliceoflife socialsimulation timemanagement vernal labelimagesubject
The Sims: Bustin' Out  Electronic Arts (Maxis)2003 charactercreation clothing gcgbacable genderchoice lifesimulation playerschoice protagonistnaming rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-7 sims sliceoflife socialsimulation labelimageminimize
The Sims 2 Electronic Arts (Maxis)2004 furnishing homosexuals lesbians lifesimulation loadingnonsense sims sliceoflife socialsimulation timemanagement vernal xrayelectrocution labelimageminimize
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life  Victor;Marvelous Interactive (Natsume)2004 agriculture animals autumnal cattle cheese chickens circadiancycle cooking datedevents datingsim dogs dynamicweather earth farm farmsimulation fish fishing harvestmoon home hunger lifesimulation marriage playerschoice rating-esrb-e rural seasons sheep sliceoflife socialsimulation summery timemanagement vernal weathereffects wintery labelimagesubject
Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life  Natsume;Marvelous Entertainment (Tose)2004 harvestmoon lifesimulation marriage rating-esrb-e sliceoflife labelimagesubject
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody Marvelous Interactive;Natsume;Rising Star Games (Marvelous Interactive)2005 harvestmoon lifesimulation rating-esrb-e sliceoflife labelimagesubject