showing 1 game

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Resident Evil 2  Capcom (Capcom Entertainment)2003 1990s actionadventure city earth elevatorbattle everyonesdead fictionalcity fictionallocation firearms latemodernperiod machinepistols northamerica policestation prerenderedbackgrounds present residentevil residentevil-main serious stash stationaryattack survivalhorror undeadanimals unnecessarykilling usa zombieapocalypse zombies Can You Survive the Horror?
One of the most terrifying survival horror games of all time...Resident Evil 2...comes to the GameCube. In chapter one, the case of the disastrous T-virus outbreak?a muta-genic toxin for use in biological weapons?was eventually closed but the experiments were far from over. Now a new virus runs rampant! Control the destiny of Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield as their nightmare begins when a biotech terror unleashes itself in Raccoon City. If the suspense doesn't kill you ? something else will.