showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame typedescription
Beyond Good & Evil Ubisoft (Ubisoft Milan)2003action/reflex platformer adventure Fantasy Science Fiction Delve into a larger-than-life-quest, where you will gather evidence, expose twisted propaganda and finally unravel the conspiracy. Experience total freedom of movement and discovery as you journey by foot, spaceship and hovercraft through bustling futuristic cities, fantastical landscapes, and even the moon. Use martial arts, stealth, wit and cunning to gather photographic evidence and defeat the alien invasion.**** Stop at nothing until the perpetrators are exposed
* A journey through the reaches of a strange and ever-changing universe
* For 1 player
* You are an action reporter uncovering truth in a world full of deception
* Fight a sinister conspiracy using stealth, force, and wits
Bully Rockstar Games (Rockstar Vancouver)2003action/reflex labelminimizeminimize
Spyro: A Hero's Tail Vivendi Universal Games (Eurocom)2004platformer Fantasy labelminimizeminimize