showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeargame typetags
Fable: The Lost Chapters Microsoft (Lionhead Studios;Big Blue Box Studios)2005adventure role-play Fantasy aaa actionadventure aging amphitheatre arena ballistics bloodlines bodymorphing bossbattles bows caninoids cave chickens classless dualism emotes evilisugly fable-series fishing forest glowingveins growingprotagonist hero-theme heroes heroprotagonist heroschool highfantasy lostequipment magic marriage medieval meleeweapons multipleendings outlaws premadeprotagonist reflecteddeeds roses roses-black roses-red shopping sorcery speakingstones swords tattoos timeskip titles town trophies voiceovers werewolves xbydifferentname labelimageminimize
The Bard's Tale Vivendi (InXile Entertainment)2004action/reflex role-play Fantasy Humorous antiheroprotagonist bows britain castle chickens chrysopoeia forest giantspiders loot-random masochists meleeweapons narrator no4thwall observer parody premadeprotagonist rating-esrb-t scotland shopping snowblind-engine town zombies labelimagesubject