showing 17 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardlanguage
Unreal Championship Infogrames (Digital Extremes)2002enlabelimagesubject
Magic: The Gathering - Battlegrounds Atari (Secret Level)2003enlabelimagesubject
Deus Ex: Invisible War  Eidos (Ion Storm)2003enlabelimagesubject
Thief: Deadly Shadows  Eidos (Ion Storm)2004ch, en, fr, pllabelimageminimize
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Electronic Arts (Electronic Arts UK)2004enlabelimagesubject
Shadow Ops: Red Mercury Atari (Zombie Studios)2004enlabelimagesubject
Men of Valor  Sierra (2015)2004enlabelimageminimize
Ghost Recon 2  Ubisoft (Red Storm Entertainment)2004enlabelimagesubject
Star Wars: Republic Commando LucasArts;Electronic Arts (LucasArts)2005enlabelminimizesubject
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2005enlabelimageminimize
Unreal Championship 2 : The Liandri Conflict Atari (Epic Games)2005enlabelimagesubject
Pariah Groove Games (Digital Extremes)2005enlabelimagesubject
Advent Rising  Majesco Entertainment (GlyphX Games)2005ch, enlabelimagesubject
Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike  Ubisoft (Red Storm Entertainment)2005enlabelimageminimize
America's Army: Rise of a Soldier Ubisoft (U.S. Army;Secret Level)2005enlabelimagesubject
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Paris;Red Storm Entertainment)2006enlabelimageminimize
Splinter Cell: Double Agent  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2006enlabelimageminimize