showing 18 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
Galley Battles: from Salamis to Actium Shrapnel Games (Hyperborea Studios)? africa ancientegypt ancientgreece antiquity cancelled commercial demo earth europe grid-none imperiumromanum license-proprietary tactical vaporware war warfare-sea Yet there is a playable demo. In 2012, the author says the game is still in development.

Alpha versions of this game used a hex grid. The latest versions don't use a grid.***Announced in 2005 with expected release date 2006. Has not been released yet (by 2012) and official website expired in 2009. Last activity by the developer was in 2008.***Galley Battles recreates navel battles from the beginning of row and sail sea warfare until self-powered ironclads. The Egyptians, Greeks, Persians, Phoenicians, and Romans had fleets of hundreds of boats (and variously fought on the same side in mixed fleets), now gamers can experience commanding them. Which is a big part of the challenge. You can't exactly radio the captains. And when you're fleet is covering 655,360 square kilometers, not every ship is within visual range. The author chose the subject matter not only due to its lacking coverage in most war games but also because he doesn't like micromanagement in war games and the time periods involved make micromanagement unrealistic. Let the player worry about tactics, units, formations, weather, tides, and the computer will handing the inertia, accelerations, angles, and such parameters. Your best bet is having a good battle plan for everyone to follow before the action starts. And you need to match your crews on ships and match ships in your squadrons. Veterans and a rookies rigging the sails together will go slower than the rookies would alone. Rather the veterans should train the rookies before battle and command them during battle. And it helps if everyone on the ship speaks the same language (which is not always possible). Ships need to be similarly grouped in squadrons so formations don't break up and orders end up taking longer than expected to happen. Worse, a ship may run aground or collide with another. If needed, commanding squadrons to keep up with any necessary changes to the plan can be done. Better captains and crews and squadrons efficiently matched mean they are able to carryout more complex orders. When you don't have a matched force (it was unavoidable in some historic battles), you'd better keep the orders few and simple or they'll get snafued. And don't worry, if you really want to, you can give orders to individual ships using ancient methods from history (with historically realistic results). Each player takes turns giving orders, then it all plays out simultaneously until 5 game minutes have passed. Actual time this takes depends on the player's visual zoom level. Zoom in to see the details and slow things down, zoom out to end the action in as few seconds as possible.There is no grid and the world and everything in it is done to scale.
A Tale in the Desert  eGenesis;Pluribus Games2003 adv-deeds adv-intermediary adv-progress africa amphibians ants bartering basebuilding bees birds camels chickens circadiancycle clams crafting download earth egypt egyptian-theme femaleprotagonist fish fishing foxes genderchoice inventory lagomorphs maleprotagonist mmog naturalistic nonlinear nonlinearstory nonviolent openworld past prehistoric prospecting rats researching resourceharvesting sheep subscription timescale-realistic ubuntu upgradesystem walking wasteland x11 xp-literal xp-multi xp-progress xp-undefined A monthly fee, free software, social MMORPG set in Ancient Egypt without combat. The focus of the game is activities such as fishing, growing crops, training animals, mining, and such whereby players advanced most efficiently when they cooperate. There are also personal and group challenges to perform. The game has a unique in game government where players themselves are elected and a legal system operated much by the players also. The legal system can ban players, redistrubute abandon property, or even allow or disallow rule altering actions such as individual requests to have a sex-change. The highest office is Demi-Pharaoh, a position that allows the player power to reassign property absolutely, change and influence rules of the game, and even effectively remove players from the game making a tyrannical regime with real-world powers a real possibility (so elections are taken seriously). The systems of the game require a tremendous amount of cooperation. Attempts at adding currency to the game have not been effective, the setting (like the real world example) just doesn't lend well to anything except bartering. New players enter the world at 'newbie island' where experienced players can gain advancement by visiting and helping new players to learn the basics of the game while they also advance. Tests, challenges and player development are divided into categories: Architecture, Art, Body (Health), Harmony (replaced and is a variant the Conflict category), Leadership, Thought, and Worship. There are 127 other 'lesser' categories that have not all been found. Details of the game are sometimes added by developers without announcement. It is up to a player to discover it the new features and tell others so that they can explore it together.

Unique challenges have been presented to the players due to this games unusual format.
Knightmare, Mafia, and another player attempt to force everyone to use the legal system more responsibly. As part of their effort, Mafia damaged a vital resource in the game (effectively detrimentally altering the entire game experience for all players). Players used the legal system to ban Mafia from the game.
A player named Khepry overly-depleted resources and indirectly cause massive environmental catastrophe in the game.
Some skills, called 'stranger skills' allow a player to take advantage of everyone else when they learn them. Effectively, it is possible to learn and then use anti-social skills in the game.
A Character named Malaki traded worthless materials and advocated slavery for women (in addition to treating them as worthless to begin with).
In one phase of the game, treasure chests contaminated with Lung Spore Disease began washing ashore. Players were offered the challenge of finding a cure. Getting the disease inhibited the victim making it more difficult to participate in finding a cure or efforts to stop the disease from spreading. The sick had to be treated. It was left entirely to players to solve the various secondary problems with only the cure itself being programmed into the game.

2014-04-29 ATitD operations were shifted to Pluribus Games
Jack Keane RuneSoft (Deck13 Interactive)2008 aaa africa britain britishempire city-capetown-za city-london-uk clickadventure colonialera commercial desura download earth europe humor india inventory island jackkeane-series jungle license-proprietary monsters ogre-engine origlang-german southafrica walking Colonial England. Under a certain amount of... duress... Jack takes on a job which will not only cause him a great deal of trouble, but also bring to light the answer to a mystery out of his distant past. A lack of money leads Jack to accept a charter to take a British secret agent to mysterious "Tooth Island". When Jack’s ship shatters on the mysterious island’s cliffs on arrival and the secret agent quickly becomes a meal for a monster in the jungle, Jack is soon left to cope with the situation on his own.

" Tooth Island" is ruled by the strange Doctor T, who is cultivating man-eating plants and has his own dastardly plans for the British Empire. And why does he seem to know Jack, who can’t remember ever having been on Tooth Island? What are Doctor T's plans? And what does he know about Jack’s past?

And then there’s the young and naive Amanda, who is filled by an almost fanatical drive to prove her worth. In the beginning the young lady is employed by Doctor T, and part of her task is to track Jack down and take him prisoner. It doesn’t take long before she begins to wonder if she is really on the right side, or if she shouldn’t join her opponent, the charming Captain Jack, instead.

A hair-raising hunt across the length and breadth of the dangerous island finally airs the mystery surrounding Jack’s past and leads to a spectacular showdown with a dark and deadly enemy and his nefarious henchmen.

- 15 different locations and lots of sub-locations
- More than 250 different objects which can be used, combined and exchanged
- Dozens of zany characters
- Cinematic storytelling with scads of cut scenes
- Easy entry into play and loads of playing fun right from the start
- Jam-packed with humour
- Perfect orchestral background
- Based on the renowned PINA technology used in "Ankh"
- Play as Jack or Amanda
- Full screen effects, including glow, depth of field and motion blur
- Soft-edged shadows
- Various particle effects
- Dynamic lighting
American History Lux My Game Company;Sillysoft Games (Sillysoft Games)2009 1750s 1760s 1770s 1780s 1840s 1860s 18thcentury 1910s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1990s 19thcentury 20thcentury 2ndmillennium africa africa-north alabama alaska algeria americancivilwar americanrevolutionarywar australia austria belarus belgium bosnia bulgaria california cambodia canada china civilwar coldwar commercial connecticut croatia czechoslovakia demo denmark difficulty earth england estonia europe finland florida france frenchandindianwar georgia-usa germany greece greenland grid grid-irregular gulfwar hawaii herzegovina hungary illinois independencewar indiana iraq ireland italy japan java kentucky korea koreanwar kuwait langbrazil-port laos latvia license-proprietary lithuania louisiana maine massachusetts mexican-americanwar mexico militantprotagonist mississippi morocco netherlands newbrunswick newengland newhampshire newmexico northamerica northcarolina norway novascotia ontario oregon pacificwar past princeedwardisland quebec quintanaroo quitsave rhodeisland risk romania russia scotland serbia slovakia slovenia southcarolina spain stalematewar sweden switzerland tennessee texas tunisia turkey uk ukraine usa vermont vietnam vietnamwar war warfare warfare-air warfare-land warfare-sea washington worldwar worldwar1 worldwar2 This is a proprietary commercial game.
Sort of a deluxe risk clone. Divides specific regions more finely for battles specific to wars with American involvement.
Age of Conquest III Noble Master Games2012 africa asia australia commercial demo desura diplomacy earth europe grid grid-irregular leveleditor license-proprietary medieval neareast nodrm northamerica rating-tigrs-family southamerica x86 x86-64 Note, if one buys the game on a mobile platform (Online, Andriod, iOS), then they have a full cross-platform license. But if the buy on a non-mobile platform, the license is limited to non-mobile platforms (Windows, OSX, Linux). There are many other generous yet still very complicated licensing grants involving lending the game, transferring ownership, use on multiple computers/devices. And these vary depending on which party the purchase was made with. Noble Master Games [url=]sort of explains some of this[/url] but some of their explanations contradict the EULA (which they make a point to point out). The game is DRM-free and the company makes numerous requests to please follow the complicated rules. Good luck figuring them out.***[media=youtube]Wm8YQiH7X_Y[/media] labelimageminimize
Serious Sam 3: BFE  Devolver Digital (Croteam)2012 22ndcentury achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes africa alieninvasion alienmenace aliens alone anticipatorysightings anticipatorystockpiles apocalyptic assaultrifles bludgeons bombs bossbattles centauroids chainreactions chargers city city-cairo-eg city-karnak-eg city-luxor-eg colossi commercial cyborgs dark-limited destructibleenvironment desura distortedvision download earth egypt encounters-popup energyweapons environmentalaudio excavation exoticweapons fallbackweapon finishingmoves firstpersonshooter future gianthumanoids giantmonsters giants giantworms gibs gore grotesque handcannons handguns helicopters indie ingamecinematics insectoids instantkillers itemglow jetpack jumping knockback ladders lamp latestart license-proprietary lostequipment lutris machineguns macho magic mode-survival monsters mp-cooperative museum npcdeflection nudity oopitems openended overheal precisionrifles precursors ragers reload-auto reload-manual remotedetonators rockets rotaryguns ruins score screenshake screenstaining secrets sequelhook seriousengine serioussam shotguns skeletons splatter steampowered suicideattackers swarmers temple throwback translator turrets ubuntu walking walkingarmory wallcrawlers labelimageminimize
Serious Sam 3: Jewel of the Nile author (Croteam)2012 22ndcentury achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes africa alieninvasion alienmenace aliens alone anticipatorysightings anticipatorystockpiles apocalyptic assaultrifles bludgeons bombs bossbattles centauroids chainreactions chargers city city-cairo-eg city-karnak-eg city-luxor-eg colossi commercial cyborgs dark-limited destructibleenvironment distortedvision download earth egypt encounters-popup energyweapons environmentalaudio excavation exoticweapons fallbackweapon finishingmoves future gianthumanoids giantmonsters giants giantworms gibs gore grotesque handcannons handguns helicopters ingamecinematics insectoids instantkillers island itemglow jetpack jumping knockback ladders lamp latestart license-proprietary lostequipment machineguns macho magic mode-survival monsters mp-cooperative museum npcdeflection nudity oopitems openended overheal precisionrifles precursors reload-auto reload-manual remotedetonators rockets rotaryguns ruins score screenshake screenstaining secrets sequelhook serioussam shotguns skeletons splatter steampowered suicideattackers swarmers temple throwback translator turrets ubuntu walking wallcrawlers labelminimizeminimize
Age of Conquest Noble Master Games2013 africa asia australia commercial diplomacy download earth europe grid grid-irregular leveleditor license-proprietary medieval neareast northamerica southamerica steampowered ubuntu x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Crazy Bikers 2 Spawn Studios2013 africa antarctica bicycle commercial customengine download earth license-proprietary naturalistic stunts ubuntu Race bicycles and preform stunts all around the world. labelminimizesubject
Mare Nostrum  Thinking Studios (Sandstorm Productions)2013 1940s 20thcentury achievements achievements-public africa chartypelimit classbased commercial crewtargeting download earth europe floatingaim friendlyfire-full impactangle license-proprietary longrangewarfare lutris mediterranean naturalistic neareast past recoil redorchestra-series steampowered steamworks suppressivefire toolinteraction ubuntu uvl-confusable vehiclecrew war worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
iBomber Defense KISS Ltd (Cobra Mobile)2013 achievements achievements-public activepause africa boosters burning commercial destructiblestructures difficulty download drm earth elevation europe gameolith grid grid-square ibomber-series interest levelprogress license-crossplatform license-proprietary missionbased mode-skirmish multidirshooter openal paidkilling prerenderedbackgrounds repairing russia score structureupgrades tank timecompression towerdefense tutorial tutorial-noninteractive ubuntu undo upgradesystem wasteland waves labelminimizeminimize
NeoColonialism Subaltern Games2013 africa alteredgenre asia australia commercial corruption currency download earth europe grid grid-irregular india license-proprietary malevolentprotagonist naturalistic neareast northamerica risk russia satire seriousgame southamerica steampowered tutorial ubuntu This game is very much like the board game risk. But rather than players commanding military conquests, players are bankers using neocolonial tactics to buy and sell votes for profit. After 12 turns, the player that has managed to deposit the most funds in their swiss bank account is the winner.

It is a [i]humorless[/i] and pointed satire of real world global 'banker'. It names well known figures both past and present such as J.P. Morgan, Ronald Reagan, Alan Greenspan, Donald Trump, and many more. Players are actually named after such people.

The term "Neocolonialism" is the idea of using capitalism, business globalization, and cultural imperialism to influence a country without using (or necessarily having) direct military or political control. It is notably thought of as a Marxist theory despite the term being coined after the death of Karl Marx.***[center][size=300]Neocolonialism[/size]
[size=150]Ruin Everything[/size][/center]

Buy votes. Extract wealth. Exploit the working class. Negotiate. Backstab. Manipulate parliaments. Manipulate the International Monetary Fund. Manipulate the world. The map is upside-down.
Deadfall Adventures Nordic Games (The Farm 51)2014 1930s 20thcentury actionadventure adv-intermediary adventurerprotagonist africa allanquatermain arctic book centralamerica commercial compass contemporaryfantasy cpplanguage crates download dualwielding earth egypt elevators envcombat firearms fofindicator guatemala handguns inbuilttraps lamp license-proprietary magic maleprotagonist mesoamerican-theme mp-crossplatform mp-ctf mp-dm paranormal precisionrifles reload-manual ruins secrets speech-german steampowered submachineguns temple ubuntu undead unskippablenoninteraction upgradesystem uvl-steamcoveragecheck Linux beta was made available on 2013-12-31 to those who bought the game in Steam. Final Linux release still yet to happen. labelminimizeminimize
Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation  Core Design2014 actionadventure africa archeologistprotagonist commercial earth egypt egyptian-theme fanservice fantasticearth femaleprotagonist license-proprietary oopitems opentombengine paranormal present ruins tombraider tombraider-1st labelminimizeminimize
Age of Conquest IV Noble Master Games2016 africa asia australia commercial earth europe free2play grid grid-irregular indie langportuguese langturkish license-proprietary medieval neareast northamerica opengl-2-0 opengl-2-1 southamerica x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Horizon Chase Turbo Aquiris Game Studio2018 2010s 21stcentury 3ormoreplayers 3rdmillennium africa afterburner australia brazil california china city commercial demo download earth ghostrace india indie landvehicle latemodernperiod license-proprietary motorracing mp-cooperative mp-versus naturalistic northamerica outdoors present southafrica southamerica steampowered surreal wheeledvehicle labelminimizeminimize
Gravel  Milestone (Virtual Programming)2019 africa alaska automobile-alpinea110 automobile-fordfiesta automobile-fordfocus automobile-fordrs200 automobile-lancia037 automobile-lanciadelta automobile-mitsubishilancer automobile-porsche911 automobile-porschecayenne automobile-renault5 automobile-subaruimpreza automobile-toyotacelica automobile-volkswagenpolo bossbattles commercial earth eontech europe ford indoors langbrazil-port license-proprietary mp-ctf mp-versus namibia nonnative northamerica oceania offroadracing opengl outdoors porsche southamerica stadiumracing steamos toyota ubuntu usa x86-64 64-bit, Ubuntu 16.04, SteamOS 2.0, mesa 18.1, nvidia 390.48 labelminimizeminimize
GearCity KISS (Vent)TBA 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 20thcentury 21stcentury 2ndmillennium 3rdmillennium africa bizsim commercial download earth electricvehicles europe latemodernperiod license-proprietary marketfluctuation naturalistic northamerica ogre-engine opengl opengl-1-2 opengl-2-0 past researching serious slackware southamerica supplyanddemand ubuntu x86 Design, mass produce and sell automobiles. Research new technologies. Make money. Sell Tuckers. Compete against 300 real and invented auto manufactures in earth's real economy from 1900 to 2010. labelimagesubject