showing 39 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Braid Number None2010[media=youtube]6jWVRRaJT0U[/media] labelimageminimize
Capsized IndiePub (Alientrap Games)2011 labelminimizeminimize
VVVVVV Distractionware2011Play Captain Viridian who during evacuation of his ship, became separated from the crew and was zapped it the VVVVVVth dimension. Captain Viridian can reverse gravity of the environment at will to navigate the gameworld and avoid hazards. Help him rescue his crew and return to normal space. labelimagesubject
No Time to Explain TinyBuildGames2011This is original the flash based version of the game packaged for native installation on Linux. It was later ported to the Unity engine a re-released as a new game. labelminimizeminimize
Trine 2 Frozenbyte2011 labelminimizeminimize
Super Meat Boy (SMB) Team Meat2011[spoiler=language warning;close Tommy Refenes]"Linux is garbage"
"Linux can fuck off for all I care."
"Fuck off, indefinitely."[/spoiler]
[Tommy Refenes]***[media=youtube]9hhFBrVCp6Q[/media]
Psychonauts Double Fine Productions2012 labelimageminimize
Dustforce (Dustforce DX) Hitbox Team2012 labelminimizeminimize
Knytt Underground Green Hill Games;Ripstone Publishing (Green Hill Games;Nifflas)2012 labelimageminimize
Intrusion 2 vap games2013 labelminimizeminimize
Wimp: Who Stole My Pants? Flexile Studio2013Meet Wimp - a cute little blob!
Wimp sees wonderful dreams... dreams full of adventure.
In his dreams life has been quiet and peaceful, but in
a sad twist of the story, Wimp's panties have been stolen!
This is where the journey begins. Travel across unique and amazing worlds chasing the thief. Every level is packed to the brim with fun, challenges and new game mechanics. The detailed environments, tricky puzzles and Wimp himself will do their best to keep you from getting bored of the game. And we can guarantee that we will continue to strive for the highest level of polish possible - it has been one of our main goals since the first day of our development process.
Join this enthralling story and travel through astounding worlds helping Wimp to catch the despicable panty pilferer!
As every good puzzle-platformer, Wimp offers you tons of challenging puzzles, different character mechanics including air-control, wall-jumps, double jumps, sticking to surfaces, teleportation and much, much more (not all available at once though, that would be too easy!).
Blocky Brothers author2013 labelminimizeminimize
Spelunky Mossmouth2013 labelminimizeminimize
Glare Phobic Studios2013 labelminimizeminimize
Rogue Legacy Cellar Door Games2013 labelminimizeminimize
Teslagrad Rain Games2013 labelminimizeminimize
A Valley Without Wind (AVWW1) Arcen Games2014 labelminimizeminimize
A Valley Without Wind 2 (AVWW2) Arcen Games2014 labelminimizeminimize
CELESTE Matt Makes Games2014 labelminimizeminimize
Nidhogg Messhof2014 labelminimizeminimize
BattleBlock Theater The Behemoth2014 labelminimizeminimize
TowerFall Ascension Matt Makes Games2014 labelminimizeminimize
Shovel Knight Yacht Club Games2014Play as an honorable knight trained in the code of shovelry. Fight the rogue knights of The Order of No Quarter, defeat the evil Enchantress, and save your girlfriend. labelminimizesubject
Tallowmere author2015 labelminimizeminimize
Freedom Planet (フリーダムプラネット) GalaxyTrail2015 labelminimizeminimize
No Time to Explain Remastered tinyBuild2015The original version of this game was flashed based. This is the entry for the new version made with the Unity engine. labelminimizeminimize
Terraria author (Re-Logic)2015Several fans have unofficially ported the game to Linux. All of these ports are quite playable.

Re-Logic is developing an official port.
Broforce Devolver Digital (Free Lives)2015 labelminimizeminimize
SuperTux (SuperTux 2) SuperTux Dev Team2015This is mistakenly called SuperTux 2 in some places, which refers to the SuperTux milestone 2 presumably (0.2 version). This is, as far as I can tell, essentially the same game as SuperTux: Revenge in Redmond but much farther along its development as the original author never started a second game beyond the karting one.

Even the "publisher" of the original, New Breed Software, links to this newer revision of it instead of whatever the original was.***[media=youtube]dRKSannrMHg[/media]***This sequel project has a long development cycle. It is based on further development of the original SuperTux: Revenge in Redmond.

The upcoming SuperTux 2 is planned to have new features:[list][*]new art
[*]higher resolution
[*]complex programmable boss behaviors.
[*]Moving platforms
[*]Falling rocks
[*]Portable boxes, stackable
[*]Vertically flipped levels
[*]A forest world
[*]A parallel ghost forest world
[*]Transitions between the two worlds, optional and forced
[*]Cannons and dispensers
[*]Puzzle elements
[*]Ice shot freezes water
[*]Fire shot melts ice and burns flammable materials
[*]Butt Jump
[*]Super Buttjump
[*]Telephones to relay messages
[*]Ambient Sound
[*]Time limits
[*]Many more visual effects
[*]Continue point markers
[*]Falling blocks
[*]Sequences of actions (a Indiana Jones rolling stone for example)
[*]Riding moving objects (such as rising bubbles)
[*]Flammable blocks
[*]Poison Ivy enemy
[*]Mr. Tree enemy
[*]Mr. Rocket enemy
[*]Dispenser enemy
[*]Zeekling enemy
[*]Kugelblitz enemy
[*]Snail enemy
[*]Spider enemy
[*]Bosses enemy
[*]Yeti boss
[*]Ghost boss[/list][spoiler=;][/spoiler]
N++ (NPLUSPLUS) Metanet Software2016 labelminimizeminimize
StarBreak Crunchy Games2016 labelminimizeminimize
A Hat in Time Gears for Breakfast (Virtual Programming)2017 labelminimizeminimize
Super Meat Boy Forever (SMBF) Team Meat2017 labelminimizeminimize
The End is Nigh Jump (Icculus)2017 labelminimizeminimize
Hollow Knight Team Cherry2017 labelminimizeminimize
Rise of the Tomb Raider Square Enix;Feral Interactive (Crystal Dynamics;Feral Interactive)2018 labelminimizeminimize
Chasm Bit Kid2018[b]Are you ready to explore the depths?[/b]

Chasm is a 2D Platformer Action-RPG currently in development for Windows, Mac, & Linux. Taking equal inspiration from hack ‘n slash roguelikes (procedurally generated dungeons, loot drops, etc) and Metroidvania-style platformers, the game aims to immerse you in its 2D fantasy world full of exciting treasure, deadly enemies, and abundant secrets.

Players take up the role of a soldier passing through a remote mining town on their journey home from a long war. The town’s miners have recently disappeared after breaching a long-forgotten temple far below the town, and reawakened an ancient slumbering evil. Now trapped in the town by supernatural forces, you’re left with no option but to explore the mines below, battle enemies and bosses, and increase your abilities in hopes of finally escaping and returning home.[sic]
Cyber Shadow Yacht Club Games (Mechanical Head Studios)2020 labelminimizeminimize
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams (Project Giana) Black Forest Games2022 labelminimizeminimize