showing 8 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Last Man Standing author? labelminimizeminimize
DOOM 3 id Software2004[media=youtube]WWYQHvU_ABU[/media][media=youtube]MOS5BHqmBnU[/media] labelminimizeminimize
Zigfrak Entheogen Studios2012[b]Desura Description[/b]
When the Xenoid threat was discovered, human society was thrust into an era of martial law. Security became top priority, at the cost of individual liberty.

In the face of this growing oppression, many left their homeworlds in search of freedom. The Freerunners fled, to explore and settle the new frontier planets.

When Enforcers from the homeworld pursued them in a military effort, the Freerunners were forced to defend themselves. This was the beginning of the great human civil war which continues to this day.

In hope of defending your settlements against threats, both human and alien, you have enlisted as a pilot with the Freerunners.***[b]Homepage Description[/b]

[b]Zigfrak: A game of deep space conflict and discovery...[/b]

When the Xenoid threat was discovered, human society was thrust into an era of martial law. Security became top priority, at the cost of individual liberty.

In the face of this growing oppression, many left their homeworlds in search of freedom. The Freerunners fled, to explore and settle the new frontier planets.

When Enforcers from the homeworld pursued them in a military effort, the Freerunners were forced to defend themselves. This was the beginning of the great human civil war which continues to this day.

In hope of defending your settlements against threats, both human and alien, you have enlisted as a pilot with the Freerunners.

[i]Zigfrak is a space based shoot-and-loot action RPG.[/i]
The Swapper Facepalm Games2013 labelminimizeminimize
dhewm3 d3xp  author2015 labelminimizeminimize
dhewm3 doom3  author2015 labelminimizeminimize
The Dig LucasArts2015 labelminimizeminimize
Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope Devolver Digital (Croteam)2017 labelminimizeminimize