showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues  Portalarium2018 ♫rulebritannia abilitycharges abilitycooldown abilitydependencies actionrpg agriculture airship alcohol alphafunding animals applemetal arbitraryrewards archers arid assemblylang autumnal axes backstabbing baseofoperations bittorrent blackpearls bludgeons boat bodyarmor bossbattles bows boxed buildingdesigning capacity-stacks capacity-weight castle cattle cave cemetery cervids chargedactions chemistry chickens circadiancycle city citybuilding cliff cloaking clockworkcreatures commercial compass constructing containers controlmalfunction cooking corpselooting cover crafting crafting-ammo criminalactivity crossbows crowdfunded csharplanguage defensebreaking demo derelictgraveyard dirigibles disguisedtriggers distracting dodging doors download dragons drm ducks dungeon eagles eavesdropping electricweapons elevators elves espionage estate explainedthirdperson exploration facing fantasyworld farming fasttravel femaleprotagonist fictionalelement fictionallocation fictionaluniverse fishing flanking fmod fog foraging forcedvariety forcefields forest fortress fromanotherworld furnishing garlic genderchoice genrechange ghosts giantinsects giantscorpions giantspiders group groupbuffs groupfocus groupsizepowerscaling healingitems healthregen healthregen-activitylevel healthregen-moderate healthregen-slow healthwarning hiding hillland home horses humanoids humid hunting illequipped indoors infravision interactivefiction interactivetriggers interrupting inventory invisiblewalls involuntaryactions island isolatedlocale itemdurability jewelry jumping jungle keyboard knives kobolds ladders lagomorphs lamp license-proprietary lightdousing localsystemfiles lockpicking logging magic magicweapons maleprotagonist map medieval meleeweapons mine mines mmog monastery monsters mountain mouse mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform music-custom music-orchestral music-vocal musicalinstruments naturalweapons neutralnpcs nodrm npchealing npcregen npcschedules npcstunning openworld otherworld outdoors outlaws overworld pickpocketing pigs pirates plains polearms powernegation projectilerecovery prophecy prospecting pvp rain recallportal refillableliquidcontainers refugees repairing researching resourceharvesting resting resuscitation rewardingvandalism riding river robots rooftops rookieprotagonist ruins rural safeledges scavenging scrolls secrets serious sewers shallowwater shantytown sheep shields shopping shore silviculture sorcery spears stealing stealth stealth-motion stealth-range stealth-sight stealth-sound steamos steampowered stunning subterranean subtropic summery summoning surreal swimming swords taxes teaching teleport teleporters temple teslacoils thickvegetation thoroughfareconstruction thoroughfares thrownweapons town trackermusic treants trees trespassing trivialresearch tropic tunnels ubuntu ultima unarmedfighting undead unity-engine ursines vagrants vegetation volcanic walking wasteland watercraft watercraft-large watercraft-small weaponcustomization weaponupgrades weathereffects wetland wilderness wintery wolves x86 x86-64 xp-deeds xp-kills xp-literal xp-multi xp-unliteral zombies labelimageminimize