showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Wump  author1993Linux port of BSD Games, 1997***The game wump is based on a fantasy game first presented in the pages of
People's Computer Company in 1973. In Hunt the Wumpus you are placed in
a cave built of many different rooms, all interconnected by tunnels.
Your quest is to find and shoot the evil Wumpus that resides elsewhere in
the cave without running into any pits or using up your limited supply of

While wandering through the cave you'll notice that, while there are tun‐
nels everywhere, there are some mysterious quirks to the cave topology,
including some tunnels that go from one room to another, but not neces‐
sarily back! Also, most pesky of all are the rooms that are home to
large numbers of bats, which, upon being disturbed, will en masse grab
you and move you to another portion of the cave (including those housing
bottomless pits, sure death for unwary explorers).

Fortunately, you're not going into the cave without any weapons or tools,
and in fact your biggest aids are your senses; you can often smell the
rather odiferous Wumpus up to two rooms away, and you can always feel the
drafts created by the occasional bottomless pit and hear the rustle of
the bats in caves they might be sleeping within.

To kill the wumpus, you'll need to shoot it with one of your magic
arrows. Fortunately, you don't have to be in the same room as the crea‐
ture, and can instead shoot the arrow from as far as three or four rooms

When you shoot an arrow, you do so by typing in a list of rooms that
you'd like it to travel to. If at any point in its travels it cannot
find a tunnel to the room you specify from the room it's in, it will
instead randomly fly down one of the tunnels, possibly, if you're real
unlucky, even flying back into the room you're in and hitting you!
Be The Wumpus Hermitworks Entertainment2007Its the same old Wumpus game except you play as the Wumpus instead of the Wumpus hunter. Oh, you do remember that the Wumpus is an non-sighted creature yes? As GPL makes this game available to all without restriction, fowl language was added to limit its popularity to a select group of players. labelminimizesubject
Hunt The Wumpus Dream Codex2010Hunt The Wumpus is a remake of the classical searching game by Gregory Yob. It is heavily inspired by the graphical version released on the TI-99/4A computer.
You play a lone hunter seeking to liberate a village from the predations of the Wumpus. Entering the twisting caverns, you must avoid slime pits and the unpredictable bats in your search. Bloodstains on the floors warn you that the Wumpus slumbers nearby, and when you've determined the beast's location, you have one chance to fire your arrow. Succeed and the threat of the Wumpus is ended. Fail, and you become the next victim of the Wumpus.
Half-Life  Valve2013Linux and Mac OS X beta was released in 2013-01-25, no proper release yet. labelminimizeminimize
Half-Life: Source Valve2013 labelminimizeminimize
SOMA Frictional Games2015[spoiler=genderbender;genderbender]The application of the [b]genderbender[/b] tag in this case is possibly the best option of no good options. Gender identity in SOMA is intentionally complex and layered among other complexities that only a Sci-Fi story could have.[/spoiler] labelminimizeminimize