showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
Captain Forever  Pixelsaurus (Pixelsaurus;Future Crayon)2009 capacity-unlimited capturedresources commercial customengine designing-freeform download free2play juryrigging license-proprietary opensolutions physics space spacecraft vehicledesigning Build your ship out of modules left over after you destroy enemy ships. Capture hulls, weapons, engines and attach them. Then use them immediately. labelminimizesubject
Secrets of Grindea Pixel Ferrets2016 2hmeleeweapons adv-ptdistr adv-static alphafunding amoeboids animals bludgeons bossbattles bossmeter bows capacity-unlimited chickens commercial crafting crates csharplanguage damageinfo download enemyhealthdisplay fasttravel-points grinding healthdrops indevelopment inventory itemget leveluprestoration license-proprietary loot-random loot-unexpected magic monsters mp-cooperative npcspawning plantcreatures protagonistdesigning pumpkin rewardingvandalism santaclaus shields sorcery steampowered swords tasktracker town ubuntu vanityitems witches xnaframework xp-deeds xp-kills xp-shared labelminimizeminimize