showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Forsaken Sanctum author? 2110s 2120s 2130s 2140s 2150s 2160s 2170s 2180s 2190s 22ndcentury alcohol aliens axes bizarrecreatures carnivorousplants city classbased disarming extraterrestrial firearms forest future gangs gunslingers handguns humanoids humans knives magic meleeweapons mine monsters naturalistic-vague otherworld postapocalypse space spacecraft spacestation swords techdisparity technomagic undead walking wildboars zombies labelimageminimize
The Legend of Edgar Parallel Realities? amoeboids bees birds bizarrecreatures bossbattles carnivorousplants chickens chiroptera deb debian elevators fish floatingeyes giantspiders inventory jumping keys meleeweapons monsters raft rpm savepoints saveslots sdl slackware swords testudines town tutorial walking wetland windmills labelimageminimize
Ardentryst  Project Ardentryst2007 actionchaining adv-perks adv-static arm64 armcpu aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-4-3 aspectratio-anamorphic axes bossbattles butterflies carnivorousplants chargedattack chiroptera containers crossbows currency deathpits encounters-popup enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen fantasyworld femaleprotagonist forest genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders giantwasps harmfultouch healingitems healthregen humanoids inventory jewelry jumping license-gpl3 loot-random loot-unexpected magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons mollusk monsters multiarch netranking npcregen obsoletedassets optionaltasks polearms potions premadecharacters pygame pythonlanguage rapidmovementplants savepoints sdl shopping snails sorcery spiders summery swords teenprotagonist titlementioned town tutorial ubuntu uvl-descriptionincomplete vorbis walking widescreen wintery x86 x86-64 xp-kills labelimagesubject
Tales of Adventure 2 betaspark2014 bossbattles carnivorousplants commercial download hostileflora langchinesesimpl langchinesetrad laserbolts license-proprietary magic monsters plantcreatures rapidmovementplants steampowered ubuntu unusualmounts visiblelasers walking labelminimizeminimize
Bravada Interbellum2014 adv-perks amoeboids bossbattles carnivorousplants chiroptera commercial crabs crystalentities demo desura dodgechance download dragons formations giantfungi giantinsects grid grid-square hostileflora indie insects landcephalopods license-proprietary magic mycoids plantcreatures shopping steampowered subclassing tactical tutorial ubuntu unity-engine unrootedplants veterancy labelminimizeminimize
UnEpic author2014 ♫takefive 1life achillesheelfoes acid adv-ptdistr amoeboids antiheroprotagonist automap autosaves-periodic axes backstabbing backtracking bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows burning captives carnivorousplants castle cave cemetery chemistry civilianprotagonist clingers constrainedlocale counselor crafting-sites criticalchance damageinfo damageovertime damagetypes dark demo desura difficulty displacementfiction doors draganddrop dragons edgescroll elementals elevators elves falseending fasttravel-points fauns floatingeyes freezing fromanotherworld gelatinouscubes gems giantants giantgastropods giantinsects giantsnakes giantspiders giantworms goblinoids goblins gog grapplers graverobbing heads healingitems healingstations healthpickups healthwarning hintsystem hitmoderation inbuilttraps indie inventory inventory-supplies invisiblefoes itemgenerator jumping karmiccreatures keys knights knives knockback knockbackwards laboratory ladders lamp library loot-random magic magic-ingredients magicrings mapannotation meleeweapons metagaming metroidvania mine moaifigures monsters mystics necromancers neutralmonsters neutralnpcs nofalldamage nonlinear npcdisarming npchealing npcspawning obsoletedassets optionaltasks orcs pet playerstats polearms portals potions premadeprotagonist pressureplates prison quickkeys recallportal respec rewardingvandalism robots roombased savepoints scientists score secrets sewers sex shallowwater shopping skeletons skillbasedeq sorcery spawners statuseffects stealingnpcs strangebedfellows suicideattackers supportnpcs swords tasktracker teleport teleporting temporarycompanions tentaclecreatures toxins undead undefinedelements volcanic vorbis walking wallcrawlers wands xp-kills ziplines labelminimizeminimize