showing 17 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Apollo The Gravity Game author? caveflyer caveflying fuel healingstations labelminimizeminimize
Assault Wing author? caveflyer cpplanguage gtk pvp sdl labelminimizeminimize
Fly Hard author? caveflyer chainreactions explosives langinsignificant sdl labelminimizeminimize
Missile of Holiday Cheer Zarbosoft? 3ormoreplayers caveflyer christmas contemporaryfantasy elves holiday openal sdl vorbis labelminimizeminimize
Thrust author? caveflyer langinsignificant svgalib tractorbeams ubuntu uvl-confusable labelimageminimize
Thrust author? caveflyer svgalib tractorbeams uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Fleuch author1998 caveflyer svgalib ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
spout author2001 caveflyer debian langinsignificant license-gpl pixelated sdl ubuntu x86 x86-64 labelimagesubject
KOPS Jetro Lauha2001 caveflyer caveflying destructibleenvironment fmod sdl labelimageminimize
Luola -2002 caveflyer sdl ubuntu labelimagesubject
Galaxy Forces V2 author2006 caveflyer clanguage cpplanguage leveleditor license-publicdomain opengl sourcecodeavailable x11 labelminimizeminimize
Galaxy Forces V2  author2006 caveflyer clanguage cpplanguage leveleditor license-publicdomain opengl sourcecodeavailable x11 labelminimizeminimize
Wings 2 author2006 caveflyer license-proprietary mpffa uvl-confusable labelimagesubject
Bitfighter author2007 caveflyer centos cpplanguage customengine desura download glut indie license-gpl lua lutris openal opentnl retro spacecraft suse ubuntu x86 x86-64 labelimageminimize
Mother of all gravity games  author2007 caveflyer java langinsignificant labelminimizeminimize
Crust Nordic Mobile Labs2012 artillery caveflyer caveflying commercial debian demo destructibleenvironment difficulty download energyweapons healthpickups langinsignificant license-proprietary naturalistic overheating pixelterrain spacecraft subterranean tractorbeams ubuntu unlimitedammo weaponkickback x86 x86-64 labelimageminimize
Super Grav DemonStudios2016 3ormoreplayers caveflyer commercial download license-proprietary mp-cooperative mp-versus steamcontroller steamos steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize