showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Escape: Sierra Leone Slayer_22014 1990s 20thcentury 2ndmillennium assaultrifles bananas capacity-slots circadiancycle civilwar commercial consequences cryengine download earth escape hunger injuries inventory island latemodernperiod license-proprietary limitedcapacity meleeweapons multipleendings naturalistic past realworld scavenging serious sierraleone steampowered survival ubuntu walking weathereffects labelminimizeminimize
Star Citizen: Squadron 42 Roberts Space Industries2014 commercial crowdfunded cryengine devsyslinux download license-proprietary space spacecraft spacecraftcombat trading uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Crossing The Line Zomboko Entertainment2015 commercial cryengine download firstpersonshooter indevelopment indie indoors license-proprietary neonoir outdoors paranormal ubuntu visions labelminimizeminimize
Kingdom Come: Deliverance Warhorse Studios2015 1400s 15thcentury 2ndcentury alternativesolutions axes birds bleeding blood bludgeons bodyarmor bows boxed chemistry city classless consistentdamage containers cooking crossbows crowdfunded cryengine currency dawnofanewage defensebreaking destructibleitems dialog-tree environmentalcontact epic europe fallimpact fatigue forest friendlyfire fullbodyawareness horses hunger hunting indevelopment injuries interactivedialogs inventory inventory-unprotected knives ladders limitedcapacity malfunctioning medieval meleeweapons middleages mmog mountain naturalistic negotiatedresolutions optionaltasks past pickpocketing polearms ramparts realistic realisticdamage realworld recoil reputation resting riding rotting shopping siegeladders siegetowers siegeweapons spears stamina strayfire swords town trebuchet unarmedfighting walking wildboars labelimageminimize
Cradle Mojo Game Studios2016 commercial cryengine download indevelopment license-proprietary uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
SNOW Poppermost Productions2016 commercial cryengine download free2play license-proprietary steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem  SolarFall Games (Wolcen Studio)2016 aaa commercial crowdfunded cryengine download indevelopment license-proprietary monsters labelminimizeminimize