showing 8 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
The Legend of Zelda: Oni-Link Begins  author? actionadventure ancientenemy automap bossbattles bribing cheapdeath childprotagonist chosenone cpplanguage currency curse doors elves fangame forest humanoidprotagonist illequipped itemget keys ladders lethalobjects limitedcapacity magic monsters nohumans projectiledeflection returnofthehylianengine rewardingvandalism sdl skeletons subterranean trees ubuntu undead unexpectedsituation walking labelimageminimize
Bean's Quest Kumobius2012 animateobjectprotagonist commercial curse desura download earth humans jumping license-proprietary magic maleprotagonist mystics physics x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Din's Curse Soldak Entertainment2014 actionrpg commercial curse demo diablolike download drm dungeon gog license-crossplatform license-proprietary mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform nodrm steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Poöf vs the Cursed Kitty! Neko Entertainment (Arkedo Studio)2014 anthroprotagonist canidaeprotagonist combobonuses commercial curse download hopandbop license-proprietary monsters powerups protect score slowmotion ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Din's Curse: Demon War Soldak Entertainment2015 actionrpg commercial curse diablolike download drm dungeon gog license-crossplatform license-proprietary mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform nodrm ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
X-Blades  Topware Interactive (Gaijin Entertainment)2016 actionadventure aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 chargers combobonuses commercial curse dagor-engine dissolvingcorpses download drm drm-activation dualwielding elementals fanservice felinoids femaleprotagonist firearms fmod giantmonsters gunblades hackandslash healthregen insectoids interlinkedlevels island jumping langhungarian langromanian license-proprietary magic meleeweapons midairjumping monsters multipleendings nonnative npcgenerators rage rewardingvandalism ruins sciencefantasy score scoremultipliers souls spectres steampowered surround5.1 swords teleport traproom tripeds tutorial ubuntu vibrant vorbis walking warriorprotagonist widescreen wine labelminimizeminimize
The Legend Of Zelda: Mercuris’ Chest  authorTBA actionadventure ancientenemy automap bossbattles bribing cheapdeath childprotagonist chosenone cpplanguage currency curse doors elves fangame forest humanoidprotagonist illequipped indevelopment itemget keys ladders lethalobjects limitedcapacity lua magic monsters nohumans projectiledeflection rewardingvandalism sdl skeletons solarusengine subterranean trees ubuntu undead unexpectedsituation walking labelminimizeminimize
The Legend of Zelda: Oni-Link Begins SE  authorTBA actionadventure ancientenemy automap bossbattles bribing cheapdeath childprotagonist chosenone cpplanguage currency curse doors elves fangame forest humanoidprotagonist illequipped itemget keys ladders lethalobjects limitedcapacity lua magic monsters nohumans projectiledeflection rewardingvandalism sdl skeletons solarusengine subterranean trees ubuntu undead unexpectedsituation walking labelminimizeminimize