showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddisplaydescription
Alchemy Mysteries: Prague Legends Jetdogs Studios2014textured polygons labelminimizeminimize
Legie SudokopTBAtextured polygons[spoiler=show video;hide video][media=youtube]8yHQ2UtztXM[/media][/spoiler]
Currently the author claims Linux compatibility via wine, but is completing a native Linux version.
[Zerothis]***„If the devil gave the possibility to make decisions to a man, let him be the origin of all evil in man's deeds, let him take the blame, not the stupid man that does as his lowest urges and desires command him to."
[list][*]Unique combination of a 3D adventure and "classic" dungeon crawler.
[*]Dark story about an innkeeper, beer and the devil that takes place in the medieval Czech town of Jilemnice.
[*]Poetic dialogues, wise words, bargaining, furious fights...
[*]RPG without magic, elves and hobbits.
[*]No saving the world, no heroics.
[*]Low hardware requirements.[/list][spoiler= ; ] [/spoiler]