showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Rune Loki (Human Head Studios;Loki)2001 actionadventure apocalyptic axes blocking bludgeons clothingchanges defensebreaking divinemenace endtime hackandslash ledges license-proprietary linux-2-2 meleeweapons mythicfiction norsemythology opengl oss SDL shields swords throwanything vikings warriorprotagonist x11 labelminimizesubject
Arx Libertatis  ? (Arkane Studios;Zenimax;Arx Libertatis)2011 1life adv-ptdistr amnesia automap ballistics bludgeons bows capacity-slots castle cemetery charactercreation cheese chemistry chemistry-medicine chemistry-toxins cooking cpplanguage cultists dark demons disguisedtriggers displacementfiction divinechampion divinemenace doors drawing dungeon dungeoncrawler elevators fromanotherworld fullbodyawareness giantinsects goblins healingitems hillland humanoidprotagonist humans immersivesim inventory jumping license-gpl limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-precast magic-sigils mediaindrive medieval meleeweapons minimap mummies murinoids naga neutralnpcs openal opengl pointertoggle potions refillableliquidcontainers rescue saveanywhere sdl search serious shopping sorcery sourcecodeavailable stealing stealth stealth-light stealth-sight stealth-sound subterranean subterraneanrealm summoning swords systemsdriven trolls ubuntu uipointer undead uvl-missingmedia visionenhancer voiceovers walking xp-kills zombies labelimagesubject
Blood  GT Interactive (Monolith Productions)2015 1920s 1life 20thcentury aimassist alone antiheroprotagonist armyofone beamweapons blood-series bombs buildengine burning carnival clanguage clingers commercial controlconfig cultists damageovertime difficulty display-vesa divinemenace doors dosbox dosextender download electricweapons energyweapons eviloverlord explosiveobjects fanatics findexit firearms firstpersonshooter flaregun gargoyles gog gore grenadecooking grotesque hands healingitems healthpickups hearts hitscan immortals inventory jumping keys labyrinth license-proprietary limitedsupplies magic magicweapons malevolentprotagonist meleeweapons midastouch monsters mp-dm nativeoption nonnative npcfriendlyfire opengl personalquest plethoraofreferences powerups prematuredetonation railyard rats realisticshotguns rebornprotagonist remotedetonators revenge sciencefantasy secrets shotguns singlegender speech-gibberish splatter storagearea submachineguns swimming thermalweapons tinyfoes title-demo underwaterdiving unusualprotagonist voiceovers walkingarmory weirdwest zombies labelminimizeminimize
Isbarah Plug In Digital (NEKO entertainment)2015 airdash bossbattles commercial divinemenace download femaleprotagonist gamesrepublic godlingprotagonist harmfultouch license-proprietary manicshooter monsters opengl score slowmotion ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok Crystal Shard2016 adventurerpg agsengine classbased clickadventure commercial deities devsyswindows divinemenace download endtime giants heroic heroicfantasy heroprotagonist humans indie inventory license-proprietary magic physicalgods prophecy steampowered trolls ubuntu upgradesystem wintery wolves labelminimizeminimize
The Heart of the Earth  Back To Basics Gaming (DeadBrainGaming)2017 commercial deadlydecor directx9 divinemenace download environment-busy gamepad indie instantdeath jumping ladders license-proprietary malevolentprotagonist music-chiptune pixelated religiousprotagonist retro revenge shadermodel2 spinninglevels steamos steampowered ubuntu walking x86-sse2 zoom labelminimizesubject
Pon Para and the Great Southern Labyrinth Choice of Games2019 bronzeage-theme chosenone commercial divinemenace download femaleprotagonist genderchoice interactivefiction license-proprietary maleprotagonist ponpara steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize