showing 21 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal  Knuckle Cracker? creeperworld-series distantfuture flash future license-crossplatform steampowered towerdefense labelminimizeminimize
Pokémon Puzzle Challenge: Online Challenge  Nintendo2001 difficulty flash match3 pokemon-universe uvl-tiein visualmatching labelminimizeminimize
Stinkoman 20X6 Videlectrix2005 flash free2play keyboard labelminimizeminimize
N  SUBLiME;Metanet Software2005 attractmode flash stickfigures labelimagesubject
Epic War Kongregate (ArtLogicGames)2008 angels dragons dwarves elves flash free2play goblins halflings keyboard mouse orcs trolls labelminimizeminimize
Switch-a-Roo! Nintendo2009 flash score scoreoriented labelminimizeminimize
Machinarium Amanita Design2009 aftertheend boxed clickadventure commercial crafting demo desura did download drm entangled flash gog hintsystem hoarding humblebundle indie industrial-setting inventory itempickup-normal juryrigging lang-pictographic langinsignificant license-crossplatform license-proprietary machinecivilization minigames noalternatives nodrm puppetanimation rescue robotprotagonist robots rodents scrapyard ubuntu walking weaklingprotagonist labelimagesubject
Birdie Words  Perpetual Pyramid2011 adobeair difficulty earth flash grid grid-square latemodernperiod letters license-gpl naturalistic pygame pythonlanguage sergeengine traditional wordgame wordinput labelminimizesubject
The Binding of Isaac author2011 blood commercial fatties flash gibs humblebundle itemget license-proprietary lutris roguelite surreal surrealhorror ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Telepath RPG: Servants of God Sinister Design2012 commercial demo desura download flash license-proprietary labelminimizeminimize
Lone Survivor Superflat Games2012 adobeair biogrowth bleak commercial dark-limited decoys defenseless download flash humblebundle indie inventory license-crossplatform limitedsupplies monsters nodrm present surreal surrealhorror survivalhorror labelimageminimize
The Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb author2012 blood commercial fatties flash gibs humblebundle itemget license-proprietary roguelite ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Awesome Shapes DiscoFish2013 commercial deadlydecor desura dodging download flash indie license-proprietary lutris nyop labelminimizeminimize
Intrusion 2 vap games2013 achillesheelfoes aircontrol assaultrifles autozoom beamweapons bossbattles commercial damageflicker driving dualwielding elasticsurfaces encounters-popup envcombat environmentalpuzzle fallbackweapon flash gamersgate giantrobots grenadelaunchers handguns healthpickups humblebundle jumping langinsignificant license-proprietary mecha nodrm permanentcorpses physics retrypoints riding robots skeletalanimation soldiers steampowered story-none turrets ubuntu walking wintery wreckage labelminimizeminimize
Naya's Quest author2013 flash free2play keyboard opticalillusions labelminimizeminimize
STWALT Kongregate ( dwarves elves encounters-random flash free2play halflings humans monsters mouse thieves labelminimizeminimize
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth Nicalis2014 blood commercial fatties flash gibs itemget license-proprietary roguelite steamcontroller steampowered surreal surrealhorror ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Nicalis2014 blood commercial fatties flash gibs itemget license-proprietary lutris roguelite steampowered surreal surrealhorror ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
NEO Scavenger Blue Bottle Games2014 alphafunding ambienttemperature capacity-slots capacity-weight commercial crafting demo desura download firearms flash foraging gog grid grid-hex haxeflixel hiddenitemstats hunger hypothermia inventory license-proprietary limitedcapacity luggage openworldsurvivalcrafting steampowered survivalsimulation temperaturechanges thirst ubuntu labelimageminimize
Tormentum - Dark Sorrow OhNoo Studio2015 bizarrecreatures clickadventure commercial consequences crowdfunded dirigibles download flash gigeresque gloomy humans indie license-proprietary moralchoices organic-theme puzzledriven steampowered trains ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Whack Your Boss with Super Power Box10.com2016 flash mouse selectivecolor labelminimizeminimize