showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Escape from Monkey Island  LucasArts? labelminimizeminimize
Machinarium Amanita Design2009[media=youtube]fBOGvDm7tNo[/media][media=youtube]LYEP4Q_xHYI[/media]***Machinarium is a point-and-click adventure game by
the makers of web games Samorost and Samorost2,
Czech independent studio Amanita Design. Please,
visit our website for our other games and projects:***This is a proprietary commercial game.

All the files of the game have binary names ([b]00101000.111[/b], [b]11110101.000[/b], etc.) and are stored in four directories names [b]00[/b], [b]01[/b], [b]10[/b], and [b]11[/b]
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure Atlus (Big Finish Games)2014 labelminimizeminimize
The Dig LucasArts2015 labelminimizeminimize
The Whispered World  Deep Silver (Daedalic Entertainment)2017 labelminimizeminimize
Full Throttle Remastered Double Fine (Double Fine;Shiny Shoe)2017 labelminimizeminimize