showing 27 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame typedescription
Aliens versus Predator  Fox Interactive (Rebellion)?shooter Horror Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Aliens versus Predator  Rebellion (Icculus)2001Science Fiction shooter labelminimizeminimize
Babaliba  Compiler Software2005adventure puzzle labelminimizeminimize
Killbots author;KDE2006strategy board game turn-based Science Fiction Dodge the robots so that they run into each other. Eliminate all the robots this way. Not an action game however, this is turn based and tile based strategy. labelimageminimize
Kapman author;KDE2007action/reflex maze labelimageminimize
Stringrolled  Logicow (Logicow;Team Rambo)2008action/reflex platformer puzzle A princess, her cat Upsilon are trying to escape the castle with Upsilon's ball of string. Throw, roll, and stand stand on Upsilon's ball of string. Run, jump, avoid enemies. Stand on switches or use Upsilon's ball of string to operate moving platforms and hazards. If either character escapes the castle, you win.

Note the game uses a 320x200 pixel world but defaults to 1280x800 mode. If your system cannot display this mode you must change line 5 and line 6 in [code]./Stringrolled/gamlib/[/code] from:
[code] resolution_x = 1280
resolution_y = 800[/code]
to resolutions more fitting to your system. 320x200, 640x400, and 960x600 modes are well matched to the game. Other modes may be letterboxed, stretched, squashed, or fail to work depending on your hardware.
Art of Theft  Fully Ramblomatic2010platformer This is a small game staring the man known as Trilby. Set in Trilby's self described "colorful past", 2 years before the events in 5 days a skeptic. This game's storyline does not include the Chzo Mythos as it predates Trilby's involvement with the supernatural. Players get to direct the self indulgent, self described "gentleman thief" on heists against rich people that have offended him in some way. Cut electric wires to disable security measures, move with stealth and realistic acrobatics, dodge lights and laser beams, hide in shadows, mess with people's heads, and when all else fails, zap them with your hidden umbrella tazer. Trilby disdains confrontation, he'll only zap so many people before he decides a heist is getting too rough. Alarms tend to attract confrontation as well so setting them off may prompt a retreat also. He will not let the player cause him to get caught, ever.. Heist performance are graded on speed, loot value, avoiding zaps and alarms. Good performance makes headlines of Trilby's exploits that Trilby enjoys reading. They also increases Trilby's confidence and reputation points which he can trade for thieving skills after reading the paper. Prepare to be bad, but debonair in this unique little platformer.
This game uses the AGS engine that's meant for click adventures but this game is obviously not click adventure.
Primal Carnage Lukewarm Media2010action/reflex Game engine was changed from Unigine to UDK (UE3), making Linux version unlikely though not impossible. The developer has removed all references to other platforms besides Windows from their website as well.***This is a proprietary game.
This game appears to have realistic Velociraptors instead of the over-sized fictional version popularized by Jurassic Park (which is actually simular to Utah Raptor, which also appears to be present in this game)
[Zerothis]***Dinosaurs have been unleashed on an old military controlled island due to an experiment gone awry. A team of mercenaries have been dispatched to contain the threat.
Primal Carnage is a multiplayer first person shooter where players must work as a team to complete game mode dependent objectives. In Primal Carnage, you can play as one of two factions: dinosaurs or humans. Both are filled with special unique classes and abilities that complement and contrast each other.
Carnage in SPACE  author2012action/reflex adventure Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Dark Quest Brain Seal Entertainment2013role-play Fantasy Dark Quest is a turn based fantasy role playing adventure game where players assume the role of a mighty barbarian on his epic quest to destroy the forces of the evil sorcerer and save the land from evil.

An evil sorcerer has appearned in the lands, he has built a dungeon in the nearby village of faladir, where his minions use it as a base to raid the surrounding villages to bring terror and death to all its citizens. A hero by the name Zantor dares to defy the powers of the sorcerer and seeks to destroy the dungeon and put an end to this.
Dragon Plunder author2013platformer Fantasy Make your way down to the bottom of the dragon's lair. Collect all the treasure you can. Escape with your life. labelminimizesubject
The Last Disbeliever author2014shooter labelminimizeminimize
Hydra Slayer author2014role-play turn-based Fantasy labelminimizeminimize
Infinity Runner Wales Interactive2014action/reflex Fantasy Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Darklands Retroism (MPS Labs)2014role-play Historical labelminimizeminimize
Mega Coin Squad Cartoon Network (Big Pixel Studios)2014platformer labelminimizeminimize
Escape from Puzzlegate Moleworks2014puzzle Fantasy labelminimizeminimize
Evolve 2K Games (Turtle Rock Studios)2015action/reflex shooter Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
After the Creditd Acid Wizard Studio2015platformer shooter labelminimizeminimize
Orion Trail Schell Games2015simulation adventure Humorous Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Bunny Tag LZinn2017action/reflex labelminimizeminimize
The Lion's Song: Episode 1 - Silence Mi'pu'mi Games2017adventure labelminimizeminimize
The Lion's Song: Episode 2 Mi'pu'mi Games2017adventure labelminimizeminimize
The Lion's Song: Episode 3 Mi'pu'mi Games2017adventure labelminimizeminimize
The Lion's Song: Episode 4 Mi'pu'mi Games2017adventure labelminimizeminimize
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Feral Interactive;Square Enix (Feral Interactive)2019adventure labelminimizeminimize
Caves of Qud Freehold GamesTBArole-play Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize