showing 27 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Aliens versus Predator (AvP;Aliens versus Predator Gold Edition;AvP Gold;AvPGE;Aliens vs. Predator Classic 2000) Fox Interactive (Rebellion)?shooter Horror Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Aliens versus Predator (AvP;Aliens vs. Predator) Rebellion (Icculus)2001Science Fiction shooter labelminimizeminimize
Babaliba (Babaliba Remake) Compiler Software2005adventure puzzle labelminimizeminimize
Killbots author;KDE2006strategy board game turn-based Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Kapman author;KDE2007action/reflex maze labelimageminimize
Stringrolled (Upsilon Cat in Stringrolled) Logicow (Logicow;Team Rambo)2008action/reflex platformer puzzle labelimagesubject
Art of Theft (Trilby: Art of Theft) Fully Ramblomatic2010platformer labelimagesubject
Primal Carnage Lukewarm Media2010action/reflex labelimagesubject
Carnage in SPACE (Carnage in SPACE: Nightmare's Mission) author2012action/reflex adventure Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Dark Quest Brain Seal Entertainment2013role-play Fantasy labelminimizesubject
Dragon Plunder author2013platformer Fantasy labelminimizesubject
The Last Disbeliever author2014shooter labelminimizeminimize
Hydra Slayer author2014role-play turn-based Fantasy labelminimizeminimize
Infinity Runner Wales Interactive2014action/reflex Fantasy Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Darklands Retroism (MPS Labs)2014role-play Historical labelminimizeminimize
Mega Coin Squad Cartoon Network (Big Pixel Studios)2014platformer labelminimizeminimize
Escape from Puzzlegate Moleworks2014puzzle Fantasy labelminimizeminimize
Evolve 2K Games (Turtle Rock Studios)2015action/reflex shooter Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
After the Creditd Acid Wizard Studio2015platformer shooter labelminimizeminimize
Orion Trail Schell Games2015simulation adventure Humorous Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Bunny Tag LZinn2017action/reflex labelminimizeminimize
The Lion's Song: Episode 1 - Silence Mi'pu'mi Games2017adventure labelminimizeminimize
The Lion's Song: Episode 2 Mi'pu'mi Games2017adventure labelminimizeminimize
The Lion's Song: Episode 3 Mi'pu'mi Games2017adventure labelminimizeminimize
The Lion's Song: Episode 4 Mi'pu'mi Games2017adventure labelminimizeminimize
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Feral Interactive;Square Enix (Feral Interactive)2019adventure labelminimizeminimize
Caves of Qud Freehold GamesTBArole-play Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize