showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Peragro Tempus author? labelminimizeminimize
Fall of Imiryn  author2007 labelimageminimize
Engage To Zeldawock author2012Not a formula Zelda game. In this [b][i]shooter[/i][/b], Zelda pursues Link after being kidnapped into into a mysterious temple full of familiar monsters with extremely advanced abilities. She is armed with only her magic.

Basic magic is fired directionally and continuously until the magic meter is exhausted. Advanced magic spells can be collected within the temple. These are fired with a cursor controlled by the mouse. Advanced magic uses the meter much more rapidly. The magic meter recharges over time.

As enemies are eliminated from the room, the remaining enemies begin using more of their advanced abilities. Careful forethought must be exercised to eliminate enemies in an order that prevents a highly difficult subset of the enemies from overwhelming the player. For instance, Blue Octorocks can more rapidly fire more shots as other enemies are eliminated; eventually resulting in unavoidable beams in all four directions. Likewise, Blue Darknuts start firing spreads of multiple sword shots; eventually resulting in a 30° arc of sword shots leaving almost no safe zone within, even from clear across the room (where the shots are spread the most apart from one another).

In windowed mode, the mouse pointer can pass outside of the play-field. Simply avoided by only playing in full-screen mode.
Bravada Interbellum2014 labelminimizeminimize