showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Peragro Tempus author? aerostat aging alcohol amphibians bartering bizarrecreatures bodypiercing castle caterpillars circadiancycle city crystalspaceengine death dirigibles forest gianthumanoids giantinsects home horses humans hunger indevelopment insectoids inventory jewelry jumping karma landcephalopods license-cc license-gpl license-mixed lifesimulation magic meleeweapons mmog nudity permadeath riding seamlessworld slavery summery swimming swords tentaclecreatures timetravel town war warfare-land watercraft weather wintery labelminimizeminimize
Fall of Imiryn  author2007 adv-progress adv-static annchientaengine beach birds bizarrecreatures bleak bossbattles combatmode containers cpplanguage dragons dragons-western drugs encounters-popup encounters-random energyitems fishing friendlyfire giantinsects giantspiders goblins grenades group healingitems humanoids inventory inventory-indisposable island landcephalopods license-gpl loot-random magic meleeweapons militantprotagonist mollusk monsters mutants obsoletedassets octopus opengl otherworld pirates polearms potions rapidmovementplants realtimecombat savepoints scorpions sdl seamonsters serious staves subterranean swords tanks techdisparity technomagic titlementioned tragicending treachery treants ubuntu undefinedlocomotion unrootedplants walking wintery labelimageminimize
Engage To Zeldawock author2012 amoeboids dataonly doors explosives fangame femaleprotagonist free guidedweapons-pointer humanoidprotagonist indoors inventory keys landcephalopods license-proprietary magic monsters mouse noncanon nopointercapture rewardingvandalism secrets ubuntu walking zeldaclassicengine labelimagesubject
Bravada Interbellum2014 adv-perks amoeboids bossbattles carnivorousplants chiroptera commercial crabs crystalentities demo desura dodgechance download dragons formations giantfungi giantinsects grid grid-square hostileflora indie insects landcephalopods license-proprietary magic mycoids plantcreatures shopping steampowered subclassing tactical tutorial ubuntu unity-engine unrootedplants veterancy labelminimizeminimize