showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Shogo - Mobile Armor Division Hyperion Entertainment2001 1life asphyxiation assaultrifles beamweapons city club criticalchance domesticcats doors dualwielding energyweapons firearms friendlyfire ghosttown giantrobots handguns hotel inertscenery jumping knives license-proprietary lithtechengine maleprotagonist mecha meleeweapons militantprotagonist militaryfiction multipleendings museum otherworld precisionrifles recurringopponent researchfacility rewardingvandalism rockets SDL shotguns spacecraft-location spiderbots submachineguns swords tanks titulargroup transformation underwaterdiving vehicularcombat walker walkers walking youngadultprotagonist labelminimizesubject
Book & Volume  Manifesto Games2005 arthouse city currency hard hospital interactivefiction museum policestation realtimelimit search uvl-searchelp wasteland zilengine labelminimizeminimize
Escape the Museum 2 GoGoii Games2010 clickadventure commercial license-proprietary museum labelminimizeminimize
Serious Sam 3: BFE  Devolver Digital (Croteam)2012 22ndcentury achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes africa alieninvasion alienmenace aliens alone anticipatorysightings anticipatorystockpiles apocalyptic assaultrifles bludgeons bombs bossbattles centauroids chainreactions chargers city city-cairo-eg city-karnak-eg city-luxor-eg colossi commercial cyborgs dark-limited destructibleenvironment desura distortedvision download earth egypt encounters-popup energyweapons environmentalaudio excavation exoticweapons fallbackweapon finishingmoves firstpersonshooter future gianthumanoids giantmonsters giants giantworms gibs gore grotesque handcannons handguns helicopters indie ingamecinematics insectoids instantkillers itemglow jetpack jumping knockback ladders lamp latestart license-proprietary lostequipment lutris machineguns macho magic mode-survival monsters mp-cooperative museum npcdeflection nudity oopitems openended overheal precisionrifles precursors ragers reload-auto reload-manual remotedetonators rockets rotaryguns ruins score screenshake screenstaining secrets sequelhook seriousengine serioussam shotguns skeletons splatter steampowered suicideattackers swarmers temple throwback translator turrets ubuntu walking walkingarmory wallcrawlers labelimageminimize
Serious Sam 3: Jewel of the Nile author (Croteam)2012 22ndcentury achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes africa alieninvasion alienmenace aliens alone anticipatorysightings anticipatorystockpiles apocalyptic assaultrifles bludgeons bombs bossbattles centauroids chainreactions chargers city city-cairo-eg city-karnak-eg city-luxor-eg colossi commercial cyborgs dark-limited destructibleenvironment distortedvision download earth egypt encounters-popup energyweapons environmentalaudio excavation exoticweapons fallbackweapon finishingmoves future gianthumanoids giantmonsters giants giantworms gibs gore grotesque handcannons handguns helicopters ingamecinematics insectoids instantkillers island itemglow jetpack jumping knockback ladders lamp latestart license-proprietary lostequipment machineguns macho magic mode-survival monsters mp-cooperative museum npcdeflection nudity oopitems openended overheal precisionrifles precursors reload-auto reload-manual remotedetonators rockets rotaryguns ruins score screenshake screenstaining secrets sequelhook serioussam shotguns skeletons splatter steampowered suicideattackers swarmers temple throwback translator turrets ubuntu walking wallcrawlers labelminimizeminimize
The Real Texas kittylambda games2013 automap beholders blocky bossbattles chiroptera circadiancycle commercial cpplanguage currency customengine desura devsyslinux dialog-keywords diaries doors download dragons drm explosives firearms floatingeyes gog gunslingers handguns illequipped independentaim inventory knights langtexasdialects license-proprietary mice monsters museum nodrm parallelworld rats rednecks rodents snakes subterranean tasktracker texas traproom ubuntu walking wasteland labelminimizesubject
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars - Director's Cut Revolution Software2013 brokensword city-paris-fr clickadventure clowns commercial conspiracy detectivemystery download femaleprotagonist france gog hospital hotel ireland license-proprietary lutris museum scotland spain steampowered syria temple train-location ubuntu virtualtheatreengine youngadultprotagonist labelminimizeminimize
Ultima VI: The False Prophet  author2014 ♫rulebritannia blackpearls directionalforce-wind fromanotherworld garlic group illequipped ineptveteran museum poisoning riding shopping u6engine ubuntu ultima ultimaageofenlightenment labelminimizeminimize
Shadow of the Comet  Infogrames (Atari)2015 1910s 20thcentury clickadventure commercial contemporaryfantasy cthulhumythos darkpast download earth fantasticearth gog langcastellano license-proprietary mintlinux museum ubuntu labelminimizeminimize