showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Commander Stalin  The Commander Stalin Team? labelimageminimize
Return to Castle Wolfenstein  author (Gray Matter Interactive Studios;Nerve Software;id Software)2002 labelminimizeminimize
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Activision (Splash Damage)2003[media=youtube]om0D_s1SBCM[/media]***This was a proprietary game with the source code being released under the GPL license at a later date. The content remains proprietary.
PunkBuster is optional and decided by each server admin.
[Zerothis]***Latest version: 2.60 (as of ?)
Spear of Destiny  author2007 labelminimizeminimize
Spear of Destiny  author2007 labelminimizeminimize
Iron Sky: Operation Highjump SilverQuill (Game Studios IGIOS;LudoCraft)2011Was to be released early 2012 according to the FAQ, but nothing's been seen even by Dec 2012.***Operation Highjump is a 3rd person single player action adventure game set in the year 1945 of an alternate timeline. The game has an overhead camera, turn-based tactical combat and a branching storyline with several endings depending of player decisions along the way.

[b]Engine & platforms[/b]
The game will use Unity3D engine, it'll be in 3rd person and use an overhead camera. The game will be released on PC first, but other (Unity-supported) platforms are also considered.

A standalone prequel story in the world of Iron Sky, the plot revolves around a secret underground Nazi base on the Antarctica before the Nazis leave for the Moon. The Allied forces have practically won the WWII, the Third Reich is defeated, Hitler is dead. The Nazis were never close to victory only to be repelled on the last moment and the high command knows this, they just had immense luck to get this far.

The game will be set entirely on Earth, the Moon will not be a playable area since the Nazis are still preparing for their Moon mission. The three playable characters of the game are a German-born officer and two American scouts shot down while on a mission surveying the Antarctica in preparation for Operation Highjump, a real-life military operation which took place two years later. The player characters are:

[b]Insider:[/b] A German-born officer, who used to spy for the Allies during the war. His specialties are diplomacy and his officer status, which gives him free access to many locations in the base.

[b]Soldier:[/b] An American scout who is captured alive and experimented on by the Nazis, but gets a chance to escape. Soldier's specialties are strength and combat, but he doesn't speak German which limits his communication with many characters.

[b]Unseen:[/b] Another American scout, a woman who masked his identity to be able to serve in the Army WW2. Her specialties are stealth, impersonation/disguises and good grasp of German.

While all characters are originally equally clueless about the base and it's purpose, each of the character types encounters the base from a different angle and has different tools for unraveling it's mysteries and affecting the fate of its inhabitants. All three character perspectives will form a branching storyline where the characters' decisions affect each others' story.
Metro: Last Light  Deep Silver (4A Games)2013 labelminimizeminimize
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis LucasArts2015 labelminimizeminimize
Prisoner of Ice  Infogrames (Atari)2015 labelminimizeminimize