showing 22 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yearpersp.descriptionrank
Chasm Bit Kid2018b[b]Are you ready to explore the depths?[/b]

Chasm is a 2D Platformer Action-RPG currently in development for Windows, Mac, & Linux. Taking equal inspiration from hack ‘n slash roguelikes (procedurally generated dungeons, loot drops, etc) and Metroidvania-style platformers, the game aims to immerse you in its 2D fantasy world full of exciting treasure, deadly enemies, and abundant secrets.

Players take up the role of a soldier passing through a remote mining town on their journey home from a long war. The town’s miners have recently disappeared after breaching a long-forgotten temple far below the town, and reawakened an ancient slumbering evil. Now trapped in the town by supernatural forces, you’re left with no option but to explore the mines below, battle enemies and bosses, and increase your abilities in hopes of finally escaping and returning home.[sic]
Crimsonland 10tons Entertainment2015a labelminimizeminimize
Crystal Kingdom author2013a labelminimizeminimize
Dungeon Hack author?a labelminimizeminimize
Dungeons II  Kalypso Media Digital (Realmforge Studios)2015a labelminimizeminimize
Dungeons II: A Chance of Dragons  Kalypso Media Digital (Realmforge Studios)2016a labelminimizeminimize
Dungeons II: A Clash of Pumpkins  Kalypso Media Digital (Realmforge Studios)2016a labelminimizeminimize
Dungeons II: A Game of Winter  Kalypso Media Digital (Realmforge Studios)2015a labelminimizeminimize
Dungeons II: A Song of Sand and Fire  Kalypso Media Digital (Realmforge Studios)2016a labelminimizeminimize
Dungeons III  Kalypso Media Digital (Realmforge Studios)2017a labelminimizeminimize
Dust: An Elysian Tail Humble Hearts?b labelminimizeminimize
Eschalon: Book II  My Game Company;Basilisk Games (Basilisk Games)2010akSecret of Fathamurk is a free content expansion that was added with patch version 1.05.***Latest version: 1.06 (as of 2010-09-02)
[quote=Basilisk Games]1.06 is compiled with the latest libraries on Ubuntu 10.04. This might make the game incompatible with your system.[/quote]
HOARD Big Sandwich Games2012a labelminimizeminimize
Kingdom  Raw Fury (Noio;Licorice)2015b labelminimizeminimize
Kingdom: New Lands Raw Fury Games (Noio;Licorice)2016b labelminimizeminimize
Majesty Gold Edition Linux Game Publishing (Tribsoft)2003alMSRP: ? (later reduced)
This is a proprietary commercial game.
ID: 8
Real-time strategy. For PC and Apple flavors of Linux.
A single CD comes in a DVD-style case. Requires Kernal 2.2.x+, glibc-2.1+, XFree86 3.3.x+, 166 MHz x86, or 166 MHz PPC Processor, 48MB, 410 MB, 4xCD Rom drive, 8MB Graphics card, OSS Compatible soundcard.
METRO 2033 Redux  Deep Silver (4A Games)2015c labelminimizeminimize
Overlord Codemasters (Triumph Studios)2007d labelminimizeminimize
Overlord II  Codemasters (Triumph Studios)2009d labelminimizeminimize
Overlord: Raising Hell Codemasters (Triumph Studios;Virtual Programming)2016d labelminimizeminimize
RanaRemake CEZ Games Studio?a labelminimizeminimize
X-Blades  Topware Interactive (Gaijin Entertainment)2016d labelminimizeminimize